
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Anime & Comics
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254 Chs

CH - 244 This kid loves learning.

Uchiha Mikoto vividly recalls the chaos of the Nine-Tails incident, a time when Konoha was plunged into turmoil. The sudden rampage of the Nine-Tails caught the village off guard, leaving no time for a proper response. Even Mikoto, who had retired from her ninja duties, found herself assisting, after entrusting Sasuke to Itachi's care.

In the end, the Fourth Hokage made the harrowing decision to seal the Nine-Tails inside his own child, sacrificing himself with the Forbidden Jutsu. And Kushina... Obito took her body away.

This raised suspicions among some, suspecting that the Fourth Hokage had really betrayed Konoha. Otherwise, why was Kushina the only one taken by Obito? Why not others who had defected? Some even wondered if the Third Hokage's intervention had prevented the Fourth Hokage and his family from being taken away earlier.

Yet, as a friend of Kushina, Mikoto remained steadfast in her belief that the Fourth Hokage did not betray Konoha.

However, wasn't it common knowledge that the extraction of a Tailed Beast would result in the death of the Jinchuriki? This fact made Kushina's survival all the more bewildering to Mikoto, despite Kushina's explanation the previous night. After all, the fact that Kushina was still alive defied conventional understanding.

Moreover, It was astonishing to consider that the once-small Grass Village now possessed medical ninjutsu surpassing even that of Konoha. This achievement surpassed all expectations and spoke volumes about their village's advancement.

Uchiha Mikoto shook her head with a wry smile, "Perhaps... despite everything, everyone still underestimated Grass Village.".

The aftermath of the previous war had left many wary of the Grass Village's burgeoning strength. It was becoming increasingly evident that this seemingly small village possessed the capability to stand toe-to-toe with major ninja villages, and perhaps even emerge victorious. However, Grass Village wasn't just formidable in battle; it was also making significant strides in other areas, surpassing the expectations of many.

Speaking of which, It made sense now why Naruto was taken to the Grass Village, given his mother's residing here. And it appears Naruto is thriving, free from the hatred and rejection he faced in Konoha. Kushina, too, seems to be doing well.

Reflecting on this, Mikoto couldn't help but wonder: if it weren't for Kushina's explanation last night, she might have assumed that Kushina had remarried and even had a daughter.

At that moment, as Mikoto wrestled with her thoughts, Kushina's voice broke through her contemplation.

"Mikoto, are you awake? Breakfast is ready, and Fuso's cooking skills are truly something." Kushina's upbeat tone resonated from the doorway.

Mikoto shook off her reverie, swiftly adjusting her attire before opening the door. The events of the previous night had left her drained, and she hadn't fully recovered.

Seeing Kushina standing there, exuding her usual buoyant energy and seemingly rejuvenated, Mikoto felt a slight lift in her spirits. She managed a smile, though it carried a tinge of bitterness. "Thank you, Kushina," she murmured.

Kushina waved off the gratitude with a grin. "Oh, don't mention it. And if I see the old man Third Hokage, I'll give him a piece of my mind too. Maybe even a good beating," she added playfully, raising her fist.

Mikoto's worries resurfaced, and she hesitated. "I'm sorry, but what about the situation with the Uchiha clan?"

Kushina waved her concerns away, her confidence unwavering. "Don't fret. Akihiko has it under control. Let's give them some time to settle down. They'll find their way. Come on, let's have breakfast. Akihiko is here too, so everything will be fine."

As Kushina whisked Mikoto away, Mikoto found herself unable to protest, swept up in the moment. Watching Kushina's radiant smile, Mikoto couldn't help but mirror it, albeit with a hint of resignation.

This scenario felt reminiscent of their days after graduation. There was a certain nostalgia to it. Reflecting on it, Mikoto realized the striking parallels between their past and present situations.

Back then, both were confined by circumstances. Kushina, as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, was restricted in her movements, while Mikoto, bearing the weight of her Uchiha heritage, faced similar limitations.

Now, with the Fourth Hokage's sacrifice leading Kushina and Naruto to the Grass Village, and with Fugaku and the Uchiha clan facing their own trials, Mikoto found herself navigating a similar path.

However, It seems that Kushina has deep trust in the Grass Village leader.

Upon entering the living room, Mikoto's gaze fell on Sasuke, who sat with an air of detachment, arms crossed and expression unreadable. Relief washed over her at the sight of him, but beneath the surface, she couldn't shake off her concerns. Itachi's ordeal seemed to have left its mark on Sasuke, evident in his distant demeanor.

Yet, as Naruto bubbled with curiosity about Konoha, his cheerful demeanor a stark contrast to Sasuke's as he engaged in conversation with him, Mikoto found a glimmer of hope. Perhaps Naruto's infectious enthusiasm could help pull Sasuke out of his emotional shell.

Her attention then shifted to the trio before her: the two red-haired women, reminiscent of Kushina, and the black-haired man beside them. Kushina had introduced them the night before as Fuso, Kana, and the Grass Village leader.

It seems like with both families residing next to each other, it wasn't uncommon for the Grass Village leader to join them for meals.

Speaking of which, Mikoto had heard about Fuso's son, Nagato, who had been raised by the Grass Village leader and had since become a formidable ninja. In the recent conflicts with Konoha, Nagato had proven to be a formidable adversary, causing significant trouble for Konoha.

"Leader Akihiko!" Mikoto greeted Akihiko, the Grass Village Leader, with respect before turning to Fuso and Kana. "Sorry for intruding."

Kushina, however, brushed aside Mikoto's apologies and ushered her to sit down. "Don't be so polite," she insisted, pulling Mikoto into a seat. "After breakfast, I'll take you and Sasuke out for a walk. There are plenty of interesting places to see here, and don't worry about being watched. Later, we can even visit the Land of Rain together. It's filled with delicious treats, and the green train makes the journey quick and easy."

'Kushina can leave the Grass Village?' Mikoto was taken aback by the prospect of leaving the Grass Village with Kushina, but before she could voice her surprise, Kushina had already seated her. Surprisingly, the Grass Village Leader offered no objection, simply welcoming them to join the meal.

Though it was just a simple breakfast, Mikoto couldn't shake the strange feeling that lingered in the air as she observed the scene before her.

During breakfast, the Grass Village leader briefly touched upon the situation concerning the Uchiha clan. With the assistance of the Uzumaki Elder and Obito, who had lent a hand the previous night, it appeared that matters had somewhat stabilized in the Grass Village.

Mikoto felt a wave of relief wash over her upon hearing this news. While she understood that many clan members harbored resentment and hatred due to the events involving Itachi and Shisui, as the former clan leader's wife, she held onto hope that they could find peace and acceptance in their new surroundings.

"There's no need for concern," Akihiko reassured her, sensing her worry. "Obito may be young, but he's proven to be quite astute. I'm confident he'll guide the Uchiha clan effectively. Moreover, our village has experience in integrating migrating ninja clans. We have protocols in place to facilitate their transition. If you wish, you're welcome to visit and see for yourself."

Mikoto inwardly sighed with gratitude at Akihiko's comforting words. Though her worries persisted, she found solace in the leader's assurances. "Thank you, Leader Akihiko," she replied softly, grateful for his understanding.

As the peculiar breakfast drew to a close, Mikoto found herself joining Fuso in tidying up. Despite the unfamiliar surroundings, her expertise in household chores made the task feel more manageable.

Yet, despite Kushina's reassurance and assistance, Mikoto couldn't shake off all her anxieties about being in an unfamiliar place. Despite her efforts to ease into the situation, a lingering unease remained.

Observing Sasuke interacting with Akihiko in the courtyard, Mikoto felt a twinge of concern. She feared that Sasuke might inadvertently say something that could provoke Akihiko. Just as she contemplated intervening, she was handed a cup of steaming tea.

Gratefully accepting the tea, Mikoto nodded her thanks. "Thank you," she murmured softly.

"Don't worry about Sasuke," Fuso reassured her with a gentle smile. "Akihiko will look after him."

Kushina chimed in with a reassuring nod. "Exactly. When Naruto first arrived, he was just as apprehensive. But he's adapted remarkably well."

Adding to the reassurances, Kana offered her own words of comfort. "Akihiko enjoys mentoring children."

Moved by their kindness and assurances, Mikoto found herself gradually relaxing. With a newfound sense of calm, she settled back, cradling the warm cup of tea in her hands as she silently observed the courtyard scene unfold before her.

At that moment, Akihiko, basking in the morning sunlight, was taken aback when he noticed Sasuke approaching him. It was unexpected; why would this child seek him out instead of joining Naruto in play? Before he could utter a word, Sasuke spoke, his tone cold and determined.

"Are you strong?" Sasuke's gaze bore into Akihiko's, devoid of any warmth. After a brief pause, he continued, "Can you teach me to become strong? I want... to settle the score with that man and destroy Konoha."

Akihiko was momentarily surprised by the request, but a smile spread across his face as he looked at the young Sasuke, who, despite his tender age of five, exuded an air of cold maturity.

A smile tugged at Akihiko's lips at his little adult-like expression. "Of course," he replied, reaching out to gently ruffle Sasuke's hair. Surprisingly, perhaps because he was asking for help, Sasuke didn't try to dodge his pat this time. Instead, his gaze was fixed on Akihiko with anticipation.

But before Sasuke could inquire further about how to become stronger, Akihiko's expression grew solemn. "For now, focus on playing," he advised, his tone laden with gravity. "Things will get very challenging later on."

Undeterred, Sasuke lifted his head proudly. "I'm not afraid," he declared. "Whatever it takes, as long as I become stronger, I'll endure it."

"Very well said!" Akihiko nodded approvingly. "Uncle appreciates children who are eager to learn like you."

Indeed, It seems like he's really a child who genuinely loves to learn~

1739 Words.

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