
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

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254 Chs

CH - 243 Cursed Konoha?!

The newspaper headline delves into the murky depths of Konoha's history and its notable figures, posing unsettling questions about past tragedies and mysteries.

"Why did the ancient noble families face annihilation? What led to the inexplicable demise of the Uzumaki clan? Why did the Kurama and Tsuchigumo clans decline over time? What drove the Fourth Hokage to betray the village? What prompted the White Fang's tragic suicide? Why did the legendary Sannin depart from Konoha one by one? What happened to the Senju clan, vanishing without a trace? Why does the village gate's black dog howl every night? And what secrets lie hidden behind the gaze above the Konoha bathhouse?"

These inquiries hint at a possible connection between these seemingly disparate events, suggesting a deeper underlying narrative of moral decay or hidden truths within the village.

As readers are invited to explore the truth behind these enigmatic events, the newspaper promises to provide a revealing glimpse into the hidden realities of Konoha, painting a picture of a village shrouded in misfortune and secrecy. "Let's uncover The Truth about the Land of Misfortune — The Cursed Konoha. Let's follow the trail and delve into the unique village of Konoha."

With the release of the latest edition of the Shinobi Times, ninja villages worldwide were immediately drawn to its gripping headlines and ominous imagery, featuring bloody handprints and dark photographs.

Despite being banned by the major ninja villages, the Shinobi Times, known for its biased reporting, still managed to attract attention, especially from high-ranking ninjas curious about Grass Village's activities. Despite the prohibition within their village, clandestine monitoring of the newspaper was a common practice among many villages.

Yet, amidst the prohibition, the Shinobi Times remains a source of fascination for many. Its captivating content stands in stark contrast to the dry publications of other nations, consistently piquing interest with its engaging reports. However, today's headline, "The Cursed Konoha," sparked particular intrigue.

Konoha, renowned as the largest and most prestigious ninja village, is synonymous with excellence, producing numerous prodigious talents. So why label it as cursed? This question lingered in the minds of readers, prompting a rush to acquire the sold-out edition of the newspaper.

In a world hungry for entertainment, the Shinobi Times reigns supreme, captivating audiences with its tantalizing narratives and provocative insights. With the mystery of Konoha's alleged curse beckoning, readers eagerly delved into the pages, eager to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic headline.

As one of the esteemed leaders of the five major ninja villages, Third Tsuchikage Onoki of Iwagakure also received a copy of the morning's Shinobi Times from his aides. Being a contemporary of the Third Hokage and holding a similar position, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the headline, "The Cursed Konoha?"

With a mix of curiosity and skepticism, Ohnoki delved into the contents of the newspaper. As a seasoned leader, he approached the Shinobi Times with a critical eye, well aware of its tendency to criticize not only Konoha but also the other major ninja villages, albeit less harshly.

As he read the headline "A Painful News! The ancient noble family suffers extermination, what's the hidden truth behind it?" hnoki pondered the events of the morning, particularly the news of the Uchiha clan's rebellion. To him, such internal conflicts within ninja clans held little significance. As a village leader, his priority was maintaining order and stability, even if it meant quelling rebellions swiftly. Therefore, the eradication of such a force seemed the logical course of action to him.

However, he couldn't help but feel a sense of missed opportunity. Initially considering a confrontation with Konoha akin to the Nine-Tails Incident, Onoki harbored hopes of negotiating advantageous terms for Iwagakure. However, he recognized the futility of such endeavors in the current climate of tentative peace. With all ninja villages opting for recuperation, the prospect of another prolonged conflict, especially with the possibility of Grass Village's involvement, seemed unwise and potentially endless.

Reluctantly setting aside ambitions of war, Onoki resigned himself to the prevailing atmosphere of cautious restraint, recognizing that pursuing conflict in the current atmosphere would yield little benefit.

Shaking his head in anticipation of yet another critique aimed at Konoha, Onoki continued reading. As expected, the initial paragraphs confirmed his suspicions – today's Shinobi Times was poised to criticize Konoha once again.

Naturally, as the leader of Iwagakure, Onoki couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction at Konoha's predicament. Yet, his initial amusement quickly gave way to a more somber mood as he delved deeper into the article.

The disappearance of the village's founding clans, the tragic suicide of the esteemed hero Hatake Sakumo, the near-extinction of the once-proud Uzumaki, and the gradual decline of once-vibrant ninja clans such as the Tsuchigumo and Kurama Clan painted a bleak picture of Konoha's history.

Moreover, the enigmatic circumstances surrounding the Fourth Hokage and the legendary sannin, and peculiar occurrences such as the village gate's black dog… No, this doesn't count.

The mention of the black dog at the village gate left Onoki perplexed. "What the hell," he muttered incredulously, his expression contorting with confusion. He scrutinized the Shinobi Times in his hand, his face twitching with disbelief. What on earth does this Shinobi Times include in their newspaper?

However, these events… Onoki had received reports about these events in the past. However, he dismissed them as routine sacrifices or political machinations of Konoha. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, they now carried an unsettling weight. The ominous imagery depicted in the Shinobi Times only served to amplify this sense of foreboding, casting a pall of gloom over the proceedings.

As Onoki continued to peruse the articles, each revelation felt like a descent into darkness, as if unraveling the hidden secrets that lay beneath the surface of Konoha's facade. The gradual weakening and demise of once-prominent ninja clans and allies of Konoha painted a disturbing picture

"Gasp~" With a sudden gasp, Ohnoki felt a chill run down his spine. 'Could it be possible that Konoha was truly cursed?' The thought lingered ominously in the air, the notion seemed preposterous, yet the evidence presented before him stirred a chilling sense of doubt and apprehension.

In every corner of the ninja world, this newspaper found its way into the hands of villagers and clans alike. As they perused its contents, expressions mirrored the initial amusement of the Third Tsuchikage, only to morph gradually into grave seriousness.

Initially dismissed as inconsequential, the revelations within the paper now carried an unsettling weight. A sense of unease settled in the hearts of many, particularly among those ninja clans that had maintained close ties with Konoha. Could it be that's why the Grass Village, while publicly professing friendship with Konoha, engaged in underhanded tactics everytime? Perhaps they had discerned these ominous signs early on before anyone else.

Among the ninja clans maintaining friendly ties with Konoha, a palpable unease began to spread. Some chose to distance themselves, opting for caution over continued association with the troubled village. After all, it was better to err on the side of caution than risk entanglement in unforeseen troubles.

At that moment, even the seasoned retired senior advisors of the Sand Village, Chiyo, and Ebizo, lapsed into silence as they perused the newspaper.

In theory, having witnessed the Sand Village's inception and its tumultuous history, they were well-versed in navigating such situations. They should have been impervious to the influence of baseless reports. Yet, inexplicably, the article in the Shinobi Times left them unsettled.

After all, The Sand Village had a long-standing tradition of aligning with Konoha following their defeats. However, reflecting on their history, they couldn't ignore the pattern of their decline that seemed to accompany each alliance, since the sacrifice of the Second Kazekage during the First Great Ninja War.

Chiyo and Ebizo exchanged a glance, their expressions mirroring a shared sense of disbelief. Then, in unison, they both gasped in shock. Shaking her head, Chiyo muttered, "This can't be true!"

Ebizo nodded in agreement, adding, "Indeed, Sister. After all, even the Grass Village has aligned with Konoha."

Chiyo's expression hardened at the mention of Grass Village. She pondered for a moment before abruptly asking, "Speaking of which, does the Sand Village still maintain cooperation with Konoha?"

After a brief pause, Ebizo replied hesitantly, "Yes."

Chiyo's response was immediate and firm. "Cut ties immediately. It's not about fear; it's about preserving the dignity of our esteemed Sand Village. We do not need to rely on cooperation with other ninja villages."

"Understood. I'll inform the Kazekage promptly," Ebizo affirmed, accepting Chiyo's directive without objection.

After reaching a decision, Chiyo and Ebizo felt a sense of relief. Speaking of Which, In just one morning, Konoha's reputation had taken a sinister turn. Countless ninjas began to avoid the village like the plague, steering clear of any association with it. This led to a significant drop in Konoha's mission requests.

The news of the Third Hokage's heart attack, and the tragic break-in at the Sarutobi Clan compound only added to the sense of foreboding. As rumors of Konoha's impending decline loomed, silence fell over the ninja world.

Meanwhile, The Shinobi Times, despite its controversial content, sold even more copies. Yet, despite the extensive coverage, the newspaper failed to uncover the truth, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and a lingering sense of negativity, fueling people's curiosity.

As discussions about Konoha's alleged curse spread, even the Grass Village expressed deep concern and promised to continue reporting on the matter.

In the midst of it all, the search for truth seemed futile. Under the Shinobi Times' sinister narratives, doubt and suspicion flourished, further entrenching the belief in Konoha's alleged curse.

Meanwhile, Uchiha Mikoto, who had been brought along by Kushina for a chat the night before, awoke with wide eyes, still finding everything from the previous evening utterly unbelievable.

The realization that Kushina, the wife of the Fourth Hokage, was actually still alive left Mikoto silently stunned, her eyes wide with disbelief.





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1662 Words (Excluding A/N).

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