
Naruto Sitri (A multiverse Journey)

A Naruto who in his reality lost the war, thought he died but lady fate, had plans prepared for him, from being born into a being that should not have existed, to becoming the guardian of something he was never prepared for. ... (multiversal travel)

Luu_Slost · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Time Flies

A sea of darkness with a simple text... just darkness and some words that can't be right, a deep darkness that makes my eyes narrow, my hands already completely crushing the small device in my hands.

"How am I dead? Damn." I asked, looking at the television screen, very angry as hell. This video game thing can be frustrating. How could something so evil be a human creation? I thought we demons were the bad guys, but they keep proving me otherwise. human race is so vile as to create Gwyn, the Lord of Cinder, to be evil with a set of attacks too unfair, but know this clearly... I swear that I will murder you, no matter how long it takes, I... you I WILL MURDER. (A/N: Gwyn is from Dark Souls in case you've never played)

Mentally swearing my revenge, I started looking for another controller, these things are so fragile, that being said... time does pass quickly, it's as if only days ago I had occupied the little boy's body, and the whole fiasco had happened with Ophis, Rizevim, and the Chaos Brigade...

Thinking back, it had almost been, I don't know, a year and a half? I don't really count the days, but it's a time when I was basically lazing around to death, to be precise I completely adopted being Ophis and with it came laziness, as expected from a powerful being, from what I discovered I used to spending weeks and sometimes months just sleeping.

So the devil... that I spoke to, who I discovered was a devil historically older than most, since it was Rizevim... fucking Lucifer, the descendant of the original devil, the bastard who had hidden from the world since the first great war, and judging by how he behaved and his penchant for meddling in some things after so long, he must have a plan to put everyone in the world at war or something.

Ah... that guy is crazy, not long after meeting him he led me to a direct attack on the dragon faction with the aim of freeing two evil dragons, but unfortunately the dragons are cunning and when we arrived at the place where the prisons were , there was nothing anymore.

Too bad, but at least I was able to stretch out a little, we killed a couple of dragons and most importantly I saw real dragons, no huge summons, no shit like that, real dragons, what an experience, one day I will do the same again... Yes, well for now it's time for my revenge, with that I connected the new remote.

Gwyn it's time for you to test my steel.


A couple of headbutts later....

Whistling a soft melody from a video game called Touhou Project, I appeared at my destination, well you see, despite having all the power of Ophis and Kurama, and the possibility of playing and sleeping all day, I never really liked using the powers. of mass destruction and not laziness either, but in my old world it was the only thing that could be used after the aliens invaded us, otherwise I would have died much sooner, what could you expect being an expert in tactics, fighting styles, etc...if they could erase you from a Super attack?

With that stupidity that happened, everyone who was a master at something became valuable, far from those depressive thoughts inside my mind, the repudiation of using that type of powers gained in a stupid way, is what I take here, Kyoto, the Youkai capital.

"Good morning Aizawa sensei," I respectfully greeted a man who was basically a turtle man, a Kappa, yes... strange being, but well the man or thing, was good at one thing that interested me a lot, and when I heard that In this world this art was also practiced, I quickly took on the task of looking for a teacher.

"Oh, Menma Kun, we're on time today, huh? Well, at least unlike your classmates." His tone of voice changed a little at the end, but I could understand it, if possible I would have wanted the guy to only teach me, unfortunately he refused, so I was stuck in a class of 5 people.

"Oh...I guess they forgot about the morning schedule?" I more or less asked, trying to appease his growing anger when I saw that after 15 minutes no one showed up.

"Yes...suppose that kind of case is happening, fortunately I think my cabin started to get dirty again." He said probably already planning the punishment for the other four children.

Beautiful teacher-student relationships, what stupidity, So banishing those thoughts while the sensei waited more and more angrily for the idiots, I sat in a meditation position, This fine art... Senjutsu, I am always interested and like in my In another life there was no one to teach me, unless it was with the perverted Sanín and he gave me instant death, this was my chance.

My costume was solid, a simple one-tailed Kitsune, as strong as a newly graduated genin, and this was ideal after all trying to learn with the full power output of Kurama's power would possibly be suicide.

I invented a fairly good past by taking something from the infiltration book of the ninja art of assassination, when I located Aizawa and realized his potential as a teacher, I appealed to his good heart, and after a "lucky" meeting and a tragic past , the guy took me in as his student.

After that almost everything was uphill, I had to kill a couple of people who dared to bother me, but nothing important, even more so thanks to it, I managed to complete another of my dreams.

I was slowly concentrating on gathering the chakra from the environment, that when a louder than usual voice was heard in the background, all that concentration went down the drain.

I was about to kill the offender for screwing with me, but I stopped when I saw the owner of the voice... I guess he's saved this time, after all I can't just kill the daughter of the leader of the Youkai Faction.

"Sensei, you can't be serious, his hut is a garbage dump, there's nothing that can clean it, it's better to burn it now if we can." Said the girl who had arrived with her 3 lackeys behind her, despite being younger than the 4 of us, Kunou was put in this class since she was supposedly a prodigy, oh that's what everyone said, how would an 8 year old girl be considered a genius?, simple, she was born with 6 tails, and in Youkai society that is a symbol of royalty.

After all, until now all the leaders of this faction were Kyuubis, Nine-tailed Foxes, symbols of power, and it was no wonder, if my calculations are correct and they are, that type of power is comparable to a class being. maximum.

With that said, I approached the group, after all one has to play the role of him, "Kunou Ojou-sama good morning, Hitoshi san, Akemi san, Haruka san." I greeted bowing to the hooligans, yes, this is my current role, Menma without a last name, a chill orphan that the good Aizawa sensei found and turned into his student.

"Menma-kun." The little girls whispered and the boy just frowned, which was probably the fault of my meanness, since my appearance was that of a boy leaving his baby fat, long white hair, golden eyes, with a... well, bangs. that hid the patch where I was missing an eye, yes, another strangeness of my current self, neither transformations nor anything could fill that stupid missing eye.

"Menma Kun tell Sensei that it was only a minor incident that hindered my arrival here, and that there is no reason for me to get my hands dirty cleaning the garbage dump I seem to call home." The little blonde said after that little daze, the sensei for his part was increasingly angry, mentally sighing, I listened, it was better otherwise they would be interrupting all the time and I don't want to kill them.

"Well sensei, you heard her, it's a minor problem, anyway, I won't do anything after class so I'll stay and help with the cleaning." I said friendly with a smile that would make any girl swoon, yes... good looks... a deadly tool capable of making assassination jobs easier, after all a person never distrusts a pretty and gentle face , not until he does something atrocious.

Having said that and a couple of other arrangements, we began the practice, although theoretically I had already learned everything, that did not make the task any easier, and even more so when I realized one thing, this world... is rotten, the chakra is so disgusting and vile, it's like kurama's malicious energy covers the world itself, I guess that's why some senjutsu users went crazy, of course if you couldn't purify the chakra you put into your body at the same speed that you use it at some point it will consume you.

This of course did not happen in my previous world, in fact, there the chakra was so pure that it could literally petrify you for eternity, a state of absolute calm.

So yes, our lessons focused more on feeling how said power was trying to corrupt us and quickly purify them before it did any damage, something that apparently the little princess was born blessed with, because while we tried to eliminate said impurities with the little chakra weak but not malicious that our bodies produced, Kunou's body purified it automatically, that was the point of why she was here, although she could absorb ambient chakra without problems, she could not control that excess of power that quickly filled her entire chakra network.

And that's what I spent the day, practicing, failing and repeating... at night I returned home calmly, it really wasn't my house, since as soon as I finished classes the original left me in charge, me, a shadow clone was tasked with living my life as a full-fledged Youkai.

More than anything because I noticed that they were following me, and judging by the aura of my observers, they are guards from the royal palace, guards who of course are protecting Kunou at all times, that led to them also following me, I suppose to rule out that it was a murderer or something.

Ha, if I wasn't the deadliest ninja of my generation, I guess they would have caught me, but here and now I was just that, Menma, a one-tailed kitsune and nightly owner of the best Kitsune Udon restaurant in town, yeah sir, in a single shot I fulfilled two of my dreams, learning Senjutsu and owning my own Ramen shop.

And yes, I know that it is an offense that being ramen I sell Udon, but I always liked variety so my restaurant offers Udon, ramen, and soba, whatever the customer wants, and more importantly what the owner likes. like.


Returned with the original.

Returning to the mansion of another crazy devil from the old satan faction, I yawn cutely before plopping down on my Super bed, this day was exhausting... that being said it's not over yet, crossing my fingers I immediately create a couple dozen clones.

"All of you continue practicing, I don't care if you kill those who are corrupted by evil, I want to know where we are failing, understand?" I ordered from my bed, already covering myself with the sheets.

"Yes ma'am." They all said before disappearing, ah little rascals just because I'm using the appearance of the Loli Ophis they dare to make fun of their creator huh? I would be murdering them right now, but I already put on my pajamas... Zzz.


underworld, Mansion Sitri

A little far from most of the population of the territory, towards the Sitri mansion, a beautiful place in every sense of the word, a beautiful garden decorated it and inside it you could hear the voice of someone panting.

"Sona Sama shouldn't try so hard, her parents are worried..." the butler of the Sitri family tried to persuade his young mistress, Sona Sitri, the eldest twin of the last two children of the family, who for a A year and a half it had changed radically.

Everything since that fateful day...

"Tch, this is nothing, I want to be strong Sebas, I want to see him again." She said more to herself than to the butler, who could only nod, she knew well of the family's stubbornness, not for nothing had he been the butler for almost 4 generations at this point.

Although that didn't mean he would give up, he knew stubbornness and that's why he knew how to deal with it, he would just leave her a little longer and quickly take action, he wouldn't allow her to take the self-destructive path that the other eldest daughter had adopted.

Sona, for her part, even with all the fatigue, got up, she had to be stronger, she was the oldest and couldn't protect him, she could still remember that face full of fear on the part of her twin when they kidnapped him from her side, she still had nightmares of him screaming at her for help, asking her to save him, that was her punishment she supposed.

Still, inside her, she knew that her little brother was okay, she knew she would see him again, call it twin things, but inside her she could feel it clearly, he was waiting for her, right?, waiting for her to find him wherever she was. this.

With that conviction in her eyes, she stood up and immediately began to charge a spell more powerful than the previous one, "Just wait for me Naruto, your onee-san will find you," she whispered to herself before casting the spell, yes, she did. rescue, she would see him again, it was just that... a matter of time.


Yasaka-Kioto/Palace Youkai.

"He's perfect mom, when I grow up I want him to marry me." She said the emotion-filled voice of his little daughter.

Yasaka just sighed, amused at how her daughter described her supposed future husband, Menma, interesting guy, a typical Kitsune from a normal tail, oh that's what her reports said, honestly she didn't know what to think.

When she found out about Aizawa's little student she immediately asked for a deep investigation, finding a total of nothing, all her best spies and no one had been able to find anything about the boy, it's as if she had appeared out of nowhere. .

Which apparently was the right thing to do, in one of her attempts to find out more about the boy one of her spies stopped by her restaurant, a restaurant that she sincerely loved, those noodles, god... those Kitsune Udon, if I didn't know better I would think that It was heavenly food made for the gods themselves.

Cough, cough, getting back to the topic, the spy posing as a drunk had a conversation with the gentle boy learning something about his past, apparently the boy did not know what he really was until very recently, apparently he had been in his form of one-tailed fox living with a litter of normal foxes, a quiet life in the forest, until one day of bad luck a stray demon attacked them out of spite and murdered his "family"... he said that when he was also About to be devoured, something inside him prompted him to attack, thus taking out his semi-human form and killing the demon.

Afterwards he had been following like a Zorro learning about him, learning about his powers until one day he ran into Aizawa, knowing his friend he did not doubt why he helped him, he was that kind, oh that was now in times of relative peace, but there was a time in war when the gentle man used to be a vile and merciless killer, the best of his personal guards.

With that said he was supposed to trust the boy, but… he kept having that feeling inside him, that something was wrong with Menma, maybe it was just the paranoia of his overprotective mother? She didn't know it, but she will continue to send her guards. Kunou may have become attached to the boy, but she wouldn't take her eyes off him. In fact, she was planning to get closer, going undercover to his restaurant, obviously for collection purposes. of information, none of the slight addiction that he had begun to have for the delicious Kitsune Udon of course not.


Naruto-Somewhere unknown days later.

"No...I, I just wanted to."


With accelerated and somewhat agitated breathing is how I start another day, damn, I was trained not to be weak... but look at me here dreaming a couple of times a week how the little one's family showed me so much hostility and contempt for discovering that I didn't It was the Naruto they lost.

Wow, that will undoubtedly bother me for eternity, unless I do something to seal them, it's strange to think that I'm more afraid of those disgusted faces of the little boy's family than when I met Kurama.

But for the same reason that despite all the time that has passed I have not approached Sitri territory at all, and I never plan to do so, this fear is irrational, but getting close and discovering that I stole the body of your little brother, is something that I don't want to experiment, So, for the foreseeable future, they will never see me, I was planning a murder myself... but again the pain I would cause them is another thing I don't want to do.

Shit, this is complicated, because I don't just kill the entire devil race and that's it.... I really can't because the good Rizevim has plans for everyone.

Phew manipulative bastard, anyway, I don't feel like traveling to Kyoto today, so my clone will take over for the day, anyway, it's not like we've made any significant progress in training, that brings me to this, I need look for a way to improve my devilish abilities.

In the base form of this body I am as weak as a human at its maximum capacity, but it is because of race seen from the devil's point of view, I am an 11 year old child for better or worse, but there are ways to improve power , and one of them is obviously the Touki, a curious ability that any being can learn, one that taken to the maximum state will make me a living legend, since the senjutsu combined with the Touki is what led my possible teacher to be one of the vanguards of Indra.

With that said, it's time to meet you monkey king...Sun Wukong san.