
First Mission (2)

Yoriichi P.O.V

There are 3 Chunins, 15 genins and 50 civilian bandits. It's quite a big group of bandits." I said

"It's good enough for y'all considering your strength. Yoriichi won't participate in the battle though." Genkai sensei said

"Huh? Why? I will still receive the payment right?" I asked

"Well, You have had your first kill but the other four don't have their first human kill yet."

Hearing this, My friends got reminded of the fact that they were going to kill humans. They started to get nervous and got worried.

Kaito said "What a drag, Let's just get over with it."

"But how am I supposed to kill living people?" asked Jiro nervously

"By cutting their necks obviously." said Chino who didn't seem much dazed about killing people.

"But why does me having killing experience stop me from participating in the battle?" I asked Genkai Sensei

"Then the mission will be too easy for them. If there was a Jonin among the enemy I would have let you fight but since it's just some random chunin and genin, these four are enough to handle them. Anyways, if any of their life is in danger you can step in." Genkai sensei said and I reluctantly agreed to it.

It was time for my friends to shine. It was a proud moment for me as both their friend and their sensei who taught them for 5 years. I even shed an imaginary tear.

"Make me proud my students." I said

They gave me a thumbs up and started the mission.

Itsuki used his insects to find the exact positions of the bandits since I wasn't allowed to help them with my eye of kagura.

There were five guards on the entrance of the cave system where the bandits were located.

First chino threw a stone in their direction which landed in front of them. When these bandits looked up to see the source of sound they saw Chino who had her Ketsurgyan active which put all of them in a Genjutsu.

The rest of them came out of their hiding spots and each one of them decided to have their first kill right now instead of inside the cave where there will be more bandits.

They each slit the throat of one bandit.

Itsuki, Chino and Kaito were fine by this sight. But the kind Jiro was not as he puked his guts out. After he was fine, all four of them went inside the hideout.

Me and Sensei followed behind them.

Itsuki used his insects to sense and deactivate the traps. The patrolling bandits were taken out by the same method of Chino putting them in a Genjutsu and Kaito and Jiro slitting their throats.

Jiro was still uncomfortable with the kill so he made a mistake and activated a trap which was an explosion tag. Thankfully Kaito protected him from the explosion by creating an Earth wall in front of him.

But this made the nearby patrols alert and soon they alerted the other bandits.

Seeing this Kaito made a quick decision.

"Chino flood the entire hideout with your red water so we don't have to deal with everyone at once. The civilian bandits and the genins wouldn't be able to walk on it so they would either drown or would have to find high ground. Itsuki how many exits are there in the cave?"

"My insects told me there is only one exit, from which we entered."

"Good then they will be coming to us. Take your positions. Jiro you will be the close range fighter or tank as Yoriichi calls it. Me and Itsuki will be the mid-range fighters. Chino you will support us all with your red water manipulation. Now get to positions."

Chino flooded the entire hideout with her red water. I could hear bandits shouting.

They got into formation. Jiro took the front and Itsuki and Kaito was in middle with Chino right behind them.

"Huh, Just four little kids? From the look of the headbands they are from Uzushiogakure." came a gruff voice from a man who was followed by 8 other people. The man and two others were chunins with the rest were genin who could walk on water. Rest would have been stuck at one place or would have drowned in the water.

"Listen you kids, You better go home and cry to your momma. We don't want trouble with Uzushiogakure." said the man

"Leave that little blonde here, We could have fun with her boss." One of the chunin said and he was going to regret it the next second as Chino used the red water to pull him into water and chock him to death.

There is one weakness to the iron rich water of Chinoike clan is that she can't turn the water into sharp things like shurinken or spikes.

The rest of bandits were shocked at that but chino took the advantage of this and tried to use the same method to deal with everyone.

All the genins got chocked and died. Only two chunins managed to jump in the air in time.

But Jiro was ready for it, he used body expansion and covered his hand with chakra and punched one of the chunins through the wall of the cave. Even if he was breathing, he would probably die soon.

The last guy was shocked to see his entire group die.

"How?" He asked shocked with fear written on his face.

Kaito took advantage of this and used a crystal shurinken jutsu which surprisingly the guy managed to dodge with just one of the shurinken grazing his shoulder.

But that was enough for Chino. She controlled his body and made him remain at one place and pulled him inside the water to chock him to death.

She is literally a fucking waterbender of the Naruto world and her entire clan especially with the storage gourd. But I was the one that taught her the chocking technique. Gaara could do the same by pulling people into sand and chocking them but he never did that such a waste of such a good ability

They quickly disposed of the rest of the shinobi that were still in the water swimming or were at high ground.

"Good job" said Genkai Sensei

"You have made me proud my students." I said

"Let's get the loot." I said

We reached the place where the bandits kept their money and loot.

"OH SHIIIITTT" I said as I saw all the money drowned in water.

Everyone looked at Chino but she said "It was Kaito's idea to flood the entire area with water."

Everyone looked at Kaito who just whistled and said "what a drag"

"So it seems Kaito would receive half the payment for his blunder. We will divide it among ourselves including me." said Genkai Sensei. Kaito didn't even bother retort as he was too lazy to even do that.

We reached the village head and took his mission completion letter and went back to our village. We would receive our pay back in the village as the employer has to pay the amount upfront for the mission.

My first mission got over with me doing nothing in it. I wish the next mission would be more interesting.


Author Notes

You can read extra Chapters of the novel on my pat*reon
