
Chapter 486

I do not want to look boastful to others but I have to admit that I am smart and extremely so, although the smartness has limited period of being enforced, if I am not fast enough, I get left behind and become dull once again. I was finally able to figure out the quarters of the older ones and walked towards the direction. I did not know the type of reception to expect when I get there, so I also have to be careful and think fast too. If I was not sure of the direction, it was obvious now,

I get the feeling that they were all judging me immediately I stepped into their views. There were some extremely old people here, with wrinkled and extremely saggy skin, they looked frail as if they would break soon with excessive movement, some had missing tooth and others had no teeth at all. I have seen advanced people before but not those as advanced as this. It was as if they kept all of them here, and kept taking care of them till they would surely pass away, as some already looked on the verge of death . I felt awkward and out of place here,

That was before I felt a stick hit me at the back of my knees, the force of it made me to kneel down immediately, and someone pressed my head down from behind, till it was almost touching my knees, so I was in a bowing position. Since I knew I could not retaliate, I did not struggle against the hold but contorted my body in whatever position they wanted. I could not see the person behind me but I knew from the grip on my hair that it was definitely not one of the advanced people I just saw

The onlookers began to laugh at my predicament and they all started to speak in their language. Their voices were so loud it was almost as if they were shouting in my ears directly. My body was also aching from this position and I wished he would reduce the grip he had on my head, I felt like a sacrifice set out for everyone to glance and know if I am worth it or not. Although I could not see their faces, some of the women came out to touch my hair, they raised in different directions and tried putting it all together so they could tie it up,

It was always a norm that our hair must be tied up but since the time I began my rebellious phase, I had always left it open. And everyone had gotten over the shock of seeing me walking around with my hair open, and they have accommodated me like that. It seems this people do not take the tradition lightly, as they are trying all means possible to ensure that my hair is covered up. I felt as if they were pulling my hair out from the root