
Chapter Five

"Let go."

Ewan felt a thrill run through him at her words. So cold. So distant. He found himself lowering his head to her level, eye to eye. She had such plain looking brown eyes but up close he could see the fire that burned there. Ice cold and destructive.

Dawn was paralyzed where she was pinned to as she watched his face grow closer to her. Her heart started to beat faster as he stretched his face to her neck.

Ewan felt his fangs start to form. He couldn't help himself. She was like a flame and he was a moth, flying closer and closer to his own death. Ewan took a deep breath at her neck....

What the hell?!

Jerking away from her, Ewan stepped back covering his burning nose. Tears almost threatened to fall from his eyes. What was that horrendous smell!

Dawn found herself releasing a deep breathe of relief. Thank god she had taken this safety precaution before she left home. As she watched the proud vampire prince stagger away in fear, she couldn't help her mouth twitch into a smirk. In the past, Ewan had once visited her home and upon meeting her mother doused in perfume had almost died when she reached down to hug him.

"What?" Trying to play dumb, Dawn stepped towards him. "What's wrong Ewan?

The closer she got, the farther he stepped away.

"Don't come close to me!"

A full blown smile was on her face now. "What's wrong, Ewan? You don't look so good."

"Y-y-you..." Lost for words, Ewan stalked angrily away. Insolent, mad, smelly mortal woman!

Dawn finally felt the impending dread of doom that had been lingering over her disappear. Vampires have very strong senses. That's why their preferences generally navigated towards women who rarely uses makeup and carries a lights scent.

The perfume was a emergency escape plan, just in case she wasn't able to avoid him and he got close to her. Sniffing at herself, she wondered why it took so long for him to smell it on her. Did she spray enough? Her eyes caught on the scattered bits of warmed up spaghetti, milk, and cookie splattered next to her.

Looking at her destroyed tray of food on the ground, Dawn felt regret and sorrow. There goes her last meal of the day.

Cursing Ewan Green, she continued on her way outside. The wind was freezing cold, but as Dawn watched her breath fog up in the wind, she couldn't help but rejoice in her solitary. Walking past the dead school field over to a dead tree hidden in the corner of the play field, Dawn pulled out the apple she had luckily enough stashed away into her bag before Ewan had talked to her.

The sweet crunch as she took her first bite made Dawn moan. She loved apples.

Now that she was by herself, Dawn allowed her thoughts to drift. Past memories flashed through her.

In her past life, although Ewan Green was the first to speak to her, she was actually the first one to approach him. In the beginning, she shamelessly chased after him, stalking him like a shadow, never daring to speak to him. Unlike her current self, her past self was similar to the other kids. Attracted to the night, seduced by their promises of adventure and love.

A sudden memory came to her. About a month after Ewan stepped foot into Snowfall High, he was suddenly absent one day. After school that day, in the girl's restroom, one of the group of girls who had been lusting after him had dumped a pail of red paint all over her. The taunts of vampire groupie, stalker, and slut delivered from them had sent her running out from school in tears.

Crying and sniveling, Ewan had found her at this very spot. At first he didn't say anything, just coldly looked at her. She had been surprised when a moment later he plopped himself down next to her and handed her a handkerchief.

"At least wipe the paint from your face before you cry, you look like your bleeding from every pore."

Trembling, she accepted it. Thinking back now, she shouldn't have accepted that piece of cloth. Tears formed in her eyes but refused to fall.

That day, he sat with her until she stopped crying. That day, he became her first friend. That day, was one of the good memories she wished she didn't have.

Because with all the hate she held for him, she found a part of her yearning for her first friend.

Dawn has become a character that is more complicated and human that I thought she would be. She doesn't want the past to repeat itself. She hates her enemies. She wants to avoid all of it.

But a part of her misses the small good things that also happened to her.

Thank you for reading and I'm sorry for the late update. As an apology, I am planning to release another chapter today.

Jenjencreators' thoughts