
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · Anime & Comics
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chapter 41: getting stronger part 2

Ddraig's voice echoed in my mind, his astonishment palpable.

Ddraig:Issei, this cultivation art your big bro gave you... it's extraordinary. I've never seen anything like it.

I grinned, feeling a surge of pride at Kousei's thoughtful gift.

Ddraig:You don't know anything, Issei. If I had this technique back in the day, I would have surpassed the realms of heavenly dragons. In fact, if you master this, you could be the first host to ever surpass me.

The words hung in the air, a weighty realization settling on me. Surpassing Ddraig, the legendary Heavenly Dragon, seemed like an impossible dream, yet the newfound cultivation art held the promise of such potential.

Ddraig continued, his tone a mix of encouragement and awe.

Ddraig:Issei, this is a chance for you to carve your own path, to reach heights no one has ever achieved. Embrace it, my host.

Excitement bubbled within me as I considered the possibilities.

Issei:That's amazing

I exclaimed, unable to contain my enthusiasm. The prospect of transcending the limits set by even Ddraig fueled my determination.

Ddraig chuckled, a rare display of camaraderie.

Ddraig:Remember, Issei, strength isn't just about raw power. It's about how you wield it, how you grow and evolve. This technique could be the key to unlocking your true potential.

As I absorbed Ddraig's words, a newfound sense of purpose ignited within me. Kousei's gift wasn't just a cultivation art; it was a catalyst for my journey towards unparalleled strength. The dragon within me roared, echoing my own determination to rise above and become a force to be reckoned with.

The meridian cleansing technique Kousei bestowed upon me was like a surge of rejuvenation. As I activated the Dragon Soul Ascendance, an overwhelming strength enveloped me, bathing me in a mesmerizing crimson aura. Ddraig's astonishment echoed in my mind, his praise for Kousei resounding.

Ddraig:"Issei, this power... it's extraordinary. Kousei must have delved into some profound secrets to grant you this level of strength,"

Ddraig remarked, his usual fiery enthusiasm tinged with awe.

I couldn't help but marvel at the newfound might coursing through my veins.

Big bro, what are you to just give me such a technique?

I pondered, my thoughts swirling with gratitude and curiosity.

Ddraig chuckled, a deep resonance in my consciousness.

Ddraig:"Issei, Kousei is a unique individual. His understanding of cultivation arts and techniques surpasses many. This isn't just a gift; it's an investment in your potential. Embrace it, and you'll see the heights you can reach."

The crimson aura intensified, and I felt a surge of energy that transcended my previous limits. "I never expected this when I met Kousei," I admitted, the reality of my transformation sinking in.

Ddraig's voice held a note of encouragement. "Issei, your journey has just taken a remarkable turn. With this power, you have the chance to surpass even me. Seize it, my host."

Kousei's actions became clearer to me—his desire to see others grow and reach their potential. The gratitude I felt toward him swelled, and a newfound determination ignited within me. "Big bro, I won't waste this gift. I'll become stronger, for myself and for those who believe in me," I declared, the crimson aura pulsating with my resolve.

Surrounded by a horde of ferocious monsters, I tightened my grip on my sacred gear, the crimson aura intensifying. The first monster lunged at me, but I swiftly dodged, countering with a powerful slash with my Qi infused gauntlet that cleaved it in two.

As the monsters closed in, I unleashed a barrage of strikes, each swing of my sacred gear sending shockwaves through the dungeon. The air crackled with energy as I tapped into the Dragon Soul Ascendance, granting me enhanced strength and agility.

A group of flying creatures swooped down, their claws and fangs ready to tear into me. With a swift motion, I activated a defensive technique from the cultivation art Kousei bestowed upon me Guardians embrace, creating a protective barrier that repelled the onslaught.

The ground beneath me trembled as a colossal creature emerged, its roar echoing through the dungeon. Determined, I focused my energy and channeled the Dragon Soul Ascendance into a devastating attack. The crimson aura surged, transforming my sacred gear into a manifestation of draconic might.

The monsters, sensing the overwhelming power, hesitated for a moment. Seizing the opportunity, I unleashed a series of strikes, dispatching them with precision. The dungeon echoed with the sounds of battle as the clash between the Dragon Soul Ascendance and the monstrous horde intensified.

Just when it seemed like I had gained the upper hand, a colossal beast, seemingly the dungeon's guardian, emerged. Towering over me, it unleashed a torrent of devastating attacks. Undeterred, I tapped into the Dragon Soul Ascendance's defensive capabilities, narrowly avoiding each strike.


With a burst of energy, I countered the guardian's onslaught, landing powerful blows that reverberated through its massive form. The battle reached its climax as I infused the last of my strength into a final, overwhelming attack, shattering the guardian's defenses and bringing it to its knees.

As the echoes of battle subsided, I stood amidst the defeated monsters, the crimson aura slowly fading. The dungeon, once a chaotic battleground, returned to an eerie calm. I caught my breath, grateful for the cultivation art that had empowered me to overcome the dungeon's challenges.

As the hound-like beasts closed in, their snarls reverberating through the dungeon, I channeled the enhanced power of the Dragon Soul Ascendance into my sacred gear.


The sacred gear roared in response, a surge of energy coursing through it. I dashed forward, leaving afterimages as I unleashed a series of lightning-fast strikes, each blow empowered by the newfound strength.

The hound beasts retaliated with agility and ferocity, their claws slashing through the air. I responded with a defensive technique I crafted through my experiences, creating a barrier that absorbed their attacks. The crimson aura enveloping me intensified, marking the heightened mastery of the Dragon Soul Ascendance.

In the midst of the intense battle, I executed a technique of my own creation, an attack designed to exploit the vulnerabilities of the hound-like creatures.

"Soul-Piercing Fangs!"

My sacred gear transformed, manifesting draconic fangs that radiated with energy. With a swift motion, I lunged at the hounds, each bite draining their life force. The beasts recoiled, their once-fierce demeanor now replaced with signs of weakness.

As the battle continued, I weaved through the onslaught of attacks, utilizing the Dragon Soul Ascendance to enhance my speed and reflexes. The crimson aura flared with each successful strike, creating a dazzling display of power within the dungeon's confines.

Facing the relentless onslaught of the hound beasts, I tapped into the defensive capabilities of the Dragon Soul Ascendance, deflecting their attacks with precision. The battle reached a crescendo as I unleashed a final, devastating technique.

"Dragon's Wrath Roar!"

A shockwave erupted from my mouth sending the hound beasts sprawling. The dungeon echoed with the triumphant roar of victory as the defeated creatures dissipated into ethereal fragments.

As the crimson aura gradually subsided, I stood amidst the remnants of the battle, the mastery of the Dragon Soul Ascendance evident in both my fatigue and the newfound strength coursing through me. The journey through the dungeon continued, each tier presenting greater challenges that demanded the full extent of my enhanced abilities.

Ddraig's voice echoed in my mind, resonating with excitement.

Ddraig:"Issei, that's truly incredible! With this, you're well on your way to becoming the strongest Red Dragon Emperor. Your power is reaching new heights!"

I scratched my head, a sheepish grin forming.

Issei:Yeah, yeah, it's all cool and stuff, but you know, Ddraig, I'm not doing this just to be the strongest. I want to stand by Kousei's side, to be someone he can rely on.

Ddraig's presence within me conveyed a mix of approval and curiosity.

Ddraig :"Standing by your user's side, huh? That's quite admirable, Issei. But strength can be a powerful asset in protecting those you care about. The stronger you become, the more you can safeguard the ones you love."

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the truth in his words.

Issei:I get that, Ddraig. But Kousei's already insanely strong. I just want to be a reliable brother, you know? Like, when things get tough, I want him to look at me and think, 'Issei's got my back."

Ddraig chuckled, his ancient wisdom underlying his amusement.

Ddraig:Strength comes in many forms, Issei. Your determination and loyalty are strengths in their own right. Remember, the journey to becoming stronger isn't just about power; it's about the bonds you forge and the person you become along the way.

As I continued through the dungeon, the words lingered in my thoughts. Strength, bonds, and the person I'm becoming – all part of a journey that went beyond the battles and power-ups. My commitment to Kousei remained unwavering, and with each challenge, I aimed to grow not just in power but also in the qualities that truly mattered.

Ddraig's wisdom echoed in my mind as I confronted the challenges of the dungeon.

Ddraig:"Issei, don't solely focus on cultivation. Train your sacred gear in tandem with your qi. The harmonization of both is the key to unlocking your true potential."

I took a moment to catch my breath, considering his words.

Issei:How do I train my sacred gear, Ddraig? It feels like there's more to it than just boosting.

Ddraig's presence emanated reassurance.

Ddraig:Your Boost ability is a foundation, but there's depth to your sacred gear's capabilities. Explore its facets, understand its resonance with your qi, and discover new techniques. Experiment with its power during battles to unlock hidden functionalities.

Nodding, I recalled the battles I had with my sacred gear.

Issei:So, it's about pushing its limits and discovering its unique capabilities.

Ddraig affirmed

Ddraig :"Your Boost is potent, but your sacred gear is a versatile tool. Train it to adapt to different situations. Develop techniques that complement your fighting style, making you a more unpredictable and formidable opponent."

As I faced the dungeon's monsters, I experimented with my sacred gear, seeking new ways to utilize its power.

Issei:What about the Balance Breaker?

Ddraig's tone conveyed patience.

Ddraig:"he Balance Breaker is an advanced state of sacred gear mastery. It requires a deep understanding of your sacred gear's nature and a strong connection with your qi. Train diligently, and as you unlock more tiers of the Dragon Soul Ascendance, you'll inch closer to mastering a Balance Breaker."

I tightened my grip on my sacred gear, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

Issei:I'll train both my cultivation and my sacred gear. I want to become someone Kousei can rely on.

Ddraig's encouragement resonated,

Ddraig:"That's the spirit, Issei. Embrace the journey, and remember, the path to greatness is forged through dedication and continuous improvement."

As I delved deeper into the dungeon, I committed to honing not only my cultivation but also my sacred gear, knowing that the true strength I sought lay in the synergy between the two.

My first person view

I stared at the system's response, disbelief washing over me.

Kousei:100,000 spirit stones? Are you kidding me?

The magnitude of that cost was beyond anything I had anticipated. My mind raced, contemplating the implications of such an exorbitant price.

Kousei:Why does it have to be so expensive?

I muttered to myself. The idea of accumulating that many spirit stones seemed like an insurmountable task. Questions swirled in my mind as I tried to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Kousei:What kind of cultivation art could possibly warrant such a price?

I wondered aloud, my frustration growing. It felt like a cruel joke, a hurdle deliberately placed to test my determination.

As I pondered, the system remained silent, offering no explanation for the staggering cost. The weight of the decision pressed on me, urging me to evaluate the worth of the technique against the resources it demanded.

Kousei:Is this cultivation art truly worth the sacrifice?

I questioned, my gaze fixed on the virtual interface displaying the cost. The silent contemplation stretched, a battle of choices waged within me.

I considered alternative paths, potential consequences, and the significance of unlocking the power hidden within my divine Ascendant body. The journey ahead seemed daunting, but the allure of reaching new heights of strength tugged at my resolve.

In the face of uncertainty, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead. "Fine, if this is what it takes," I declared, determination firming my resolve.

Kousei:I'll find a way to gather those spirit stones. Nothing will stand in my way.

Little did I know that this decision would set in motion a series of events, propelling me into a new chapter of my cultivation journey.

I asked the system,

Kousei:What's my spirit stone balance?

The system responded

"Your current balance is 23,000 spirit stones, host."

Ok then let's go hunting

The eerie silence lingered in the aftermath of the spectral battle. Avenger's Edge, now sheathed, felt like an extension of my being. The dungeon, once fraught with ethereal threats, now bore the marks of my divine power.

I took a moment to catch my breath, the divine energy coursing through my veins gradually calming. The spectral beasts lay vanquished, their remnants dissolving into the arcane shadows. The journey through this supernatural realm demanded vigilance, and Avenger's Edge proved a steadfast companion.

As I pressed forward, the dungeon's shadows seemed to deepen. A foreboding presence lingered in the air, and my senses sharpened. The Divine Ascendant Body, now attuned to the ethereal, resonated with the unseen forces at play.

The next chamber unveiled a more formidable opponent, a spectral entity larger and more menacing than those before. Its ghastly visage bore an air of malevolence, and its eyes gleamed with an otherworldly glow. The challenge ahead was evident, and Avenger's Edge hummed with anticipation.

Engaging the spectral behemoth, I unleashed a barrage of strikes. Avenger's Edge sliced through the shadows, each movement calculated and precise. The ethereal flames danced along the blade, a testament to the divine power channeled through my being.

The spectral entity retaliated with a surge of dark energy, attempting to ensnare me in its otherworldly grasp. Swiftly, I employed Wind Steps, maneuvering with agility. Avenger's Edge became a conduit for divine fury, each swing disrupting the malevolent forces.

The battle unfolded in a symphony of clashes and ethereal echoes. Tempest Slicer, Inferno Lotus Fist – every technique woven into a seamless dance of destruction. The spectral behemoth roared, its form wavering under the assault.

As the final strike landed, the behemoth dissipated into the shadows, leaving only echoes of its malevolence. Avenger's Edge, now shrouded in a radiant glow, returned to its sheath. The dungeon, once again, fell into an uncanny silence.

With each victory, I grew more attuned to the mysteries of the supernatural realm. The Divine Ascendant, wielding Avenger's Edge, continued the exploration, a guardian in the shadows, ever ready to face the ethereal challenges that lay ahead.