
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · Anime & Comics
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chapter 43: getting stronger part 4

The abyssals surrounded me, their menacing forms closing in. Feeling the urgency, I tapped into the depths of my cultivation, summoning the power of the Inferno Burst. The air crackled with fiery energy as intense waves of flames enveloped my body, shaping into a colossal sphere of destruction.

With a mighty battle cry, I released the inferno, a torrent of searing heat that obliterated every abyssal within a 20-meter radius. The flames danced wildly, leaving nothing but charred remnants in their wake. As the echoes of battle subsided, I found myself on my knees, the strain of wielding such potent qi evident.

The experience was overwhelming; the sheer magnitude of the qi required for the Inferno Burst had pushed me beyond the limits of the core formation realm. As I caught my breath, I felt the unmistakable shift in my cultivation – a breakthrough into a new stage.

I gazed at the remnants of the abyssals, the lingering embers of the inferno casting an eerie glow. The battle had been fierce, but the rewards were substantial. The system's voice echoed in my mind, announcing the accumulation of several spirit stones – the currency of cultivation.

This battle had not only tested my strength but had propelled me into new heights of mastery. As I stood amidst the aftermath, I contemplated the challenges ahead, knowing that each victory brought me closer to unlocking the full potential of my divine Ascendant body and the mysteries that awaited in the realms of cultivation.

Surprised by the system's response, I couldn't help but ask again,

Kousei:are you sure? That many spirit stones?

The system's robotic voice affirmed

"Affirmative. The battle against the abyssals and the breakthrough into the next stage of cultivation have earned you an astronomical sum of spirit stones."

My mind raced with possibilities. The sheer number of spirit stones presented a myriad of opportunities – advanced cultivation techniques, profound insights, and even rare artifacts. The weight of such abundance settled in, and I pondered the significance of this unexpected windfall.

Kousei:Can you provide a specific figure?

I inquired, seeking a clearer understanding of the magnitude of my newfound wealth.

"Approximately 100,000 spirit stones,"

the system replied, devoid of any emotion.

I was momentarily speechless. Such a substantial amount opened doors to realms of cultivation previously beyond my reach. The implications of this windfall were vast, promising not only personal growth but the potential to impact the broader cultivation community.

Kousei:System, can you suggest the most effective way to utilize these spirit stones for cultivation and enhancement?

I asked, my curiosity piqued.

The system responded with a detailed analysis, outlining various options for cultivation techniques, energy cultivation methods, and artifact acquisitions. As the list unfolded, it became apparent that the choices before me were both exciting and daunting.

With a deep breath, I began to strategize, formulating a plan to maximize the benefits of this unexpected abundance. The journey ahead promised challenges and revelations, and armed with an unparalleled reservoir of spirit stones, I stood ready to embark on the next chapter of my cultivation odyssey.

As the Celestial Genesis Technique's details unfolded before me, I couldn't help but marvel at the profound nature of this cultivation art. The intricate steps outlined a journey that transcended the ordinary, tapping into celestial realms and unlocking powers beyond imagination.

Kousei:System, this Celestial Genesis Technique seems extraordinary. Can you provide more insights into its intricacies?

I inquired, eager to understand the nuances of each stage.

The system responded

" ertainly. Let's delve deeper into the key stages of the Celestial Genesis Technique."

1. **Awakening the Divine Core:**

"In this initial stage," the system explained, "the cultivator focuses on their inner essence. The awakening of the dormant divine core establishes a connection with celestial forces, setting the foundation for the journey ahead."

2. **Harmonizing with Celestial Qi:**

"Breath control and meditation become the cultivator's tools," the system continued. "Harmonizing their Qi with celestial energy deepens the bond with the universe, strengthening the divine core and fostering a profound connection with celestial realms."

3. **Starlight Infusion:**

"As the cultivator progresses," the system elucidated

"specific celestial alignments provide opportunities for starlight absorption. This infusion enhances both physical and spiritual attributes, unlocking unparalleled strength, agility, and insight."

4. **Elemental Fusion:**

"Harnessing elemental essence from celestial bodies," the system detailed, "the cultivator learns to fuse elemental forces into their techniques. Storms, fire manipulation, and control over nature become manifestations of celestial and earthly powers."

5. **Astral Projection:**

"At the pinnacle," the system described, "the cultivator achieves astral projection. Their consciousness transcends the physical realm, allowing exploration of the cosmos, gaining celestial wisdom, and communion with divine beings."

The benefits of the Celestial Genesis Technique painted a picture of empowerment and transformation. The prospect of enhancing my divine physique, achieving eternal youth, and channeling celestial energy for devastating attacks fueled my determination.

Kousei:System, what challenges and risks accompany the practice of the Celestial Genesis Technique?

I inquired, mindful of the cautionary note mentioned in the description.

The system responded

"The technique demands unwavering dedication, discipline, and a profound understanding of celestial forces. Risks include potential disruptions to the balance of one's spiritual and physical aspects, requiring careful navigation to avoid adverse effects."

Contemplating the intricate path laid out by this profound cultivation art, I felt a surge of determination. The Celestial Genesis Technique held the promise of unlocking celestial powers, and I embraced the challenge that lay ahead.

As I pondered the seemingly modest price of 100,000 spirit stones for the Celestial Genesis Technique, a wave of curiosity and skepticism washed over me. The discrepancy between the potential value of such a profound cultivation art and its listed cost intrigued me.

"System," I began,

Kousei:the Celestial Genesis Technique appears to be of extraordinary value, yet its price is set at 100,000 spirit stones. Could you shed light on why it's priced so modestly in comparison to its potential benefits?

The system responded, "The pricing of techniques is influenced by various factors, including accessibility, rarity, and the current market dynamics within the cultivation world. The Celestial Genesis Technique, while undoubtedly powerful, is made available at a price that aims to encourage host to access its teachings."

Kousei:But considering the unparalleled benefits it offers, wouldn't it make sense to assign a higher pricI questioned, still trying to wrap my mind around the idea.

The system explained

"While the Celestial Genesis Technique is indeed valuable, setting an exorbitant price might limit its accessibility to a select few. The intent is to ensure Host, can embark on the journey of celestial cultivation without facing insurmountable barriers."

As the system's explanation unfolded, I began to understand the balance between making potent techniques available to a broader audience and the inherent challenges of setting a price tag on such profound knowledge.

Kousei:Is there any additional information about the Celestial Genesis Technique that might influence my decision to acquire it?

I asked, seeking further clarity.

The system responded

"Apart from its benefits and challenges, the Celestial Genesis Technique has been crafted with a deep understanding of celestial energies. It offers a unique perspective on harmonizing with the cosmos, emphasizing your interconnectedness with celestial forces."

Contemplating the system's insights, I weighed the potential of the Celestial Genesis Technique against its accessible price. The journey ahead seemed both alluring and challenging, and with a newfound understanding, I contemplated whether to embark on this celestial cultivation path.

As the system disclosed the real price of the Celestial Genesis Technique – a staggering 5,000,000,000 spirit stones – a mixture of disbelief and awe swept over me. The sheer magnitude of the cost left me momentarily speechless, and I couldn't help but question the rationale behind such an astronomical figure.

Kousei:Five billion spirit stones?

I exclaimed, my voice reflecting a blend of surprise and incredulity.

Kousei:That's an astronomical sum! Why the substantial difference between the listed price and the actual cost?"

The system responded, its digital voice maintaining its composed tone

"The initial price of 100,000 spirit stones serves as an entry point to make the technique accessible to a broader range of cultivators. The real cost of 5,000,000,000 spirit stones is reflective of the true value and rarity of the Celestial Genesis Technique within the cultivation world."

My mind raced to comprehend the implications of such a monumental price tag. The figure was far beyond anything I had encountered before, transcending the boundaries of what I thought possible in the realm of cultivation.

Kousei:Is there a reason behind this substantial cost?

I inquired, attempting to understand the intricate dynamics governing the pricing strategy.

"The Celestial Genesis Technique encompasses profound insights into celestial cultivation, offering unparalleled benefits that extend beyond conventional techniques. The astronomical price tag is a reflection of its rarity, potency, and the exclusivity it grants to those who possess its teachings,"

the system explained.

I mulled over the information, realizing that the Celestial Genesis Technique wasn't just a cultivation art; it was a transcendent path to harnessing celestial forces. The enormity of the cost underscored the profound nature of the knowledge embedded within the technique.

Kousei:Five billion spirit stones is an astronomical sum. How can one even accumulate such wealth?

I pondered aloud, contemplating the journey that lay ahead.

The system's response was measured,

"Accumulating five billion spirit stones requires strategic cultivation, resource management, and potentially exploring lucrative opportunities within the cultivation world. It's a formidable challenge, but the rewards of mastering the Celestial Genesis Technique are commensurate with the investment."

As the Celestial Genesis Technique surged through my body, an explosion of celestial power rippled outward, threatening to unravel the very fabric of the environment. The sensation was akin to the unleashed might of the fully activated Divine Ascendant Body, yet distinctly different. The power coursing through my veins was unprecedented, marking a breakthrough that transcended the boundaries of my previous cultivation levels.

Amidst the celestial tempest, I felt the barriers of my cultivation shatter, propelling me into the 7th stage of spirit refinement. The transformation was palpable – not only in the surge of newfound strength but also in the physical manifestation. I looked in awe at my rejuvenated form, appearing even younger than before. The Celestial Genesis Technique had not only unlocked hidden potential but also granted me a profound connection with the cosmic forces.

The energy subsided, leaving a serene aftermath that echoed with the residual echoes of celestial power. I took a deep breath, reveling in the sensation of immense power coursing through every fiber of my being. The world around me seemed clearer, and my senses extended beyond the ordinary, attuned to the subtle currents of qi in the environment.

In the wake of this transformative experience, I found myself reflecting on the profound implications of mastering the Celestial Genesis Technique. It wasn't merely a cultivation art; it was a conduit to celestial forces, a path that reshaped the very essence of my existence.

Kousei:I never anticipated the Celestial Genesis Technique to bring about such a profound transformation

I murmured to myself, contemplating the newfound depths of power at my disposal.

The system chimed in, its digital voice resonating with a hint of approval

The Celestial Genesis Technique has unlocked your latent potential, forging a connection with the celestial realms. Your journey towards mastering this technique has just begun, and the benefits it offers extend far beyond the physical realm.

As I absorbed the words, I realized that this breakthrough was just the initial step on a path fraught with challenges and celestial revelations. The journey ahead promised not only unparalleled strength but also a deeper understanding of the cosmic forces that governed the cultivation world.

With newfound determination, I embraced the transformative power of the Celestial Genesis Technique, ready to navigate the celestial currents and ascend to greater heights in the pursuit of mastery. The echoes of celestial energy lingered in the air, marking the beginning of a journey that transcended the ordinary bounds of cultivation.

Issei glanced up from his cultivation, his eyes widening in astonishment as he beheld the celestial energy lingering around me. The air crackled with the residual power of the Celestial Genesis Technique, leaving an ethereal ambiance that spoke of profound changes.

Issei:Kousei, what in the world just happened?

Issei asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and admiration.

Kousei:I tapped into a cultivation art called the Celestial Genesis Technique

I replied, a sense of satisfaction coloring my words.

Kousei:It's a profound technique that connects me to the celestial forces, unlocking hidden potential and propelling me to the 7th stage of spirit refinement.

Issei's eyes widened further, a mix of awe and excitement evident in his expression.

Issei:That's incredible! I've never seen anything like it. How does it feel?

I took a moment to collect my thoughts, contemplating the sensations that still reverberated within me.

Kousei:It's like being attuned to the very heartbeat of the cosmos. The power surging through me is unlike anything I've experienced before. I can sense the qi in the environment more keenly, and the clarity of my perception has reached a whole new level.

Issei nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information.

Issei:Do you think this Celestial Genesis Technique is something I could use too?

Kousei:it's a specialized technique, Issei. Tailored for those with a divine special cultivation physique. But don't worry, I'm sure there are other powerful techniques out there that could complement your own abilities

I reassured him.

As we continued our conversation, Issei's excitement was palpable. He shared his own progress in cultivation, reaching the spirit formation stage, a significant milestone in his journey. I congratulated him on his achievements, recognizing the dedication and effort he had invested in his cultivation.

Our discussion delved into the intricacies of cultivation arts, the nuances of refining qi, and the challenges each stage presented. Issei's enthusiasm for the path of cultivation mirrored my own, creating a camaraderie forged in the pursuit of strength and mastery.

As we conversed, the echoes of the Celestial Genesis Technique's power lingered, a testament to the transformative nature of the celestial forces. In that moment, surrounded by the energy of our individual journeys, Issei and I found common ground in the pursuit of greater heights and the uncharted territories that cultivation offered.