
Chapter 26: "Unexpected Silence"

"Good night!"

"Are you sleeping?" I asked.

"Prachi! It's only 9:35 p.m. So, don't sleep no-"

She hushed me, putting her palm on my lips.

When I bit her palm, she screamed.

I hissed her.

"Don't scream like this. They'll think that we are having a sexual intercourse."

"Stupid!" she yelled, staring at the printed teethes on her palm.

"It hurts!"

"Let me sleep on my teddy bear!" she smiled, leaning her head on my chest.

"Who's here?"

"You!" she giggled.

I picked a Mathematics textbook from the table and started reading theorems. When I found an important theorem, she was already in a deep sleep even before I tried to tell her. I shocked watching at her with my own eyes, switching mind ON and OFF in an instant. How a human could fall asleep that easy. Even my laugh was unconscious imagining her like "Beauty And A Sleep."

She looked more beautiful while sleeping than she awoke but, the scar above her right eyebrow will always bring back the accident, I saw with my naked eyes. Only if she didn't listen to me at that time, nothing would happen like what has happened. I feel guilty that I shouted at her to walk along with me, and now, I couldn't apologise me for that incident ever. I looked at her tattoo which made her ugly but, if a person sees in the right way, and love the way it is, the scars will always look beautiful.

"Her body is so soft!"

"This beautiful sleeping on me, and I'm reading the book. What an idiot I am!"

"Good Night!" I whispered, hugging her.

I kept the book aside and gently moved my hands through the end of her t-shirt. Her body was too hot to handle as it was making my palms sweat but, her skin was as smooth as longboarding on ice. When I stopped my hand at the middle of her back, my harmonies got fluctuated, and while I was finding her bra notch, she startled me, adjusting herself on me.

"You scared the hell out of me!"

I sighed and continued my passage to her bra notch. While I was unhooking her bra, someone knocked the door.


"What a timing!"

"Are you there?"

"What happened, now?"

"Yes, Harini. Any work here?" I revolted.

"Prachi's Dad is waiting at the down stairs to take her back home!"

"Is Prachi completed her studying?" she asked.

"Prachi! Prachi! Get up! Your dad came to pick you up."

"Wake up, darling!"

"Umm.. Don't disturb me," she hummed.

I got up from the bed and hit her with the pillow.

"Woah!" she gasped.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I controlled my laugh and said, "Your dad is at the down stairs, waiting for you."

Suddenly, her mobile chimes.

"Who's it?"

She looked at me and answered, "My father."

She put the mobile aside, and started overthinking about her father's reaction on sharing the bed with me.

"What your-" I paused.

"Nothin-" I sat on the chair, straight to the bed.

"What is it? Tell me, clearly!"

"I don't want to hear something about father again."

"Are you here, Ragh? Don't talk to yourself, at least now."

"Tell me, what to do now?" she asked, raising her brows.

"Be normal as you are."

"And do not over react!"

"You were so brave back then with that police officer, what happened now?" I chuckled.

She got up; looked at her in the mirror, "Ok! Am I okay?" she asked.

"Wait, what?" she shocked, keeping her hands on her breasts.

"Why I feel like these are hanging freely?" she asked, lowering her brows.

"I-I-I unhooked your bra while you were asleep," I faltered.

"Don't worry. Only you can do this with me," she smiled, hooking it.

I chuckled, seeing her fear, "By the way, you are absolutely stunning!"

She hugged me and entered the outdoors as Harini gave a perplexed look from the outside. When I was about to go down, Harini stopped me and whispered about Uncle's bad mood. I was a little awed of her words because he looked better than the last time we met at the hospital. Maybe she really cared about Prachi or it was just my assumption.

"I love you too," I winked.

"You don't know when to worry, do you?" she blushed.

"I hope nothing will happen with Prachi."

Uncle waved at me with a big smile, by the way. Her prediction gone wrong. So, I rolled my eyes at Harini and asked her to revert what I said; how I said.

"I just-" she paused, "Get lost from here. Your girlfriend's leaving."

"Raghav!" he called.

I walked to him and shook hands.



"Do Raghav lives here?" someone asked, knocking the front door.

I saw an old man with a blonde hair, a long beard with no moustache, and looked like a business person. His age might around forty to forty-five years old.

"Yes, I live--"

Before I ask him something more, Harini held me back, and said that she know him.

"Are you sure?" her father asked.

"Ugh. There you are, Harini. I have been searching for you since June," said the old man.

"She have no relatives, haven't she?"

She grabbed his hands and took him out of the house.

"Well, Ragh. We have to go," Uncle said, looking at Prachi. "Shall we?"

Prachi awkwardly, said, "Ok!"

"Bye, Ragh!" she waved.

"Where is Bhargav?" she asked, peeking at mom's bedroom.

"He might be in the bathroom. I'll tell him for you. You can leave."

She glared at me, angrily and walked out of the house.

"Did I do something wrong?"

I heard Harini yelling at him. It sounded like she indulged in a bad argument. Prachi gestured me to come outside, pointing to the left where Harini was conversing with that old guy. When I walked out to check her, I saw him holding her hands, roughly.


I went to her. Prachi and Uncle, I meant my father-in-law, left home in their car.

"Is everything alright, Harini?"

"Do you really know this guy?"

She replied me as it was her personal matter with a smile.

"Come fast! I'm starving."

She showed her five fingers and said, "Hardly, five minutes more."

"Please, don't come out until I call you!"

I nodded; entered the home and laid on the sofa.

"Who is that guy? I never saw him around her."

"Is she in danger?"

"He look alike, though. Maybe, she lied to me about not having her family."

I woke up from a short nap; found out the clock already crossed ten minutes. All of a sudden, their voices silenced. I terrified and rushed out of the door.

"Ragh! Did you eat anything?"

I found her nowhere at the outside.

"Harini!" I shouted.

"Who was that guy?" Bhargav followed me.

"You were there with us in that whole fucking time, Bhargav! Didn't you hear any voices?" I enraged.

I told him to find her, no matter how much time it would take.

"Isn't she at home?" Bhargav asked, lowering his brows.