
Rear Vanguard 1

Jay watched the small creatures scutter under the sand and pluck the sticky fruit off the mushrooms.

For whatever reason, they could safely detach the dangerous red fruits from the giant mushrooms, undoubtedly stashing them away somewhere for their future food source.

With all of this in mind, Jay began to plan his next steps.

“Weird little creatures... Ok, I'll walk along the edge of the desert and then cross, sending the skeletons first. Hopefully I can avoid whatever that grey beast was…” he nodded,

“I’ll leave one skeleton here so it can alert me if the grey beast actually walks around the desert.”

The skeleton which Jay chose to stay behind? The choice was obvious.

“Sweeper,” Jay pointed to a large rock, “wait there and keep watch.”

The poor skeleton slowly climbed up the rockface, having some trouble with its one arm. Jay decided not to let Sweeper eat bones to heal as it was going to be left behind to watch Jay’s tail. It would simply be a waste.

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