

The year is 2018 and Geisenburg Empire is currently at civil war. A rebel group inside Geisenburg has been formed and is led by none other than the great great grandson of an elf dictator from Limheim Domain who slaughtered 14 million beastmen back in 1941. Adrian, a boy born from nobility is gifted by an ability he calls a "curse". This ability is still unknown but his father fears it, so he puts him in way too much training as a child. Though weak in magic and fighting, his wits and intelligence are his best partners. Adrian would then train, and get accepted to the prestigious school known as Mahika Academy. There, he continues to train. Will he ever be able to master his curse? Will he be able to control his magic? Let us all find out.

Natsuki_Kurosawa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 4: Enrollment

"Holy Shit! I... I got accepted? I don't remember giving enrolling yet." Adrian thought to himself. He then goes to Scarlett's bedroom. He knock at the door gently before hearing Scarlett say

"Come in." Adrian goes inside her room and hands her the letter

"Yeah what about it?" she looks at Adrian who has a disappointed mixed with an angered face

"Who enrolled me?" he asked. Adrian looks at her, demanding for answers.

"Are you sure? You really wanna know? You'll have a hard time accepting it. You still wanna know?" Scarlett asked him

"Yes." Adrian answered with no hesitation.

Scarlett took a deep breath, then exhaled it.

"Adrian, it was your father-" she heard her door slam. Adrian walked out of her room

"I knew it..." Scarlett sighed as she closes her eyes and takes her nap. While she was taking a nap Adrian changed into his street wear. He went to their garage and used his uncle's motor to venture out to the country side. He went to where his uncle who was his father figure would take him on walks and snacks.

He parked the bike and locked it so no one can steal it. He found their secret hiding spot near the playground where they used to play. He looked above and checked if the ladder is still strong and it was, he climbs up and went inside the tree house. There he saw all his toys that he left, nostalgia hits and Adrian smiled thinking of the days before his uncle left to help the knights in Astradtnoya Federation.

Adrian then closed his eyes and tear up, just wishing his uncle was his father.

30 minutes has passed by and Adrian decided to go back. Riding the motorcycle he decided before going back to his house he go eat af the restaurant they eat before only to realize when he arrived it was already destroyed, not by time of abandonment, but by someone. He parked his bike to investigate the inside.

"What the hell happened here..." he asked himself as he carefully goes inside to not activate some things or traps that will absolutely end his life.

"This seems like it just happened not too long ago maybe a week I guess?" What he didn't know was there's a person secretly following him. Trying to go in deeper he jumped in fear when rats passed by

"Woah... It's just rats no need to fret... Maybe..." when it was too scary for him he decided to go back outside only to find out a gang.

"Hey there kiddo, you got some sick bike out here. Can I have it?" the leader said. Adrian shook his head. Afraid of getting into more trouble he just snobbed them but the leader grabbed him by his collar and told him

"Oh you think you're so brave and strong for snobbing me like that huh?" he then pushed Adrian to the center as he was circled by the other gang members.

"Please, I don't want any trouble." Adrian begged him. The leader took off his shirt and cracked his neck and fingers

"I don't want any troubles from me either." The leader then tried to punch Adrian but then

"Wah!" the leader heard them scream. He looked at them touching their bodies to relieve the pain.

"What the hell?!" annoyed, the leader looked back at Adrian but he was gone, he has gotten away.

"After him! Get that bike! Kill him if necessary!" the leader hopped unto their bikes and chased Adrian

"Shit shit! What have I gotten myself into?! First goblins now this?!" desperately trying to get him off his track, the leader fired a bullet at Adrian but he missed. Adrian heard the shot being fired and looks back

"A gun?! Seriously? Oh magistrates please help me!!" Adrian sped the bike up and so did the gang.

"You're not getting away here you lil punk!"

While being chased, Adrian received a call from his aunt.

"What the hell is going in Adrian?!" she asked him. Knowing the tone of her voice, an angered tone with confused and worried pitch

"I uhh- got into trouble again hehe..." Adrian told her as he dodges a bullet and smiled. Scarlett does a face-palm.

"Ok, here's what we're going to do ok, make sure there's no other civilians around." Scarlett told Adrian. Adrian checked everything around him and it was just woods and the gang behind him. Scarlett then told him that there's a red button covered in glass. Adrian saw it and asked

"What am I supposed to do with this?!" Scarlett then replied

"Press it now!" Adrian pressed it and the back of the motorcycle turned into a giant thruster, he was then covered with some kind of protection. After that the thruster released a burst of energy that made the motorcycle as fast as a sound. Adrian screamed on how fast it was but was relieved that he got away from the gang.

A minute later the motorcycle returned to it's normal form and Adrian went back to the city. As he entered the city he was then stopped by the guards who was with Scarlett.

"Adrian." She glares at him, a glare Andrian would know he isn't in trouble but in danger.

"Hey auntie... Hehe" Adrian was then arrested for disobeying traffic laws and is sentenced to 2 weeks of hours prison.

"If uncle finds out you used his bike you are so dead! Also we have to go shopping tomorrow for your school supplies." Scarlett and Adrian was escorted back to the car and went back home.

Adrian goes to his room and took some time to think about the enrollment

"Should I really go? I mean it is my dream school but like... Because of my dad? The one who tortured me? It's hard to accept but it is an opportunity so it's hard to pass." Adrian would then undress himself and go inside the bathroom to take a warm bath. He washed himself with soap and water before rinsing himself up. He would then go out of the bathroom and put on his night clothes before going outside to eat dinner.

"Umm auntie...." he said. Scarlett would then look at Adrian with a soft glance

"What is it? If it's about earlier it's fine. We all have tantrums and our rebellious phases, I did that before too as well as your father haha!" Scarlett laughed while covering her mouth with her hands. Adrian looks at her and smiles for a little bit as he eats his food.

The next day, Adrian is already outside waiting for Scarlett

"Jeez when she's gonna come out?" he asked himself and speak of the devil she's already behind him. He saw the guards laughing at him and asked

"What?" the guards then answered by pointing, Adrian looks behind him and was startled

"Wohah!! Jeez.... You scared me... Alright let's go now." Adrian opened the door for Scarlett

"Thank you, Adrian." She said. Adrian would then go to the front seat since he's easily affected by the car's movement.

They would then arrive at the mall, the car parked and they got out.

"It's been a long time since I've been in the mall." Adrian said

"Heh we're the same." His aunt replied. "Well time to go inside and find you some school supplies. After that we're going to your school and introduce you to your dorm cuz tomorrow, you'll be moving there." Scarlett smiled as she grabs onto Adrian and went inside the mall.

The mall is full of people, not crowded just full. The two went to the school supply section of the department store where they bought pens, pencils, notebooks and a bag.

"Wait why do we have to buy a bag like can't I just use my middle school bag?" Adrian asked "Adrian that bag is already rotten and the color has already faded, also it's ok I mean... We're nobles remember?" Scarlett whispered to Adrian the last words of her sentence.

"Hm well still isn't it a waste of money?" he said

"Your money is wasted if you don't buy something with it Andy." Scarlett told him. Adrian's cheeks blushed a little because of what Scarlett said.

When they got what they needed, Adrian saw a girl getting harassed by a man. He just think that it's just her boyfriend trying to make his girlfriend laugh but there's something off. He looked at Scarlett who was on the line and saw it as an opportunity to get out unnoticed. Adrian followed the man up to the 2nd floor. A couple of seconds later he finally reached the man and pats his back.

Adrian would then asked "Sir, do you know her by any chance?" the man then looks at him and said out loud

"I'm not doing anything perverted!" people would then stop and whispered to the person beside them and that right there, Adrian would then sharpen his glare a little bit. "I didn't said anything about what you're doing.". This angered the man and grab the girl as hostage

"Don't worry, because of the commotion we did, the guards are on their way." Adrian smiled at the pervert thus angering the pervert even more "You! I'll kill you!" the pervert rushed to Adrian only to be pushed by Scarlett.

"You ok?" she ask

"Y-yes... I guess..." Adrian replied.

Scarlett would then looked at the man and then readied herself and does her fighting stance "Such a poser." Adrian said while he chuckles.

"That won't work against me! I have anti-magic attributes!" the pervert said "Who says I'm going to use magic?" Scarlett grins as she raises her hands in a smooth motion and vines started to appear.

"What the?!" The vines grabbed the man's arms, being restrained by Scarlett's vines

"Best way to counter anti-magic attributes is the Jinxiang technique. Though they only use Aqua, Fyra, Frysta, Gaia, Planta Elektra and Gale. They can't use mana based magic like Lumina, Umbra and Tima though." Scarlett winks at him. A couple of seconds later the guards have arrived.

"You guys are late. If that happens you could have lost a life." Scarlett said to the guards "S-sorry ma'am. C'mon let's get this guy." The guards would then restrain him and they went on their way as the crowd applaud Scarlett.

"Thank you, I only did what a helpful human would do." she said.

Adrian asked if she already bought his things and showed the bag on her hands "You don't have to worry, let's go Adrian." she grabs him by the hand and lays his head on his shoulder

"Oh uhhh ok??" Adrian said in a confused tone. They would then return to the car and off they go.

A day passes and the news about Scarlett has died out and she can live her "normal" life again. "Oh right we have to go to your school. I heard the girl who saved you is also enrolled there." Scarlett said at the dinner table. Adrian looks at him squinting his eyes, confused on why she said that.

"Ok but why did you said that?" Adrian asked

"Mmn I don't know, thought you might get interested, she's beautiful too." She said with a smug face. Adrian blushed a little bit and tries to hide it from her. "Ahh don't be like that! C'mon it's just a tip to make friends with her... Unless...." Scarlett kept teasing Adrian until he becomes red like a tomato "Sh-shut up..."

After breakfast, they went to the school where Adrian would be studying from now on. "I know it's big but I never thought it would be THIS big...." in awe, Adrian kept looking at the ceiling, walls and floors just trying to process that this school, Mahika Academy is really really big.

"Welcome, to Mahika Academy Scarlett Seymour, husband of Louis Seymour and of course the brand new student of this school Adrian Von Beaumont, 3rd son of Mr and Mrs Von Beaumont." the lady said.

"This way please." She then showed us the way, touring us around the school.

"So this is your dorm room. I suppose you will be transferring here tomorrow?" the lady asked "Oh yes yes I'll be doing that tomorrow. Still have to pack some things up yeah." Adrian said while laughing for a little bit. The lady then smiled and said that once he's here with his stuff he'll be assisted by the assistants of the school to transfer his stuffs to his dorm. He was then given the keys to his dorm room and then they exited the school.

Back at Scarlett's house, Adrian was packing up his things with the help of the maids and guards

"Well Adrian, guess tomorrow's the last day we'll see you." A guard said

"Jeez, don't be like that, I'm still going back here every once in a while pfft." Adrian rolled his eyes while smiling. "But yeah... I'll be missing you guys." Adrian told them as the give him a hug.

The next day, Adrian said goodbye to his home, the guards and the maids. He entered the car with all his belongings and they drove to the school. Upon arrival he was then assisted by the assistants and went to his dorm. When they arrived he opened the door and saw it was pretty decent, they then put his stuffs at the floor and they left. He thanked them and started opening the boxes to put all his belongings in where they belong.

He opened his bag to put all his clothes at the closet, books in the shelves and his laptop at the table and many more.

"Well... This is my new home. This feels weird, living alone."

-to be continued