
Chapter 476

" it is so funny how you end up being the one to be treated instead of me" he told me sarcastically,

If not that he had just saved my life, I would have surely told him off. I was still on the floor, but his wince caught my attention, so I knew that he was still in pain. I stood up and resumed my duty before I discovered the fruits, atlas I was not able to get the exact leaves I wanted, but I was able to find few to suffice and it would perform the same function that I wanted. I went to where he was cradling his head, and took the water jar tied to his waist,

I had need for a bowl,.so I went back to where I kept the last bowl with which I had drank from. I quickly rinsed it off, put in the leaves and a little bit of water, then mashed it all together. There was this scent wafting out of me, that reminds me of rain hitting the earth, it all reeks of nature and I am a sucker for anything nature. When I finally achieved the consistency that I wanted, I took it back to where he was,

I tried prying his hand away but he kept refusing. I almost had to use force on him but eventually he acquiesced. The flowers that I placed earlier really helped a lot, it was no longer swollen, but it had this purple and yellow look to it. I scooped some of the paste in my palm, then I gently tried to apply it on his face, tried being the key word there because he kept flinching before I could touch his face. I was getting tired of his childish acts and just wanted the day to be over with,

It was as if he could feel my frustrations building up because he sat still and took his hand off his face. Despite my anger at him, I tried my best to apply it as gently as I could, It was almost as if I was not touching it at all. When I was satisfied with the amount that was coating it, I gave him left over in the bowl to eat as much as he could, he brought the bowl up to his nose, sniffed it, scrunched his nose then gave the bowl back to me.

I definitely do not know what he is going on about, because this smelled more pleasant than whatever he gave me in the first place. I held it back out to him, with a face showing him that there was no room for negotiation. He has no choice but to down it all, while I am still acting nice. He reluctantly took it from me,. picked some up and placed it in his mouth. When he found out that it was not as bitter as he thought, he was more open to trying more out till it was finished