
Chapter 487

After they have succeeded in tying the hair up, and i probably looked like the collateral damage from the war, they walked away from me. Now it was not only my head that was aching but my hair was also sore. I thought that after all these, the person pinning me down would let me go but I was wrong and this was just the beginning. A person started humming, at first it was so low that I had to strain my ears to listen to what was being said but after a while the rest began to join her, so the song gained some volume. I felt like I was being initiated into the clan,

The younger ones must have joined it as I could hear their footsteps as they ran into the place. They started to stomp their feet and clap their hand in line with the song. If I was a spectator, I am very sure that I would have liked it all but the fact that I am forced to participate in this without knowing what was going on, was making me scared. Where is the elder when you need him?. Now I wish that he would come in search of me and save me,

They got to a point in the song where they reduced their tone and the stomping and clapping were more pronounced. The next thing I knew was that, the hand on my head raised my head up and down three times, in a bowing position, I even tried opening my eyes so I would see what was going on but unknowingly to me, they had blindfolded me while trying to cover my head more. This increased the state of my panic and little by little, I began to thrash around but not seriously,

I felt someone coming close to me, I tried scrambling backwards but the hand on my head prevented me from doing so. My palm was spread open and the tip of a sharp object was placed on it, that was when I figured out that they were about to cut my palm open, I was probably exaggerating it but anyone in my stead will do the same, if not worse. I tried closing my palm, but I realized later that I did not think it through before doing that or I would have known that was the worst choice ever,

With my actions, I helped them nick my palm but before they could do anything further, I held a voice scream at them. Immediately all the stomping, clapping and singing came to an abrupt stop, I even honed my ears in the direction of the voice, hoping that it was a saviour and not someone that came to worsen my predicament. He came to where I was, placed a hand on my shoulder and said some words. The hand on my head was taken away and I was helped up into a standing position with someone's hand supporting me