
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Anime & Comics
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254 Chs

CH - 242 Another Explosive News!

That night, the lights continued to illuminate the newspaper office. With the president's promise fresh in his mind, White Zetsu, now regarded as the future vice president, strode confidently into the office, eliciting envious glances from his colleagues. It was as if he had ascended to a higher realm, and henceforth, everyone would address him as Vice President.

Brimming with a sense of achievement, he felt as if he had reached the top of his career. Without delay, under President Mubuki's directives, all the journalists dived into their tasks with renewed vigor.

Determined not to lag behind his peers, White Zetsu threw himself into his assignments. He knew that the coveted role of vice president was within arm's reach.

Mubuki, observing the diligent efforts of his team, offered words of encouragement. "Brothers, work hard!" he exclaimed, rallying their spirits. "Work is your stage of life. Your success depends on your dedication. If you don't strive today, you'll struggle to secure a future tomorrow!"

"There are two lights that shine the brightest: the sun and the sight of hardworking individuals!" he declared, his voice brimming with admiration. "You are radiating brilliance on this stage, earning my utmost respect!"

"Tonight, you may sleep on the floor! But, Tomorrow, you'll awaken as vice presidents!" he proclaimed, igniting a surge of enthusiasm among the journalists.

"Are you happy?" he asked, to which they responded with resounding cheers of affirmation. "Happy!" Fueled by their passion, the journalists were determined to work tirelessly throughout the night, driven by the shared goal of excellence.

Despite their lack of necessity, they indulged in a variety of foods, savoring each bite for its taste. After their meal, a surge of newfound energy coursed through them, reigniting their dedication to their work. With refreshed spirits, they delved back into their tasks with renewed vigor and determination.

Mubuki observed them with satisfaction, he made a decision on the spot. "Very good. I have submitted a request for a salary increase. Tonight, your wages will be doubled."

As colleagues, he believed in treating them fairly. In line with the values of Grass Village, where love for relatives and friends was paramount, he ensured that their own people were well taken care of. "Keep up the excellent work. Keep pushing forward!"

Seeing everyone's attention, Mubuki addressed them with seriousness. "Alright, listen up, everyone."

Once he had their full attention, he continued. "Tonight's task is crucial. We have a major scoop on our hands, and it needs to be ready before dawn, ready to send out to the ninja world first thing in the morning. And..."

He paused, considering the headline. "This title is too lengthy. Let's streamline it. How about 'Konoha's Dark Ambitions: The Fall of an Ancient Clan'? No, still too verbose."

He adjusted his approach, aiming for sensationalism. "'Tragedy Strikes: Centuries-Old Clan Wiped Out, Unveiling Hidden Truths!'"

"'Uchiha Clan Leader's Resolve: Heroism or something else? What Lies Beneath the Surface?'"

"'The True Nightmares: The Untold Horrors of the Uchiha Clan's Final Hours!'"

"'Echoes of the Past: Could Uchiha Ancestors save its clan from inevitable tragedy? Dive Deeper!'"

With his guidance, the journalists absorbed the lesson eagerly, recognizing Mubuki's knack for capturing attention. It was clear they still had much to learn from their esteemed president. They couldn't help but look at him with new admiration.

The next day dawned with clear skies, signaling the gradual transition into autumn. Though the temperature dropped, snow was still a ways off. In Konoha Village, the news of the Uchiha clan rebellion had been swiftly contained. Apart from circulating within the ninja community, it had little impact on the everyday lives of the villagers.

However, early that morning, the entire village learned of a new development: the Third Hokage had collapsed the previous night due to a heart attack brought on by the strain of the village's ongoing issues.

At the moment, Hiruzen Sarutobi was undergoing treatment at the Konoha Medical Department, and his condition is precarious.

"How are things?" Hiruzen asked, his voice weak, as he looked to Koharu Utatane. "How are the other villages responding?"

Koharu sighed heavily, her gaze filled with concern for her friend. "There hasn't been much reaction. Thankfully, unlike the Nine-Tails incident, we were prepared this time. The village was swiftly sealed off last night, and as far as we know, the news hasn't leaked."

"Focus on your recovery, Hiruzen," she urged gently. "The medical ninjas have diagnosed your condition as a heart attack caused by sudden shock. It's serious. You need to take it easy. Losing some wealth is a small price compared to losing you."

With a worried tone, she continued, "As long as you're alright, Konoha still has hope. You're the light of our village, Hiruzen, while Danzo was darkness. Now that he's gone, we can't afford to lose you. Homura and I will handle things here. Please, prioritize your rest."

"I appreciate your concern," Hiruzen responded, his expression easing slightly at their comforting words. Sitting up with determination, he addressed them seriously, "I'll be fine. It was just a momentary setback."

His gaze hardened as he delved into the pressing matters at hand. "What about Grass Village? And what of Danzo?"

"There hasn't been any significant reaction from Grass Village," Koharu replied, her expression tinged with bitterness. "And as for Danzo... Well, we're still in the dark. But I wouldn't worry too much. Given Grass Village's stance and their repeated attempts to recruit him, it's likely they're not planning any harm against him. Moreover, Danzo is likely accustomed to such situations by now."

"Poor Danzo," Hiruzen muttered in agreement, though he quickly pushed aside his thoughts of last night. Dwelling on it would only fuel his anger, especially towards Grass Village.

"The Uchiha clan..." Hiruzen hesitated, voicing his concerns.

Koharu offered reassurance. "The situation with the Uchiha clan is still unclear, but their land is already being managed. Rest assured, there's considerable interest in that territory."

"That's good. Let's resolve this swiftly. Konoha needs to accelerate its recovery process. And we should also issue a condemnation against Grass Village," Hiruzen nodded decisively. "As for the Uchiha clan..." he sighed heavily, acknowledging the grim reality. "We've reached a point of no return. And regarding Shisui... demand that Grass Village return the Mangekyo Sharingan."

"I'll handle it," Koharu Utatane affirmed, her tone resolute. "Hiruzen, you just focus on resting."

"Understood," Hiruzen replied, shifting to a more comfortable position and taking a deep breath. "I already feel much better. Frankly, Grass Village... isn't worth our energy."

"Exactly," Koharu agreed, nodding in concurrence. There was no use dwelling on those deceitful individuals.

Then, recalling something, Hiruzen inquired, "By the way, what about today's issue of the Shinobi Times?" Despite its prohibition in Konoha due to its scandalous nature and biased reporting, as Hokage, he still desired to stay informed about Grass Village's activities.

However, as the words hung in the air, Koharu Utatane raised an eyebrow, a chuckle escaping her lips. "Haha, the Shinobi Times is suspended today, so we didn't receive the newspaper this morning."

Hiruzen shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Koharu, after all these years, do you think you can deceive me now?"

Koharu met his gaze in silence, her smile turning rueful.

"It appears... Grass Village is stirring up trouble again today." Observing Koharu's demeanor, Hiruzen's expression grew serious. "Bring it here. Let me see what they're up to."

"Hiruzen..." Koharu hesitated, torn between showing him the newspaper or not.

"Don't worry. I won't lose my temper anymore. There's little left to provoke me at this point," Hiruzen reassured her, waving his hand dismissively. "Let's see what Grass Village has cooked up this time."

Upon hearing his words, Koharu offered a bitter smile. "Or... should we call for the medical ninjas first?"

Hiruzen chuckled softly and shook his head. "I've already told you, it's unnecessary. Bring it here. Can it really make matters worse than they already are?"

"...Very well," Koharu sighed in resignation. Reluctantly complying with Hiruzen's request, she retrieved the newspaper.

"Let me see what's going on," Hiruzen Sarutobi's brow furrowed as he took the paper. "You seem awfully tense about this."

However, as he just read the headline, a sudden pain gripped his chest, causing him to gasp and clutch at his heart.

Reacting swiftly, Koharu cried out, her voice filled with panic, "Hiruzen! Hiruzen! Where are the medical ninjas? Why haven't they arrived yet?!"

The sudden commotion sent the ward into disarray once more. Amidst the chaos, the newspaper slipped from Hiruzen's grasp, its contents now exposed for all to see: a haunting illustration accompanied by ominous words, "Land of Misfortune — The Cursed Konoha!"

1447 Words.

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