
Chapter 477

We were both exhausted already and it was becoming dark, so we had to go back to the tent. Despite the bad incidence that occured, I really wished that we could have stayed longer. I looked back at the field with longing when we were at the outskirts, he had to push me forward to ensure that I was moving. Just then my stomach decided to grumble, and I placed my hand there as if admonishing it to be quiet. I was so embarrassed, and I did not know why, because I was the one advocating earlier that it was his responsibility to feed me,

" Have you not been fed yet?" He asked me,

I certainly did not know if he was joking or he actually meant it, but who does he expects to feed me but himself,

" You left me to my own devices since I came here, who were you expecting to feed me when we are the only ones here"

He looked at me strangely immediately I said that, but I was the one that was confused here,

" She was meant to feed you at least twice a day. He told me that he had been handing your portion to her" he muttered, he was so angry and it was obvious from his expression and behaviour, I even had to take a few step away from him,

" Who is the he and she you speak of? I thought we were alone here. I have never seen anyone around" I actually asked because I was genuinely curious,

He did not bother to reply me but took hold of my wrist and began to drag me towards what I hoped is the direction of our tent. I have no energy left to deplete, I was all wasted out already. I was so excited when the tent came into view, what I wanted was to just lie down and fall asleep. I think I even Desire the bed right now over washing off because I would not have the power to do so. I was surprised when he drew me past the tent, I tried pointing it out to him with my other hand because he may not have seen it due to his anger but he did not heed my words but continued forward like a man on a mission. I do not begrudge him if he has something to accomplish but I will like to be left out of it all,

I was definitely seconds away from crying my eyes out, I was becoming cranky like a babe due to lack of sleep and probably the fact that I am hungry. We had to pass through the bush and it was definitely not a pleasant sight since I could not see the floor and what i was stepping on I also had leaves brushing against my body as I walked by and it was not a pleasant feeling, I held on tightly to him because I was becoming scared