
Chapter 475

It all started slowly, at first I was feeling choked up, as if my throat was closing up and I was not getting enough air in. It was easy to attribute it to the fact that I packed way too much into my mouth. But it worsened over time, my eyes began to water, my throat was constricting, with my chest beginning to hurt. I took action at once and began to pound my hand on my chest, to relieve the feeling and also allow the fruit pass through. I started coughing and spitting out the chewed up fruit in my mouth later on, I lost all the strength in my limbs and was stretched out on the ground, with my body shaking,

I knew the Elder must have heard all this fuss, as I heard him calling out my face. When I did not answer him, he knew that there was something wrong with me, I could hear the panic in his voice as he shouted out my name, trying to figure out where I was. Although I could hear him calling out for me, I was unable to reply him, I stretched my out towards the direction his voice was coming from, but I could only do that much,

I was slowly giving up hope on being found and had decided that I may die here. If I had known, I would have ignored and passed by the berries, I would have been safe now. This was the reason why we should not allow  our stomach to lead us, as it does more harm than good. Eventually, he got to where I was, he quickly looked at the surrounding and berries that I had coughed out, he figured out what was going on and went into action immediately,

He pushed me so I was laying on my side, the he began to hit my back. Although the position he laid me in, opened up my airway a little, as I felt I could breathe a bit easily unlike before, I was still swelling up. When he noticed that it was not working out like that, he helped me to me feet, Bent me over and began to pat my back and forcing me into a position that looked like I was surging forward with each hit on my back. It was the most uncomfortable position ever but I could not complain,

After he did that for a while, I found myself throwing up and eventually, the lump of berries that had clumped my throat came back up. I was taking deep breath immediately it came out, I could not even believe that such lump was lodged in my throat. It was then obvious that the berries was not poisonous, it was the way I had packed it all tightly in my mouth, that made me to start choking and feeling like my air was cut off. He untied the jar of water on his waist and poured some down my throat in little quantity.