
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs

chapter 42: getting stronger part 3

The clash against the powerful abyssals intensified, Avenger's Edge cutting through the shadows with precision. My movements became a dance of divine mastery, each strike resonating with the strength of the Ascendant.

Abyssal entities, embodiments of otherworldly malevolence, surrounded me. Their dark forms contrasted sharply against the radiant glow of Avenger's Edge. As I lunged forward, a barrage of strikes followed – Gale Palm, Tempest Slicer, and Inferno Lotus Fist, each technique pushing the limits of my power.

The abyssals responded with ominous roars, their attacks merging into a chaotic symphony. One particularly formidable entity, its form twisted by the abyss, launched a devastating blow aimed at my stomach. Avenger's Edge met the assault, but the sheer force sent me hurtling backward.

Regaining composure, I faced the relentless tide of abyssals. Each strike, each clash, echoed through the supernatural realm. With Harmony breath large amount of qi was coursing through my veins became a beacon against the encroaching darkness. Wind Steps granted me unparalleled agility, evading the abyssals' onslaught.

Avenger's Edge, now imbued with the essence of the abyssals' defeat, glowed even brighter. The battle reached a crescendo, the clash of qi against malevolent shadows echoing through the ethereal plane.

Summoning the full might of the avengers edge


I unleashed a torrent of energy. Avenger's Edge became a conduit for this divine outpour, slicing through abyssals with an otherworldly force. The battleground was painted with ethereal remnants as the abyssals dissipated into nothingness.

The aftermath revealed a victorious Ascendant, Avenger's Edge gleaming in the fading radiance. The energy of the defeated abyssals lingered, absorbed by the divine blade. The supernatural realm, cleansed of its malevolent inhabitants, returned to an eerie calm.

With the taste of triumph, I continued the quest for spirit stones, Avenger's Edge at my side, a testament to the unyielding power of the Divine Ascendant Body. Each battle in the ethereal domain became a step closer to unlocking the mysteries held within the boundless realms of divine potential.

"Congratulations, Host. You have successfully accumulated [7000 amount] of spirit stones from the vanquished abyssals. Your efforts in cleansing the supernatural realm have been duly rewarded. Continue your journey, and may the divine power guide you to greater heights."

As the colossal abyssal scorpion loomed over me, its armored carapace reflecting the eerie glow of the dungeon, I tightened my grip on Avengers Edge. The air crackled with tension as I prepared for the upcoming clash.

The scorpion's pincers snapped menacingly, and its tail raised high, ready to strike. I activated Wind Steps, darting around the creature, narrowly avoiding its lethal stinger. In a swift motion, I launched a series of Tempest Slicer attacks, aiming for the joints in its armor.

However, the abyssal scorpion proved formidable. It retaliated with a massive swing of its tail, sending shockwaves through the dungeon. I evaded the initial strike but couldn't escape the subsequent barrage of poisonous barbs that followed. My divine power protected me, but the relentless assault took a toll.

With a determined gaze, I summoned a vortex of energy around me, creating a protective shield. The scorpion's pincers clamped down on the barrier, causing sparks to fly. I seized the opportunity to strike back, unleashing a barrage of Inferno Lotus Fist blows, targeting the creature's vulnerable underbelly.

The scorpion recoiled, its armor cracking under the relentless assault. Sensing an opening, I activated Avenger's Aura, amplifying the power of my attacks. With a powerful sweep of Avengers Edge, I aimed for the scorpion's tail, severing it in a dazzling display of prowess.

Yet, the battle was far from over. Enraged, the abyssal scorpion unleashed a sonic wave, disorienting me momentarily. It seized the opportunity to summon reinforcements from the depths of the dungeon, and the chamber echoed with the scuttling of smaller abyssal creatures.

Undeterred, I focused my power, creating a whirlwind of energy that swept through the newly arrived foes. Each swing of Avengers Edge was a dance of destruction, carving a path through the spectral beasts. The scorpion, now weakened, attempted a final desperate strike, but I countered with a decisive blow, shattering its armor

The abyssal scorpion, undeterred by its severed tail, regenerated with an unnatural speed. The renewed aggression was evident in its movements as it lunged forward, venomous stinger poised to strike. The wound across my torso throbbed with pain, a reminder of the relentless nature of the abyssal creatures.

Activating Wind Steps, I maneuvered away from the scorpion's incoming assault, narrowly avoiding its venomous strike. Despite the divine Ascendant body's resistance to poisons, the searing pain persisted. With determination burning in my eyes, I unleashed a Frost Gale Slash, creating a razor-sharp arc of icy energy.

The scorpion, momentarily encased in frost, shook off the cold with an enraged snap of its pincers. I seized the opportunity to channel qi into Avenger's Edge, imbuing the blade with an ethereal glow. Each swing became a testament to the strength coursing through me, cutting through the abyssal scorpion's exoskeleton with unprecedented ease.

In response, the scorpion retaliated with a barrage of poisonous barbs, creating a deadly rain that filled the dungeon chamber. My Wind Steps danced through the air, weaving between the projectiles, but a few managed to find their mark. The divine Ascendant body nullified the toxins, but the relentless assault left me breathless.

I conjured a protective barrier to shield myself from the incoming projectiles

Cosmic veil

As the poison-laden barbs collided with the icy shield, they froze, creating a temporary barrier against the scorpion's onslaught. With a swift counterattack, I unleashed a Tempest Slicer, cutting through the scorpion's appendages.

Yet, the abyssal creature's resilience persisted. It unleashed a deafening sonic wave, disorienting me and causing momentary imbalance. In the ensuing chaos, the scorpion aimed a devastating pincer strike, catching me off guard. The impact sent me sprawling, Avenger's Edge slipping from my grasp.

As I struggled to rise, the scorpion loomed over me, its stinger poised for a finishing blow. The dungeon's eerie glow reflected off its armored carapace, creating an ominous silhouette against the shadows. The battle hung in the balance, a test of strength and resilience.

Despite the injuries and the relentless assault, a surge of determination fueled my resolve. The abyssal scorpion, sensing my unwavering spirit, prepared for another strike. Avenger's Edge, lying just out of reach, gleamed with a determined radiance that mirrored my resolute will.

Summoning my inner strength, I channeled it into swift movements, dodging the venomous strikes of the abyssal scorpion. The creature, now slightly off-balance, became the target of my counterattack. Seizing the opportunity, I lunged forward, wielding Avenger's Edge with precision.

The resounding clash echoed through the dungeon as the blade met the scorpion's exoskeleton. The creature, now battered and wounded, unleashed a final, desperate attack—a venomous breath that filled the air. Instinctively, I dodged the toxic onslaught, narrowly avoiding the deadly spray.

With a renewed sense of determination, I pressed on, launching a series of calculated strikes against the weakened abyssal scorpion. Each swing of Avenger's Edge carried the weight of my resolve, cutting through the air with unparalleled finesse.

The scorpion, now on the defensive, attempted a last-ditch effort. It unleashed a torrent of venomous barbs, each aimed with deadly precision. Employing agile footwork, I danced through the storm of projectiles, avoiding the deadly onslaught. With a determined gaze, I retaliated with a precise series of slashes, each strike bringing me one step closer to victory.

As the battle reached its climax, the abyssal scorpion, battered and unable to withstand the onslaught, crumpled to the dungeon floor. The once-menacing creature now lay defeated, and I stood victorious, catching my breath after the arduous encounter.

Pleased with the victorious outcome, I settled down, catching my breath after the intense battle. Retrieving a pill from my pouch, I swallowed it, replenishing my energy. As the effects of the medicinal concoction took hold, the system's voice resonated in my mind.

"30000 spirit stones have been earned."

A sense of satisfaction washed over me, knowing that my efforts in the perilous encounter hadn't been in vain. The hard-earned spirit stones served as a testament to the challenges overcome and the strength gained in the dungeon's depths. With a contented smile, I prepared to continue my exploration, fueled by the prospect of further rewards and trials that lay ahead.

I delved into the system's database, seeking to bolster my repertoire of cultivation techniques. As the virtual interface displayed a plethora of options, I couldn't help but marvel at the vast array of powerful arts available.

Kousei:System, show me a list of potent cultivation techniques

I requested, my anticipation growing.

The holographic display flickered to life, presenting an extensive catalog of techniques categorized by their respective schools and attributes. Each entry came with detailed descriptions of their effects, requirements, and cultivation stages they were suitable for.

I carefully scrolled through the options, considering the unique features and potential applications of each technique. The variety was staggering, ranging from lightning-fast movement techniques to devastating elemental attacks. The system provided information on both foundational and advanced arts, catering to cultivators of different levels.

"Windwalk Technique – An advanced movement technique that allows the practitioner to traverse great distances in the blink of an eye. Requires mastery over the wind element and precise control of qi flow."

"Thunderstrike Palm – A formidable offensive technique that channels the power of thunder into palm strikes. Ideal for cultivators with an affinity for lightning cultivation."

"Mystic Ice Veil – A defensive art that forms an impenetrable ice barrier around the user. Suitable for those attuned to the water element and seeking enhanced protection."

The list continued, presenting an enticing array of cultivation paths. I meticulously studied each entry, evaluating their compatibility with my existing skills and the potential benefits they could bring to my cultivation journey.

As I navigated through the options, a sense of determination settled within me. Armed with newfound knowledge, I was ready to embark on the next phase of my cultivation, incorporating these potent techniques into my arsenal. The quest for strength and mastery continued, fueled by the pursuit of greater heights in the world of cultivation.

Kousei:System, what's the price of the Inferno Burst cultivation technique?

I inquired, eager to assess the cost associated with acquiring this potent AOE technique.

The holographic display promptly showcased the relevant information, presenting the details of the Inferno Burst technique along with its corresponding price.

"Inferno Burst – Priced at 50,000 spirit stones. This cultivation technique harnesses the power of fire, creating explosive bursts capable of engulfing adversaries within a designated radius. A formidable choice for cultivators seeking destructive capabilities."

As I absorbed the details, the price seemed reasonable for the potential destructive force it could unleash. However, I considered the importance of balancing my expenditures and choosing techniques that complemented my overall cultivation goals.

With a focused mindset, I deliberated on whether to invest in the Inferno Burst technique, weighing its benefits against other potential choices in the list. The path to mastery required strategic decisions, and every spirit stone spent played a crucial role in shaping my cultivation journey.

Kousei:System, do I have any discount cards?

I questioned, curious about the potential savings I could apply to my purchase.

The system responded affirmatively, indicating that I possessed multiple discount cards with varying percentages.

"Great," I remarked.

Kousei:Apply three 20% discount cards to the Inferno Burst technique and tell me the new price.

The holographic display adjusted accordingly, recalculating the cost after factoring in the discounts.

"Inferno Burst – New Price: 30,000 spirit stones," the system announced.

Satisfied with the reduced cost, I recognized the significance of utilizing available resources to maximize efficiency in my cultivation endeavors. The application of discount cards offered a practical approach to acquiring valuable techniques while optimizing my use of spirit stones.

With a decisive nod, I confirmed my intent to purchase the Inferno Burst technique at the revised cost of 30,000 spirit stones. The transaction was swiftly processed, and the system acknowledged the completion of the purchase.

As the holographic interface displayed the confirmation, I felt a sense of anticipation, eager to explore the capabilities of my newly acquired cultivation technique. The investment in powerful techniques was a crucial aspect of advancing my skills and facing the challenges that lay ahead in my cultivation journey.

The chilling wind emanated from Avenger's Edge as I swung it, creating a sharp arc of frost that cut through the air. The first few abyssals bore the brunt of the Frost Gale Slash, their forms freezing solid before shattering into icy fragments.

As I continued my advance, more abyssals emerged, each seemingly more formidable than the last. One of them lunged at me with incredible speed, its claws extended menacingly. In response, I executed a Wind Steps maneuver, sidestepping the attack with grace. With a swift counter, I delivered a Gale Palm, sending the abyssal hurtling backward.

The dungeon echoed with the clash of steel as Avenger's Edge met the armored carapace of a colossal abyssal. Its sheer size was imposing, but I faced it head-on. With a powerful sweep of my sword, I unleashed an Inferno Burst, engulfing the creature in searing flames. The intensity of the blaze turned the abyssal's carapace molten, leaving it vulnerable to subsequent strikes.

Amidst the chaos, an ethereal scorpion-like abyssal approached, its tail dripping with venom. Recognizing the danger, I swiftly dodged its stinger, narrowly avoiding a lethal strike. In response, I employed a Lightning Flash technique, closing the distance in an instant. Avenger's Edge cut through the scorpion abyssal with lightning speed, leaving it convulsing on the dungeon floor.

As I ventured deeper into the abyssal-infested dungeon, I faced an onslaught of varying adversaries. Each battle showcased the versatility of my techniques, from Frost Gale Slashes that froze enemies in their tracks to Inferno Bursts that incinerated them with relentless heat. The echo of battle reverberated through the cavernous passages as I pressed forward, determined to overcome the challenges that lay ahead.