

The year is 2018 and Geisenburg Empire is currently at civil war. A rebel group inside Geisenburg has been formed and is led by none other than the great great grandson of an elf dictator from Limheim Domain who slaughtered 14 million beastmen back in 1941. Adrian, a boy born from nobility is gifted by an ability he calls a "curse". This ability is still unknown but his father fears it, so he puts him in way too much training as a child. Though weak in magic and fighting, his wits and intelligence are his best partners. Adrian would then train, and get accepted to the prestigious school known as Mahika Academy. There, he continues to train. Will he ever be able to master his curse? Will he be able to control his magic? Let us all find out.

Natsuki_Kurosawa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 2: Disbelief

Hours before Adrian got in danger

"Beatrice, you're not eating breakfast?" the mom asked "No mom. We still have work to do. Especially on the council." Beatrice puts on her shoes "I see, well don't forget to eat too alright?" her mom said to her as she says goodbye and went on her way.

Beatrice decided to go to the nearest resto to get something to eat. She found one and decided to enter.

Upon entering she saw someone already eating "Hm?" she questioned herself "He looks familiar." she was then greeted by the manager "Hello ma'am! Welcome to Café de Luna! What can I get for you?" he asked, Bea then ordered the breakfast meal. While waiting for her food, she looked at the boy who was looking at Bea

"Y-yes can I help you?"

Bea asked and the boy shook his head no. A couple of minutes later, the manager placed her meal, it was also the time the boy finished his breakfast "I'll pay you off later, see yah!" then he went on his way.

Some time later, Beatrice finished her food and she pays it. She then walked to the academy where she is currently the student president.

"Good morning Ms. Beatrice." a girl student greeted her "Good morning too." Bea replied.

She went inside the school and goes to the Student Government Office. Upon entering she saw a man sitting "Sir, as part of the Student Government, I must ask you to live immediately.". The man then introduced himself as " My name, is Alucard Von Beaumont. I believe your school is still accepting students, am I correct?" Beatrice was in shock when she heard the name. She then tried to offer him a cup of coffee but he said no.

"May I ask why the head of the Von Beaumont family is here?" Beatrice asked "Well, like I said I believe your school is still accepting students right?" he looked at Beatrice directly at the eye. Beatrice then answered with a yes "I do believe it's true. I do know that 2 of your children are in this school but not the other. Is it him if I must ask?" Alucard nodded

"Yes, it is him." he said.

"Hmm, I think I have met him before... On a resto earlier." Beatrice puts her hand on her chin as she tries to remember him "I think you've already met him. His name is Adrian Von Beaumont. My 3rd son." he smiled. Beatrice asks what his status "Well, currently he's pretty weak..." Bea then questions herself if she should convince the admins to approve him "But he's weak... Should I convince the admins?"

"But you'll be surprised on what he can do. He's doing his best." Alucard told Beatrice. Alucard looks at his watch and saw the time "Ah, my look at the time, I'm almost late for my meeting. Well here's his enrollment form. I'll leave the rest to you Ms. Student President."

"Ah- W-wait!" Beatrice tried to get his attention but he already left.

"Ahhh jeez... Well, it's also almost my second subject so why not just go to the locker room already." Beatrice shrugs it off and goes to the girl's locker room immediately. "Hey! Sorry I'm late, I just took care of some files at the office." Beatrice apologized. Her teacher sighed and waves her hand "It's ok, go and change into your armor already." Beatrice thanked her teacher and rushed to her locker as she took off her uniform. As she takes her clothes off, she looks to her side only to see a pair of huge badonkers. She opened her mouth in shock and in awe "W-ww-watermelons!"

She told herself as her friend looks at her. Her friend puts her hand on her cheek and smiled "Ara~ if it isn't Beatrice~" she then hugs Bea. Bea hugs her back and a they did a few chit chats there before they continue on putting their armor.

A couple of minutes later they went outside to see carts "Miss, what's going on?" a student asked the teacher. The teacher takes a deep breath, and exhaled it before having a pause and said "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP! SINCE ALL OF YOU ARE IN YOUR 3RD YEAR OF JUNIOR HIGH! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE AN EXPEDITION IN THE FOREST! YOU ALL WILL BE GOING ALONE. OF COURSE I'M STILL GOING TO BE THERE FOR ALL OF YOU. YOU ARE ALL ASSIGNED IN EACH CARTS. EACH OF YOU ARE ASSIGNED WITH EACH IF. YOUR CLASSMATES WHO ARE SUITED WITH YOU IN BATTLE. YOU ALL WILL WORK AS A TEAM. 4 MEMBERS WILL BE EACH CARTS. Now that's out of the way, let's begin. Cart 1 will be... "

The teacher proceeded to assign them in their carts. Up to 9 carts in total. Bea was assigned at the 7th cart, along side with her friend, Aliya.

5 minutes have passed and they're now headed to their destination. They talked about some things in their life and as well as the test they're going to have. "Man, I can't wait to do some combat against monsters!" a male classmate said with an enthusiastic tone. A member of them responds "Me too!" Bea looks at them and told to be careful because they might encounter a very formidable foe, she said with an almost cold voice.

Upon arrival on the destination, the teacher does another attendance check "Hmm... It seems all of you are complete. Alright, before I let all of you go..." the teacher took something from her bag "You all will be wearing these." she showed them a bracelet, with a push of a button the teacher will automatically come to their location in case of a very serious emergency.

"Alright, you all get to wear one." she gave them the bracelet and they all wear it. "Now... Go have fun! You all have until school dismissal."

The respective teams then head on to the forest by running inside with a cheerful voices.

They all fought the monsters that are lurking in the area such as wild wolves, goblins, giant snakes and more.

Beatrice thrusts her rapier to the goblin as it dies through getting stab in the heart. "Bea, on your left! Incoming!" Bea heard the warning from her teammate, she looked at her left and stands on her ground.

She closed her eyes and said these words loudly "The coldness of death and the sharpness yond pierces the heart. Cometh forth!" a giant magic circle then appears in front of her "Icicles!" she swung her rapier in front of her as icicles exits the magic circle hitting every goblin on it's way killing them all.

Her teammate claps hands for her "As expected from a catalyst user." hearing those wirds, Bea looks behind and saw her teammate complimenting her. She smiled and said "Thanks but it's not really that of a big deal." while still trying to be humble "Oh c'mon! You're a catalyst user, you can use 4 elements and you're other skills are also boosted." Aliya added in the conversation.

They laughed until they heard a scream. This alarmed Bea's team as they regroup with their other teammates. A girl told Bea that the scream is near their vicinity. A boy suggested that they split into 2 and Bea agreed. Bea and the boy went to the northwest of their location while Aliya and the girl went to the northeast.

"Bea, could you have any ideas what made that noise?" the boy asked "No... I don't. But my theory, a person. It does sound like a person." she told the boy. They kept walking and walking deep into the forest until they saw a light. The boy then pointed in the light's direction "There, there must be someone there." the boy said and hurried and Bea followed as well

Upon arrival, the boy was shocked. He stops moving as he observes the sight. Bea saw him stopping and asks "H-hey what's going on- by the magistrates.... What happened here...." both of them are petrified, confused, shocked.

The boy saw a person laying down so he immediately rushed. He checks the vital signs on the neck and hand "He's still alive!!" he immediately calls Aliya and the girl to come to their location. He then pressed the button on the bracelet so their teacher can help them. The teacher arrived and saw what happened. She then said something in confusion "What the hell is going on?! Kleo, answer me!" Kleo looks behind him and saw their teacher "Ms. Heyla, we heard a scream not long ago. When we searched what it was it led us here. Me and Bea found it together. I have also already called the others." Kleo answered Ms. Heyla. "I see, tell then to go back at the camp, the 2 of you, let's go to the hospital." Kleo and Bea nodded as they carried the boy's body ".... Did he... Took care of all of them? From what I've seen he only has a broadsword, not that sharp too... So how.... It's interesting. Such a disbelief. " Bea says to herself as they hurry to the hospital's location to treat the boy.

They entered the hospital the the nurses saw the boy and they hurriedly rushed to him and placed him on a bed to heal him up. Upon further inspection by the teacher, the teacher looks at the 2 of them and smiled like something was up "You know... You guys might get a reward for this." Kleo looks at her and asks why. Ms. Heyla chuckles 3 times as she looks Kleo in the eyes directly "He's the 3rd child of the Von Beaumont Family." Kleo widened his eyes in surprise as he looks at Bea jumping like a madman

"Jeez, this guy..." Bea sighed and rolls her eyes.

A couple of minutes later the boy was healed, the nurses has already called his family, specifically his aunt and should arrive any minute.

The boy's aunt arrived. She saw her nephew resting and was relieved. She then thanked Ms. Heyla, Bea and Kleo by giving them a thank you money for their efforts. Ms. Heyla took it and shares it with the 3 of them because it's a bad impression for them to not accept the gift in front of the giver.

They then left the hospital and regrouped with everyone.

Ms. Heyla said that they'll be back now. The students of course are sad and annoyed but they got no choice. They returned at the school, took some warm baths and changed their clothing to their school uniform. "Man! That was tough don't you think?" Kleo asks Bea "Definitely. Well I'll be going to the office now. Later." Kleo bids farewell to Bea ".... So... He's the 3rd child enrolling in this school huh?"

-To be continued