
My Winsome Crony

Love and fantasy are not so very different entities, they are very much related , for where there is love there is fantasy and in very fantasy there will always be love. This feel which always brings forth a sensation of being different from others surrounding us , which is nothing but to say, we are a part of a mysterious fantasy world. It's not everyone who gets to experience this. How I wish my life was in a fantasy world just like the beings in my story. This tale is about a colleen who was forsaken by her family, where she gets the eerie feel that she is being watched by someone the entire time but doesn't know, by whom or by what. To say more it's a love story of a werewolf and his queen. A tale of love which stands beyond time, battles, dark spells, betrayal and power longing just for two heart to amalgamate. A love which stands ever more powerful for they were truly loyal and committed, though they fail in life. He was a true wolf for she was his moon. Mellow Reading...

Dream_Catcher_4103 · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Wing - 8

As Amaya and Anubis were speaking, there came a man who bowed in front of them and said "Oh my head beldam, the Leader awaits your command." Amaya greeted the young lad and said "Tell your leader his long awaited days are almost at the closure." The man gave his respects and went away from the cave. Anubis asked Amaya "Why do you trust these werewolves again? It's because of them we lost everything." "My dear sister, It's because of them we are gonna gain everything back again" and clung the locket in her hand.

The man who just left the cave was eavesdropping on the conversation they just had and shifted and ran aboard to his pack territory. He entered the domain of his so-called pack more to say it was like a rogue pack, where werewolves were so heartless as they trained themselves only to kill. The man reached a big mansion in the middle of the territory and entered.

The building looked like it was haunted and most of the furniture was broken. There sat a man who was very weak and skinny. As soon as he saw the young man he said "What news from the wiccan, Robert ?" "The wiccan said our time is soon coming so we have to prepare ourselves, Alpha Colton. But....." Robert said. "But what? spill it out" raged Colton. "I don't trust them. They are planning something behind our back." he completed. "Who said anything about trust? That too these vicious Wiccan? Am just using them for my revenge and power back " Colton said.

"Then I shall prepare everyone and we will be on the watch . We will slay their pack this time Alpha, trust us" Robert said . "They should pay for taking my wolf away from me and making me weak. Look what they have done to me. The Emerald Moon Pack must burn..... "he said . "As you wish, my Alpha, we will swipe them out this time for their greatest warriors are no more , except for a few, but they are no match for us " said Robert.

"I trust you, you shall take your leave" Colton said, and Robert excused himself. "Ella and Edward, what i have done to you is not enough.... Fiona, I have settled Ella's account but Edward's is just opening. Your family suffers from your doings, Fiona.... Await my presence Edward." Colton said. The strife among them runs too deep but are the witches manipulating them or is this a rivalry for ages?

As Robert came out from the mansion, he looked around his pack. All he could see was people training themselves for battle and people fighting. His people were merciless and watchful and none would know what a smile or happiness is. Though Robert belonged to this pack, he always admired Emerald Moon Pack silently in his heart for the people of the pack were alive and welcoming, unlike his pack.

Many years back after the great battle, his pack was stripped from the title "Black night pack" for they joined hands with dark witches and killed many magic bloods. The bequest of his pack was long lost, as he would have been given the title "Beta" if his pack still had any honour left. He always tried his best to make his people turn merciful and he had some followers too.

He felt the weight of his people, the once celebrated pack was now in ruins and they are at times addressed to as "Rogues" for they are not. His heart felt heavy and he said to himself "I will rescue my people from this doom, Colton ,I will not let you take my people's happiness for your selfishness. I will save them at all cost and get back our title" and unleashed Ryder as he felt he couldn't breathe and needed a run.

Ryder was a big brown wolf with red eyes, and according to legends the appearance of the wolves gets matched or contrasted with their mates. He was wondering if he will ever find his mate and if he finds her will she accept or reject him, as he belongs to "Rogue" category now. He stopped in the nearby stream to drink water but knew from the every moment he moved near the stream he was not alone.

Ryder sensed a strong power near him for he made his eyes and ears sharper and he heard somebody was arguing. He softly sneaked towards the source and he could see "My Mate" he wispered. Her wolf was a perfect match for his, the only difference is that his wolf was bigger than her's.

His mate started fighting with the other very strong white wolf all of a sudden and Ryder was in the dark and could do nothing. He feared if he showed himself his mate would reject him or he could get killed for he was in the enemy territory of the strongest beast Eric. As thoughts clouded him, his mate left the place and he very badly wanted to follow her and console her but he was helpless but what happened next shocked him.

The other pure white wolf turned towards his direction and Ryder could see that he was none other than Eric himself, the strongest of all. He knew he was no match for Eric and slowly managed to lurge away but something caught his attention. Eric startled howling which was filled with sorrow, anger and hatred which Ryder could sense but he did not know the reason for his sorrow.

Who was Ryders mate? Why was she fighting with Eric? Did Eric sense Ryder's presence? Why was his pack stripped of the title?

What happened in the great battle? Why was Colton talking about Fiona's deeds? Why is he angry on Ella and Edward?To know more answers travel with me.

I am Dream Catcher and I hope you like my work. Mellow Reading...