
Chapter 488

I still could not see but I know that someone lifted me into his arm bridal state, probably because I would not be able to navigate on my own. A normal person the first thing they would have done is to remove my blindfold, so I could see but he left it on. I did not know who the person was but I am grateful to him. He did not feel familiar to me so I knew that it was not the elder and was probably someone else. Instead of us to go away from their midst, I was surprised to find that he was taking me deeper into the gathering, I tightened my hold on him,

He set me down on a platform and tried to let go of me, I refused to let him go, if he leaves me here all alone, they may decide to continue from where they stopped, so I was unwilling to let go. He pried my hand away and patted it twice, after that he walked off. I was so scared and I did not know if I should dispatch of my blindfold or i should shield myself in this cocoon and be oblivious to the world.

My curiosity must always get the best of me and I wanted to know what was actually happening, so I pulled the blindfold off. The sun rays went directly into my eyes, so I had to squint while waiting for my eyes to adjust to the light. While I was still within the same environment as the women, I was closer to their respective tent and I was placed on a log of wood. I raised my hand up to massage and soothe my scalp but the pain did not permit me and I kept wincing till I gave up on it,

It was actually then that I remembered the injury I had on my palm, so I decided to examine it. It did not look as bad as I had thought that it was then. It was actually a thin straight cut, and it was no longer bleeding. I spat on my hand and ran it over the injury to seal it before I would be able to treat it properly. My knees also had some bruises on it but not something life threatening. A bit of a clean and some herbs, i will feel as good as new,

When I looked over at them, they were all engrossed in a deep argument, their voices were so loud, I was surprised as how I was able to block them out. I tried to decipher the person that helped me out, but they were all packed together. Just knowing that there was someone on my side, that was enough make me relax a bit, I was not alone in all this. There was also this confidence in me that once the elder hears of this, he would not take it lightly and would fight back for me