
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasie
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411 Chs

Wolf pack 2.

Precisely, the pack of wolves Nate was fighting is the same that confronted him while he was looking for a whitebonez zombie. It just that back then, when the leader of the wolf spotted the whitebonez, he didn't waste time to flee with its pack in fear. That's why at t this moment, Nate was wondering why such a powerful wolf will run away from a single whitebonez.

'You are an intelligent wolf, one that could tell who is who, but why will you run away from a whitebonez with this amount of strength trapped in you?' nate wondered.

Ever since the wolf recovered from the frozen ray of nate weapon, it was been careful about how he approaches nate. The wolf has been trying its best to distance itself from Nate while continuing the fight.

Stamping its foot on the ground again, the wolf sent out the wind force at Nate as the former was running towards him. Seeing this, Nate turned the axe into a shield and blocked himself.

Although this stopped him on the track, he wasn't blown away by the wind. And then the tsunami wind force passes through. Nate continued to run towards the wolf.

His agility was not boosted to seventy and with such an amount of agility, Nate was like a phantom moving in the dark.

Once he takes a step, he would appear at his ideal location. By this time, he had suddenly appeared beside the wolf before altering the weapon once more.

'Let's shackle you down!' Nate yelled inwardly as the axe was altered into a chain. He didn't hesitate to swing it at the wolf's leg. The chain was long and elastic, it was also large and when it was wrapped around the paw of the wolf, nate yanked hard attempting to pull the wolf out of balance.

It was possible with his strength now in a hundred points. The fact the frozen ray power was taking effect again was not helping the matter at all.

The wolf's front leg was eventually pulled out of position as the wolf's body slammed into the ground.

Nate quickly recoiled the shackles into his hand and headed for the wolf's head.

As he approaches the head, he altered the ice weapon into a spear covered in ice. Like a phantom, he appeared in front of the wolf and thrust the spear at the head.

However, before the spear would leave his hand, the wolf suddenly let out a breath one could clearly see the stemmed vapour leaving its nose and mouth.

Nate was not expecting this and the vapour hit him and sent him across the snow.


'What's this?!' Nate yelled in shock as he looked at the number of damages he got.


While the table might seem to have turned around for Nate, that couldn't be said for Zuni and the rest. Although they are struggling, their struggles so far have been paying off since two more wolves have been taken down.

'This sword, why will nate give me such a sword?' Zuni wondered. Before they left for the hunting, Nate has equipped him in particular with a strong weapon, one was the boot he was wearing.

The boot somewhat increase his running speed, and another was the thin sword he was holding. Whenever the sword comes in contact with something forcefully, it will ripple with a stunning force that will push whatever it hits back.

'I don't know, but I have to use this opportunity to kill more wolves and get their crystals,' he thought and dashed at one of the wolves close by.

The wolf noticed him and stamped its feet on the ground. They have the same power as their leader, it is just that theirs were a lot weaker compared to the alpha wolf.

Seeing this, Zuni kicked off the ground and spun his body, when landing, the wolf was already sending another wide force at him. But with the help of the boot, Zuni was able to duck the strike and landed right in front of the wolf.

He swung the sword at the wolf, but the wolf rolled on the ground to dodge the sword. The sword hit the snow ground and as more shock wave was shot out, snow was thrown everywhere.

Zuni once again used the speed from the boot to move out of the way. The wolf swung its claw at him, but Zuni raised the sword to block the blow. Based on the shape and size of the sword, one might think such a powerful blow will break the sword but as the wolf paw touched the sword, it was knocked out.

'It seems like you don't only have to hit to attack, you can also attack when being hit,' Zuni thought inwards. With the wolf's hand deflected, an open opportunity was left for Zuin and he took it by stabbing the wolf in its jaw.

The sword has gone into the wolf's body and when it was going to attack, the inner teeth were scattered.

Zuni has to move back before the wolf's body descends on him.

'One more down,' Zuni thought and looked over to Cab and Max's battle.

Max was doing well, with his fur out and they were standing like spikes, the wolves were not able to land a significant blow on him either could he do the same though? But with the flying katana on his side, he was able to stand in one place and contribute to the fight.

He was controlling the speed and direction of the sword as. Although they were not accurate since he was not yet good at using the sword's power, it have not been long since the sword was given to him so he have no fighting experience with it, especially with the strange power of the sword.

Meanwhile, Can was not doing badly. Ever since he was given the jigsaw power, he has been trying his best to perfect the power and learn how to use it in fights, but it will take time for him to learn how to utilize the power like the previous owner.

One was that he has no perfect control on how to control the movement of the chainsaw, mainly in his fight, he was relying on the forehead saw and the drill hand.

Just now he has taken a wolf down by pinning it down on the ground. The chain attached to the chains saw was wrapped around the wolf's body to hold it in one place before he started drilling the wolf's body till it eventually stopped moving.

Just like that, with cooperation, they were slowly taking the wolf's down without sustaining any fatal injury. Max had his whole body covered in spiked fur while Cab's body was now a bit semi-metal with no simple scratch from the wolf capable of harming him.

Zuni already has self-healing power and could recover from all the damages he had sustained while fighting the wolf pack.


Just after they were all exhausted and were going to rest for a while after the fight, they all heard a loud howl from the depth of snow mist in the distance.

"Isn't that the place Nate went to?" Max asked.

"He must have killed the wolf," Cab said.


Meanwhile, Nate was standing on top of the alpha wolf. He pulled out a slight blue mixed with white crystal.

"That was a close call, but I still catch you," he lamented as his mind drift back to the fight with the wolf and imagining the special power he might get after using the beast's crystal to make a weapon.

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