
Naruto Sitri (A multiverse Journey)

A Naruto who in his reality lost the war, thought he died but lady fate, had plans prepared for him, from being born into a being that should not have existed, to becoming the guardian of something he was never prepared for. ... (multiversal travel)

Luu_Slost · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Real Aarthtree

Yeah, this definitely...didn't go as planned...I was supposed to be looking for the wise mountain monkey and kindly ask him to teach the techniques of touki, wink, wink, elbow, elbow.

But as always in my case, almost nothing ever goes as planned, and I'm here, in the middle of nowhere, the void? ...in fact I think this is the dimensional gap, but like I said there is nothing... just a spectral void, fri... wait, you know what... I didn't say anything.

Seriously, what the hell is this, in the center of this place there is some kind of tree? I don't know what it is, but I feel like it's important, in fact I think it's calling me, hello?

"Wow... the dimensional traveling friend already appeared in this place huh?" I hear a voice directly in my head, I immediately stiffen evaluating my surroundings, what was that? ...

"A fun traveler, right?" He keeps talking, and I'm slightly panicking, I can't detect anything, I'm with the power of Ophis in my hands and I don't feel anything, this is wrong, shit, how did he discover my origins like it was nothing?

"Nothing is impossible for the great dragon of dreams, everything is here... in your little head." The voice purrs, but I've heard that before, the dragon of dreams? Big red...

"Indeed, I am the dragon they named that way, although I never liked the title..." she declares.

"Baka red." Whisper.

"What? Boy, you may have the form and power of Ophis, but nothing gives you the right to call me that." He grumbles. Okay that was mean of me, but I'm not the one reading my mind.

"That's where you're wrong, I can't do such a thing... but your dreams, they, tell a different story."

"Hmm... what's this supposed to do anyway?" I ask, discarding what he knows about my origins, again focusing on the golden tree, a tree that seems to smile? What? Well, it's a tree... but I feel it inside me, its fun.

"Oh, well since you're basically Ophis, you should know that by now." He says, but since I'm supposed to know that, Ophis let me have his body not his mind. And in fact I am grateful for that, otherwise... probably my brain would not have supported such an amount of information, after all Ophis was there since the beginning of time, Satan knows how much information is in his mind.

"Well, it seems that someone doesn't know." The idiot's mocking voice echoes.

"Calm down little one, since you are more reasonable than Ophis... I will tell you, you see boy, this is the Golden Tree, main source of reality itself, place of residence of the great circle of Elden, and you... rather The said Ophis was the first guardian of this place, but after you preferred to sleep instead of being alert to dangers like a good guardian, the same source of the sacred Aureo tree strained itself, taking it almost to the limit, I believe myself to fulfill the said role." I explain wisely, a historian's tone... but, What? No, seriously, what?

"Yes, this is something that only Ophis and I know, and I give you this knowledge only because the tree asked me to, but let me warn you, you are not allowed to talk about her under any circumstances, understood?" I feel the overwhelming power of the lizard as he finishes his words, to which I nod, yes... don't fuck with the most powerful dragon of all, understood.

"Leaving that aside, I must say, it is not the first time I have seen you, Naruto, the tree was so generous to welcome your soul into this reality, I did not know why it did it at first, but I see that the wisdom of the tree is infinite , since you are now here, with the power of the first guardian."

His words leave me with my eyes open, all this time I seriously thought it was just a whim of fate... but this... this is the reason for staying alive? Well, I may not be a believer in gods, but For the first time... in a long time I feel like I owe it to someone, I mean it, my death was so unjust, so... the warm warmth that the tree gives me stops me from my ramblings, calming me down.

"Now then, it's time for me to tell you why I specifically brought you here." The idiot's voice says again, breaking me out of my thoughts of gratitude to the great tree.

"Okay, I guess everything has to be paid for, huh?"

"hahahaha don't worry, it's nothing you wouldn't like, in fact it's something I've been prepared to do myself, but seeing that the big tree seems to have other plans for me, I'll give them to you." Exclaim, something I would like..., quests, exploration, and assassinations?

"Exactly.", uh, really? ...being lazy and incognito in Kyoto for now was good enough for me...but this presents an opportunity.

I was thinking about this, when out of nowhere the tree started to shine and blind me slightly, but it wasn't a bother, in fact the light came to me..., how to explain it, information? more like little lines of this.

All so cryptic, but I understand everything it entails, this is so much fun. "I'll accept it, I'm looking forward to my first mission." I exclaim happily, although as always Ophis's emotionless face doesn't help.

"Oh, that's great because you're starting right now." The idiot dragon says again with a possible shit-eating face, which I can't see, but wait a moment.

"Wait, wait, I need some time to put my things in order, I mean online games can't be delayed."

"Don't worry about that kid, luckily for you the first seed that you will have to recover is not on this plane of existence, that is why when they send you there the time will be in a strange proportion, at least a minute here will be a month, but for now I just want you to get more used to traveling, so I'll only send you for a couple of days."

"Well, that's unexpectedly convenient." And yes, according to the information of the tree there are hundreds of realities or planes where there are these seeds of the tree, seeds that must be returned because if not... well, what happened to my world would happen, eventually the light will corrupt, and the realities near them will disappear, the great work... prevent the darkness from consuming planes of existence.

"ready?" question, it really takes me 2 seconds to think about it.

"Well, let's do it... it's now or never as the humans say." I declare already preventing something bad.

"THERE YOU GO." When those words register I feel like my consciousness is dragged, no, it's not that.... What the hell, this is, ahhhhh, damn you bastard... I can't quite get myself to curse because suddenly my legs feel so heavy.

Still disoriented, I see within my field of vision how I am slowly falling from a peculiarly dark sky. When my gaze is fixed upwards, I am greeted by a half moon... which strangely seems to be that way because part of the moon is destroyed.

And seconds later, pure pain, I crashed through a ceiling landing in what is possibly someone's bedroom, but then a series of explosions followed my landing, don't tell me I landed in a war zone?

You know it should be time to move and continue on my way, that's what I should do... unfortunately I'm so tired that the last thing I see before fainting is someone destroying the door where I fell.


2 days later...somewhere strange.

"Wake up, wake up girl or you will die in this place." He said a voice making me growl, no one interrupts my sleep, and whoever tried it is dead, I mean it.

When I am about to delete the owner of the voice, but I remembered my situation, that saved me because I don't know where I am and my eyes are just getting used to the light, when I wake up and look around me I didn't expect the scene in front of me.

"It's almost your turn, hahahaha, I have to thank Drax for continuing these crazy traditions." He said the voice walking away.

"Eh what?" They are the only things that come out of my mouth before I assimilate the words of the voice, well this is wrong, why am I caged and there are some other children huddled together shaking in fear?

"I'm glad you're okay, I was worried you didn't wake up." Another voice says, it's sounding friendlier, making me turn to the side, where a girl of... no more than 10 years old smiles somewhat forcefully.

"Oh, I'm usually a heavy sleeper." I respond by tilting my head.

"I see, no, wait, this is not the time for this, you need to prepare." She says, quickly changing her attitude.

"So that?"

"You are in danger, we were kidnapped by the tribe of bandits that attacked our village, and the damned ones don't think about spending their resources to keep us fed so they are having a kind of tournament putting us against the other children." She says, almost on the verge of tears.

Ah shit, how did I literally fall into the hands of some bandits, and I'm about to be put in a clandestine ring fighting for my survival. I was thinking about that and how the big tree put me in this situation, but suddenly rough hands grabbed my sides, pulling me out of my thoughts.

And the next moment I was being taken to my possible death, I was dramatically thinking about how fun this trip could be if there were bandits, maybe I had arrived in a world like mine?, maybe..., wait a minute, why? What the hell do they have swords, axes, and others have shotguns, machine guns and pistols?

I had no more time to think since the next moment they had pushed me into the ring full of bandits, a simple dagger in my hand, my opponent another child, possibly 9 years old, with a terrified face, trembling piteously.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Fight! Whoever survives will live to see the dawn once again." Said the voice of a bearded man who seemed to be accepting bets on these fights.

"I do not want to die." The boy in front of me shouted, lunging with his dagger, oh how cute, it's a shame that I am an elite ninja capable of facing an Anbu squad and surviving, I am the powerful Naruto... what, who was in Ophis's body now I notice it, shit.

Raven Branwen.

With a bored face of hers she watched the spectacle of her in front of her, the bandit queen was watching her men having fun with the children. She didn't particularly like this kind of spectacle, but it was the traditions of her tribe.

This is how they looked for new little recruits, and sometimes there used to be raw gems among the children, little fighters who in the future could be good for some operations, after all that is how Vernal was recruited and was now their right-hand man.

"I do not want to die." Shouted the voice of a new boy pounced on a little girl, who strangely was barely dressed... in fact her dress was open and her small breasts were only covered by some X-shaped straps.

He was thinking that they had taken the girl from the clutches of a possible pedophile or something like that, but what he saw the next moment erased that thought, the girl barely moved, but she took a step to the side, raised a finger that stuck in the The other boy's neck followed after she couldn't be quick enough to notice what happened next, the dagger shot towards Drax, slamming into his forehead cleanly.

Well, not everyone had her aura awakened, anyway, he wasn't a good bandit... but the girl. Returning his gaze to the field where everyone had remained silent, the others only reacted when the corpse fell to the ground.

Her weapons aimed at the girl only for her to not be where she should be, Vernal who was next to her stiffened, already preparing her weapon.

She herself was taking the handle of her sword, just when she felt small hands surround her neck, a kind of knife showing its edge on her neck.

"Now Miss Leader I think we should talk." She whispered the little girl's almost monotonous voice right into her hatred.

An interesting girl isn't she? Did she already have her aura unlocked from her? A semblance of speed?



Okay, if I'm wrong about who the leader is, they'll be trying to put bullets in my butt. That said, dodging the little guy's little dagger, there's no need to hurt children, I'll knock him out with one finger.

And with a quick turn my dagger sticks in the guy's forehead, seconds of distraction while people turn to see the corpse fall, seconds in which I take the child and a sunshin later I leave him near the cages, some kunai ready on the hand, quickly murdering the guards guarding the cages.

Next step, appearing behind the leader, kunai ready to pierce her neck, "Now Miss Leader I think we should talk." I tried to whisper evilly, but Ophis like she doesn't have active vocal cords because she comes out in such a monotone it's scary.

She doesn't seem to react, which gives me some options, oh I'm probably totally underestimating her, oh she doesn't think a girl can murder her.

And it seems that it was the first, since when she makes a movement I quickly try to open her neck, but a kind of translucent cape prevents me from doing so.

Shit, seconds later a sword tries to split me in two. Which I stop with my kunai, but I think it was a bad idea since the damn thing explodes into fire the next moment, wow, I didn't expect that.

But a good substitution and a log replaces my place being bombarded instantly, so let's start with the jutsus huh? Still, there is no time to think, as a blast heads towards me, oh, what nice weapons... they look like circular knives.

Let's see what you think of my own improvised pistols, quickly weaving seals, I pronounce Futon: Tashikana Fuudan, I raise my inches in the form of pistols I begin to shoot compressed air bullets at them.

That's right, a pitched battle of bullets, distancing them from the other bandits who seem to do nothing... oh it seems that interrupting the leader scares them, interesting.

But hell, smiling when they run out of charge, I knew that playing Call of Duty would be of some use one day, the little girl who was shooting at me immediately rushed at me at full speed. Only for that cloak to once again prevent me from killing her when my kunai hidden by my blast of wind bullets fail to penetrate her chest, neck or leg.

That's unfair, it seems like they have the Raikage's stupid electricity cloak, well it's not that it's insurmountable but it really is annoying as hell, with that said let's get shield removal tactics going.

"Doton: dochu senko." I cast the jutsu before creating a clone and sinking into the earth.

"Let's see if this is your size," I thought before advancing towards the two girls.


Raven Branwen.

Dodging the bullets of what seemed to be Wind Dust, Raven tried to go on the offensive, it was rare for someone to push her, but this girl? She was quickly gaining her interest, she herself had to be surprised at the strength she put in when They clashed their weapons.

Only one doubt was in her mind, what the hell was her appearance... or was it something else? Her eyes were sharp despite the night she could clearly see that she had no weapons, only those strange knives.

Maybe it was magic... maybe she was a maiden? She herself was, but she couldn't feel the magic itself, she was taken out of her thoughts when the girl lunged at her, maiden or not, she would die for trying to kill her. , no one disrespected him in his tribe.

With that, he prepared one of his secret techniques, and when the girl was less than a meter away, he took a swift step... and without hesitation cut the girl's neck, smiling slightly as his attack seemed to hit home. the target, only to stiffen as the decapitated head still with a stony expression felt amusement.

She didn't really have time to respond when the explosion that came after her sent her and Vernal back, her auras almost destroyed from her, Vernal fell unconscious after the explosion, had she committed suicide trying to take them?, that does not seem ....

She didn't finish thinking about anything when her hands came out of the ground, grabbing her legs before dragging her down. She tried to get away, but the rocks compressed her body, immobilizing her.

Only her head was left out of it, making her blink with a frown as the girl eased herself out of the ground, "Hmm, you're a decent fighter, I have to admit," he said, walking slowly towards her.

"Do you think this will stop me?" she murmured, already seeing their chances, they had moved far enough away from the camp so that no one saw her use her maiden powers, and they knew well that they should not interfere in their fights, only Vernal was allowed to do so, because of her lie that she It was the maid.

"Stop you, not even an explosive jutsu could bring down your shield... that technique is interesting, I think I want it" he said looking into her eyes, only a black eye looking at her as if she was looking into her soul.

And it seemed like he had, since his eye widened in surprise, he was about to use his powers, but she spoke again, "Wow... what an aura, huh?, magic,... two immortals fighting for eternity, This place is certainly interesting."

Those words froze her instantly. How did she know? Did she really read her mind? ... that was bad, her eyes immediately lit up, accessing her maiden powers, immediately emerging from the ground ready to kill her, but out of nowhere a snake shot out of the girl's raised hand, catching her by the neck before bite her

Soon after her powers faded, as if they were being drained, he tried to stop the snake on her neck... but she couldn't get rid of it, her strength waned until she knelt on the ground. without strength.

"Now then, let's chat... you don't need to worry, you won't die, you gave me a useful clue for my goals, having said that I think we're going to reach a nice agreement, after all, I know what you want and I can grant it to you."





The good earthtree is from the elden ring... yes, stupid but meh.