
Chapter 43 : Raid Part 4

Kenji threw his face towards Obito without any concern for anything. He chomped down on the mans arm, ripping a chunk from his flesh. As Obito backed away, Kenji allowed the blood to drip from his mouth. He smiled. Showing red-coated teeth, almost thirsting for more.

Obito angered at the animistic act. "I guess that can be a reason. You can try-"


In the middle of blabbering, Obito barely phased through a quick jab...from a black Susanoo.

"Ha. Just another power you blessed me with Obito. And since you had the balls to admit...that you made me kill the first friend I ever had...MY BEST FRIEND!!!! It's only fitting that you die by the power you brought to this world." Kenji spit Obito's flesh at him, feeling the cold jingle of Mist metal against his chest.

Obito chuckled.

In a flash, he flew towards Kakashi and ripped out his eye. Obito smashed his mask to the ground and inserted the ball, firing up his own Susanoo. "Hm. So this is the power of having both dojutsu." He thought.

Kenji put two and two together. This was Kakashi's best friend. He'd have to apologize when he wiped his carcass across the floor.

His vision worsened, but Kenji had a task to complete. Pain didn't effect him right now. The sword of his black Susanoo whipped across Obito's. Straight through him.

"Kenji. You know you can't touch me right?"

Kenji started to heat up, but stopped. Nothing would come from blindly attacking. He took a deep breath. His mind raced around ideas, until Obito threw him into the wall, causing a small collapse beyond the metal walls. Then, he had an idea.

Kenji grabbed his remaining three markers. This would have to work. He coated his arm in lightning and flicked the small knife across the giant room. It sped through Obito at lightning speed who thought Kenji's efforts were useless. The moment the knife exited his Susanoo, a small white cloud shielded the weapon. Obito's focus tightened. One knife sped out of the cloud. The original one. The one Obito avoided. Kenji took the place of it in an instant, only a few feet from Obito. Six more knives emerged from the cloud. Straight to Obito, and diagonal. Kenji watched his own weapons intently. Waiting for the right timing. He wanted to test Obito's ability to phase. Kenji assumed it was a space-time jutsu, similar to the flying thunder god, but he wanted to test another aspect. Obito was able to turn around in time, just in time to witness Kenji's sword coming down on him. Along with six knives. Two of which held explosion tags.

As usual, he phased through the sword and knives. While two explosion boomed at his feet, Obito watched the boy. Kenji was staring at him. Obito stared back. He swore he saw Kenji smile through the dried blood on his lips. Before Obito could react, he was head first into the ceiling. Under him, the real Kenji was emerging from a hole in the floor. The metal floor.

Obito quickly recovered and backed away.

"Hm. Using the explosion tags as a way to get an attack that I can't see. Not bad. But not enough."

Kenji smirked. "We'll see."

Obito continued to smother Kenji in the dirt for thirty minutes. The walls were giving out, threatening to crush thousands of helpless people. Kenji waited patiently, to get the chance. Obito was elusive, never looking into his eyes, but this was the only plan Kenji could muster at the moment. Luckily, he had a gateway, Obito would just have to lower his guard, so Kenji let him be cocky. Almost killing him.

"Kenji. I've had enough fun, so I'm going to end this. I hope you find that trash friend of yours in the afterlife." Obito smiled. He loved seeing Kenji in anguish, but this time, Kenji just stood there.


Kenji appeared right behind Obito, deactivated his Susanoo, and fell right towards Obito. Obito's mind flashed back to Kenji biting his arm. A bite, but also a marker. Clever. In panick, Obito activated his ability. Hoping to phase right through Kenji. But he made a mistake. Kenji's face was right in front of his. And he gazed into Kenji's white eyes for a split second.

Kenji muttered. "Tsukuyomi."

Kenji phased through and hit the ground.

"Fool. You think Tsukuyomi will work on me? I'm an Uchiha too you kno-"

Kenji was staring into his eyes with a lust for murder again. He hoped it would work.

When Obito hit the ground, Kenji let out an evil chuckle. Obito would love that dream. Kenji made it especially for him.


When Obito woke up, he saw the woman he loved. He'd recognize her anywhere. Rin. She was all grown up though. His immediate thought was how did a genjutsu from another sharingan effect him. In the middle of his thoughts, Obito grabbed a knife. He pushed Rin to the ground and straddled her body. He sank the knife into her chest while looking into her eyes. He couldn't control his body. And he didn't have the right mind to say anything.

"Obito." She coughed. Blood spattered against Obito's face. He picked up the knife, slowly, grinding it against the bone and muscles. And thrust it back in. After hundreds of strikes to the person he loved, Obito was begging for mercy. After ten years of striking the person he loved, Obito's face was emotionless. After 100 years of striking the person he loved, Obito didn't care anymore.


He woke up. Obito sat up and saw Kenji sitting on the ground. Gripping his eyes.

Obito startled him and Kenji looked around. "Your awake? Good. Now, It's your turn to experience that dream for yourself."

A black light emerged from Obito's forehead and sparkled into nothingness. He looked around, confused. He looked at Kenji. His eyes were dull. No life in them.

Obito asked, "Where am I?"

"Don't give me that shit."

Kenji grabbed his throat and squeezed. Obito was eye to eye with him.

"Die already." Kenji pushed him to the ground and focused all his strength on his neck. Obito gasped for breath, out of strength. He didn't even know what was happening. How could he die to something he didn't even know about.

Right before he gave up the ghost, others appeared.

"Kenji!!! STOP!!!"

He didn't. He increased his grip.

A strong hand grabbed his arm, right on the scar from Hansuke.

"Kenji. That's enough." He loosened his grip a little, deciding to bite on this explanation.

"Why." He said. Almost like he'd attack them too.

"Even if he's bad, I won't allow you to kill my student."

Kenji finally recognized Minato's voice.

Kenji thought for a minute. His grip loosened a little at a time.

"LORD Hokage. You DO know he's the one that made me kill my friends in the mist."

Minato grabbed him by the shirt. "As your Hokage, I order you to stand down!"

Minato looked in his eyes. They looked different. Lost, and about to cry. But there was something else. Before Minato could decipher, Kenji let go and put his back to Minato. He didn't know how to feel.

Minato looked around. "Kenji. Where's Rei?"

"She's over there." He sounded sad, and pointed to an empty spot on the floor.

"Kenji, she's not there."


Kenji thought about his fight with Obito. No other Akatsuki chimed in or nothing. Just Obito. And he was too hurt to even consider it.

"Don't tell me they took her body." Kenji's fist hardened.

"Her body???" Minato asked. He started moving quickly to Kenji.

Itachi stopped him. "Kenji. How was she taken out?"

"Sasori hit her with a vial of something." Kenji was not interested in talking.

"She may still be alive then." Itachi grabbed both of their attention.

"Sasori wouldn't go through so much trouble to make that poison if it just killed her. He already has many different things for that. Remember Kenji? He worked on that for weeks. He was always absent at meetings. There has to be an ulterior motive here." Itachi cupped his hand.

He glanced at Obito, passed out on the ground. Then back to Kenji.

His heart heaved. "Kenji. Don't tell me it happened." Itachi saw the boy slump his shoulders.

"You can't see now. Can you." Itachi looked at the ground. Hoping to hear a good answer.

All he heard was..."No."


We back. Not much to say, so I'll just leave it with a chapter today. YERRR!

Song of the Day : Call Me - Shinedown

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