
Chapter Four

Dawn navigated and avoided bumping into the other students as she made her way through the cafeteria with her lunch tray. Since it was still cold outside, the majority of the students had holed up inside the cafeteria making the room hot and loud.

About halfway through the room, Dawn saw Ewan step into the cafeteria. A silence hushed over the room at his entrance, all eyes directed to the vampire prince. Moving towards the side, Dawn waited for him to stride past.

"You're Dawn, right?"

A chill crept up Dawn's spine at the voice speaking in front of her. This can't be happening! She had taken all the necessary precautions to avoid him. Why was he talking to her?!

Making sure her eyes were blank, Dawn met familiar dark eyes. Eyes as dark as the midnight sky, no ounce of feeling reflected in them.


"I'm Ewan." A rare smile fluttered over Ewan's face and Dawn was sure she heard almost the whole female student population swoon at the sight.

A shiver crawled up her spine again. She remembered in the past, similar to now, Ewan was the first to talk to her, approach her to be friends. After discovering her, he had asked her to go study at the Supernatural Arts Academy with him. Trusting her first friend, Dawn had happily went with him. It wasn't till much later she realized she was only a pawn to him, a pawn to win over the Vampire throne that his mad father refused to relinquish. Ewan had showed a friendly smile in front of her, claiming to be her friend. In the end, he had also abandoned her.

Ewan watched as something flashed in the little girl's eyes. Deep pain, betrayal and....

"What's wrong?" Ewan found himself surprised. Why was he asking a human about how they felt?

"Nothing." Listening to her soft quiet voice, Ewan felt a sense of peace wash over him. He much preferred a voice like this rather than the usual high pitched voices he's used to hearing when he talked to other females.

"Is there something you needed?"

Ewan smiled at her obvious attempt to get rid of him. How interesting...

"I just wanted to introduce myself."

Confused, Dawn nodded her head in acknowledgment and continued to walk past him outside.

Soft footsteps echoed next to her. Was he following her?!

Although she was highly annoyed, Dawn didn't let it show on her face.

"Where are you going?" Ewan asked.



"To eat."

"Oh." The footsteps stopped and then picked up again.

"Can I come?" Dawn stopped at his words, the door to the cafeteria closing shut behind both of them.

Dawn turned around to glare at him. She has had enough of his games.

"Listen up Ewan. You've had your fun, now leave. Stop following me. It's annoying."

Ewan's smile was still on his face, but Dawn knew him well enough that his eyes told her a different story. Vampires valued only three things: power, pride and their reputation. And she had just trampled on his pride.

"You think just because I'm talking to you, you're something special. You're just a useless human who's been out-casted by your fellow peers. A pariah born from a slut of a mother."

If it was before, Dawn definitely would have yelled back at him. But she had already lived a past life, filled with evil manipulations and backstabbing friends. These words were nothing compared to before.

Ewan watched for the human girl to break at his cruel words, but she seemed to grow strong with his words instead.

"I may be a useless, weak human but I at least have a mother who's willing to sacrifice herself for her child. What about you? Can you say for yourself that your father is able to sacrifice anything for you?"

For the past 500 years of his life, Ewan had always prided himself on his control. Nothing had ever shook his self-confidence and pride. Not until her.

There was a loud crash as her tray of food fell to the ground. Dawn felt a sharp pain in her back as Ewan pinned her to the wall. Both of his arms gripped hers and he was close enough that she could see the red flecks glittering in his eyes.

"Say. That. One. More. Time."

Dawn swallowed. She had pushed too far.

Sorry I left you with this cliffhanger! Have fun and hopefully I'll have the next update by tomorrow : D

Jenjencreators' thoughts