

The year is 2018 and Geisenburg Empire is currently at civil war. A rebel group inside Geisenburg has been formed and is led by none other than the great great grandson of an elf dictator from Limheim Domain who slaughtered 14 million beastmen back in 1941. Adrian, a boy born from nobility is gifted by an ability he calls a "curse". This ability is still unknown but his father fears it, so he puts him in way too much training as a child. Though weak in magic and fighting, his wits and intelligence are his best partners. Adrian would then train, and get accepted to the prestigious school known as Mahika Academy. There, he continues to train. Will he ever be able to master his curse? Will he be able to control his magic? Let us all find out.

Natsuki_Kurosawa · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Forgiveness

Adrian was left on the hospital by the 3 people who saved him. His aunt stayed to do some paperworks to transfer him back to their house.

Adrian woke up on the same place again

"What the... I'm back again here huh?" Adrian said. He gets up and walks again hoping to find the same person.


Adrian looks around yet he didn't see the person. He kept looking and looking until he got tired. He sat down and was breathing heavily.

"Damnit... He's not here... I should look for that person next time." he lies down and closes his eyes.

Some time later someone poked him. He struggled on opening his eyes but he managed to do it anyways.

"Oh, you're finally awake. I saw you looking for me, so what is it?" the person he was looking for finally showed. Adrian gets himself up and looks at him, now that he's in front of him he looks exactly just like him, just with white hair and red eyes.

"Hello? You look like you just saw a ghost." Adrian blinks rapidly as he tries to process the things that he saw

"Uhh... You look just exactly like me-" the man then interrupted him

"Yes just like you! So, why are you trying to find me?" he asked.

"I wanna know about my family's eye curse and how it was created." Adrian told the man as he looks at him

"By the magistrates... You're still not over it are you? Look, I also don't know. I'm part of you, we're kinda the same person. It's like I'm your conscience." The man said. Adrian then thanked him regardless, he then returned to his body. He slowly wakes opens his eyes and saw a white light. He groans, trying to clear his vision by opening and closing his eyes. He moved his hands and looks around

"... Where... Am I again this time?" he said. He looks to his side and saw a bell. He took it and shakes it.

The bell rang, the maid and his aunt heard the sound so they immediately rushed to his room. To their surprise they saw Adrian awake trying to drink water. The maid saw this and immediately helps Adrian get up to drink his water

"Thank you..." Adrian drinks the water carefully. His aunt checks his temperature by putting her hand on his head. His aunt sighed in relief knowing that he's well.

She then hugs her despite what Adrian did. Adrian was shocked. He wraps his arms around her and hugs her back

"I'm sorry auntie, I should've followed your words." Adrian said in a low tone of voice

"It's ok, what's important is you are safe."

Some time later, Adrian took some rest again. Around that time a black car arrived. The guards recognized this car and they immediately opened the gates. The car parked in front of the house where Andrian's aunt waited for them. The driver opened the back seat door slowly. A woman in dress got out of the car and takes her sunglasses off.

"Ah~ my lovely sister!" the woman hugs Andrian's aunt. She smiled and hugs her back

"Sis, I missed you too." she said to the woman

"Scarlett, how's Adrian?" the woman asked Scarlett in a worrying tone. Scarlett told her that he just woke up earlier and is currently sleeping

"Oh thank the magistrates, can I visit him?" his mother asked

"Of course, Amelia, he's your son. Follow me." Scarlett invited her inside to visit her son.

"May I ask? Before the incident, was he doing fine?" Amelia asked Scarlett. Scarlett said that he was. Not until eye curse as he says activated.

" He still calls it a curse huh?" Amelia said. Scarlett nodded her head. They arrived at Adrian's room and Scarlett opened the door. As they open the door wider, they saw Adrian looking outside through the window. Adrian felt like someone is at the door so he looks at his side

"Oh, mom, it's you." Adrian smiled and his mom cried

"Thanked the magistrates you're fine." his mom hugged him tight.

"Owowow!" even though he felt pain he still accepted it

"So mom... Why are you here? Don't you have work to do?" Adrian asked as he looks down on his mom still hugging him

"Can't I visit my baby boy??" she said in a worried voice while looking at him with puppy eyes

"Well... You can I'm just... Worried about... Dad..." Adrian then became quite. His mom saw the fear in his eyes and she tried to comfort her son

"Dear, your dad was just trying to make you strong. The eye, it's very powerful, even I have to... Plus you already know we lost-" Adrian stopped his mom midsentence. He said that he already knows it. It's always what she said for him not to be scared of his dad.

".... But what about Amy and Atreus?! They didn't have to go all the suffering that I did!" Adrian retaliated

"But they don't have any of our ability! It's only you, me, and your dad. Your dad studied about this and... He fears your eye ability, he said that it was just way too powerful." his mom told him. He told her to just leave him alone for now. His mom left him some money for him and some snacks. She hugged him tight before she left. His mom looked at his window one last time. Even after the quarrel they got earlier she gave him a warm smile before she got inside the car.

Seeing this, Adrian got out of his bed even tripping over the stairs, he wanted to apologize to his own mother. Although when he arrived at the front gate they already left. Adrian cried and punched the floor in pain. He wanted to apologize to his mom but it was too late, he thinks that she hates him now.

"Now now, child, don't be like that." a soft voice was heard by Adrian, he felt something warm was enveloping him and when he opened his eyes, he saw his mother hugging him. Adrian hugged his mother tight and cried all the way

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry mom.... I just... I just!!" Adrian kept repeating it but his mom told him that everything will be fine.

"Calm down my little one, it's fine... It's alright, everything will be fine." After all of that his mom decided to stay for a little bit and check up on Adrian from time to time while her and Scarlett decided to become a marites for half an hour.

Amelia then said a proper farewell to Adrian as she left with the car returning back to her house at the southwest of the villa they're in.

Upon returning to her house she saw her husband Alucard sitting, although she felt that something isn't right. The position of his sitting, his face and his hands. She knocked the door and Alucard slightly moves his head, she slowly walked towards him, sits beside him, puts her hand on his chest and on the other side of his shoulder, she asked

"Darling, is something wrong? I'm all ears my love." Alucard puts his head on her shoulders, he takes a deep breath and closed his eyes as he says

".... I heard what happened to our son, him leaving this house... Because of me... And now he keeps getting in dangerous situations just to prove me wrong."

Alucard hugs Amelia and asks for forgiveness

"Eh? Darling.... You shouldn't ask forgiveness to me but to him..." Scarlett returned the hug. Alucard lets a drop of tear down his eyes

"I can't forgive myself for treating Adrian like a weapon... Training him until he isn't able to, scarring his mind... I'm so sorry, my son..."

The next day, a mail arrived at Scarlett's house. The guards brought the mail to her and opened it. The mail was from Mahika Academy. She immediately went to Adrian's room and busted it using her raw strength. Adrian woke up from the sound of his door getting busted and asked her what's wrong with her.

"Adrian.... It's... It's a mail..." she tries to catch her breathe while she talks to him.

"Alright alright, calm down for a second, is the mail really that important? Why are you in such a hurry?" he asked her. Scarlett then walks towards him and gave him the mail

"You better read it for yourself kid... Imma take some rest holy cow..." Scarlett slowly walks back to her room to get some rest. Adrian opens the mail and saw the Mahika Academy logo in front.

"Holy shi-

-To be continued