
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Wolf pack 1.

The system so far has been putting some restrictions on how he assigns quest rewards to Nate. Maybe because Nate has been getting stronger or because he has unlocked two new medal rewards, but so far, he has not been getting a huge amount of rewards to form the system especially when the quest was somewhat hard.

Fighting a pack of a mutated wolf's with a leader at the level of King, which is the strongest opponent Nate has gone against so far, the system was only offering him a silver medal and this left nate to think whether it was because he had taken down a king level beast before or because the system was confident in his strength and felt like he would be able to take a pack of a wolf.

There is also Max, Zuni and Cab who were with him but Nate wasn't that confident with their power. One is that Max was someone that was just too afraid to face an opponent stronger than him. Zuni's power does not give him some type of power boost, although they are different in power when compared to normal humans, when it comes to fighting fellow evolved creatures, his power was not something Nate could rely on.

As for Cab, although Nate has given him the jigsaw power, he is yet to perfect it and Nate was not that confident with him taking down any wolf among the packs.

Regardless, having spent some time with them, Nate has figured out that although Zuni and Cab might not have something special about them, they were skilful in fighting. Can and Zuni might even be excellent fighters when it comes to melee fights but this skill wasn't enough to take down a mutated beast else they were equipped with some weapons and that's what Nate has done.

Since he did not make any weapons for Cab and Zuni, he have to look into all the completed pieces of equipment that were made by Jim before he died it didn't take long for him to find a perfect weapon and he gave it to Zuni.

Cab already have the chainsaw, forehead saw and even the hand drill with him so he didn't need any other weapon.

As Nate was running directly towards the pack of wolves who seems to be enjoying their meal. The wolf leader was the first to spot Nate and alert the others.

The wolves quickly stood up and took a stance ready to fight.

'High intelligence, that's impressive of you guy,' Nate thought as he summoned the axe into his hand and boosted his strength and agility.

[Strength = 50+50>>>100]

[Agility= 35+35>>>70]

With these two attributes boosted, Nate sprinted towards the alpha wolf like a phantom, passing through the wolf pack that encircled the alpha.

One could see the look of confusion in the eyes of the wolf's as they couldn't see nate that was running right towards them. He just disappeared in front of them.

Meanwhile, although Nate's speed has stunned the other wolves, the alpha was not stunned. Nate might have suddenly gotten fast, but not to the extent that the pack leader couldn't keep up.

As Nate appeared before the wolf, he started to spin the axe, and midway, he altered it into a long sword and was ready to swing it at the wolf but the pack leader stamped its paws on the snow ground.

It was a familiar sight to nate since the deer he fought had done the same thing, but the outcome was not the same though.

As the wolf's paw touched the ground, gusts of wind erupted below his feet and went directly towards Nate. The wind was violent as the snow around the area spread out along with the wind and a clear space could be seen, the ground was now visible.

While the wolf has just done something that seems simple but just stamping feet on the ground, Nate knows that he has to deal with the wind that was sent his way.

He quickly turned the ice sword into a shield with its centre sharp so that the wind could easily pass through. Even at that, he dug his feet into the ground to stabilize himself.

Regardless of the moves and position he took, when the wide hit him, he was pushed back slightly and even the snow covering his body was blown away.

'No doubt, this wolf is stronger than the deer I fought, but why giving me a such small reward for a hard quest?' nate questioned the system.

He quickly took a stance again then before throwing the ice shield at the beast. The shield flew over to the wolf and hit its jaw, pushing its face to the side.


Nate called back the shield as it moved back towards Nate. With the hit, Nate could see that the freezing ray must have been taking effect on the wolf as returning its face to position seems to be delaying.

Seeing this, Nate was not planning to miss such an opportunity and started running towards the wolf. However, before he could move far, gusts of wind hit him from behind.

When turning back, he could see that the other wolf was now facing him. 'What are they doing ?' nate wondered what Zuni, Cab and Max were doing...

It was at this moment a katana sword flew and hit one of the wolfs on the leg. The sword went deep into the wolf's flesh and blood start to gush out. Before the wolf could do anything, a thin body sword hit its body and when this happened, they were an out bust of a shock wave as the wolf was sent flying into the distance and did get up again.

Nate wants not sure if it was dead or not, but this was a good opportunity for anyone fighting against the beast could take.

"Does damn wolfs, they ignored us totally!" Max grunted and straight out his hand and the katana that stabbed into the wolf's body flew to his hand.

When Nate started running towards the wolfs, Zuni, Max and Cab followed after him but Nate was just too fast and they couldn't keep up. But after Nate suddenly disappeared from the wolf's face, the ten wolves noticed them but choose to ignore them and this made Max mad.

"Good job, you must not try to kill them, just hold them back till I finish off their leader," Nate instructed before looking back to the alpha wolf. The wolf by now has recovered from the frozen ray and was already racing towards them.

Nate himself didn't hesitate and started running towards the wolf himself.

"Did you see that? I killed the wolf, it was my strike that finished him off," Zuni rejoiced. He was the one that delivered the last strike with the thin sword that killed one of the wolves and to him, it was a great feat since he will be getting a new weapon from the crystal.

"Watch out!!!" a yell came from the back as shackles wrapped around his waist as he was pulled out of the way.

Shortly after this happened, two jaws closed up at the spot Zubi was staying.

"You might have a self-healing power, but you won't be able to heal the stomach of a gigantic wolf!" Cab scolded Zuni after pulling him out.

One of the pack wolves has just attacked Zuni and the strike would have been a success if Cab didn't pull him out in time.

"I don't know what you two are saying, but just how are we going to hold something this big back?" Max called out to the others.

The determined vibe in him has just crumbled as the remaining pack of the wolfs were now facing them.

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