
My Winsome Crony

Love and fantasy are not so very different entities, they are very much related , for where there is love there is fantasy and in very fantasy there will always be love. This feel which always brings forth a sensation of being different from others surrounding us , which is nothing but to say, we are a part of a mysterious fantasy world. It's not everyone who gets to experience this. How I wish my life was in a fantasy world just like the beings in my story. This tale is about a colleen who was forsaken by her family, where she gets the eerie feel that she is being watched by someone the entire time but doesn't know, by whom or by what. To say more it's a love story of a werewolf and his queen. A tale of love which stands beyond time, battles, dark spells, betrayal and power longing just for two heart to amalgamate. A love which stands ever more powerful for they were truly loyal and committed, though they fail in life. He was a true wolf for she was his moon. Mellow Reading...

Dream_Catcher_4103 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Wing - 7

"Don't you remember what happened to Darla and Julia?" asked Eric to Daisy and Jane. None of the four knew and Eric was bound by a spell and so he could not reveal anything. But you guessed it right, they were the wolf counterparts of Daisy and Jane. When Dave and Jacob questioned Eric about the names he just mentioned, all he could say was that they were warriors who were lost in the battle . Since the memory was too deep and painful, it was erased from everyone's memory except Eric. He felt guilty for not saving Darla and Julia during the battle, as they were once the greatest gems of the Emerald moon pack.

Eric knew his time to reveal the truth would soon come and they should prepare themselves for another battle. The wolf counterpart of Edward was gifted with a special power of shielding - a special power given by the higher witch Fiona for she knew he would need it in the future. The spell cast on Eric prevented him from unveiling the history of the battle to others for he lost some of his powers during its course. He had waited long enough for the darkness to return so that he could get his revenge and avenge what was his.

After their little confab , the beta and gamma along with their mates returned to the pack house and left Edward in the woods as it was his turn to patrol. The moon was dazzling in the hour of darkness for Edward was feeling the moon goddess was trying to tell him something. There was a small stream nearby, where he went and all he could muse on was her beautiful smile which set his heart at ease. "Are you real? Pl... Please..... come to me..... I... It's..... killing me ....." he left brokenhearted. As he was luking in his world, the sound of leaves rustling was heard and so he knew there was company.

Eric was ready to take control and Edward listened carefully. "Show yourself" he said in a sonorous voice which could give the other person chills. There the antagonist was revealed to be none other than "Tauriel !" he exclaimed. "Why are you here and what do you want? " asked Edward. "We have had this parley many times, this will benefit both of us as I told you" she grinned. "Your terms and conditions do not apply to me" said Edward. " If you listen to me, the shield between you and Eric would be broken..... For all you need is a Lunaaaaa.... Meeeeeee" she sniggered.

Edward had enough of this riling up conversation and Eric was ready to sprang upon Tauriel to shred her into pieces. Eric hated Talia for her smell was pungent to him. However she tried, she could no longer convince him and she got provoked when he even walked away from her and said something which made both Eric and Edward stop on their tracks. "She is not coming back, Edward.... She. is. dead." Eric could no longer grapple with her idiocy for he released himself from Edward's hold and stood in front of Talia ! - as Tauriel also shifted. Talia was a small brown wolf with red eyes but she was a strong warrior and has trained herself well.

The brown wolf however being well trained, was no match for the white wolf - as Eric was born to be a King. In no time he defeated Talia and kept her under his paws. Though she was defeated she smirked and said "You can never get back to Eva. She will always be locked up. Darkness has fully consumed her." Eric trembled at the mention of Eva's name and Talia used that moment of weakness and sprinted away. Deep in the endless mountains, in the darkest cave, the locket started glowing brighter. "Do you think I will let you leave, Princess" an old Wiccan hissed. She took the locket in her hand and said "Do you really feel the pain?" and started laughing hysterically.

The light in the locket started to dim slowly for the wiccan said "Shout, scream, howl all you want..... for the greatest warrior in history... will forever be dead.... Wait a minute ! You are not even dead..... You..... Do.... Not.... Exist..... You are erased" she said and continued laughing. "There my dear , don't worry, you will never get to see your Eric again , as your human counterpart is destroyed , ignited and fed to fire a long time ago" she said. The locket was no more brighter for it only had the light of a diminishing firefly.

"She can sense his callings Amaya" said another voice from the dark. "Yes, but she is all mine now" the old Wiccan said whose name was Amaya. She held the locket tight and never let it go, for the other Wiccan by name Anubis came closer to take a look at it. "We sisters have been living in the dark because of these cursed werewolves" Anubis blamed. "We will be strong again Anubis, she trusts us. We should not fail her this time" said Amaya.

Who trusts them? Who are these Wiccan? Who is in the locket? Why is the light responding to Eric's callings? How was the trap set up? Why are these wiccans living in the dark? Whom did they fail before? Who is Fiona? What truth does Eric want to reveal? How does Talia remember Eva, when others don't ? Who bound Eric with a spell? What kind of spell is it? To know more answers travel with me.

I am Dream Catcher and I hope you like my work. Mellow Reading....