

LIAM "Take this money and Abort the baby" After few years JENNIFER "Take this money and never try to see my baby or me" After three years BABY LOYAL "Dada can you please teach me this math sum" LIAM "I am not good at math my baby you can ask mommy" BABY LOYAL " Mommy look Dada doesn't know math, then what are you good at dada? JENNIFER "He is good at BLACKMAILING then SPOILING OTHERS BODY moreover good at PLAYING WITH HIS MONEY IN OTHERS LIFE. HIRA" Stop it, Jennifer! not in front of baby loyal". JUST READ WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN LIAM AND JENNIFER.

Maya_Dev · Prominente
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31 Chs


I came home and entered by heeding my head down I feel irritated at the same time I feel blue too

"Why are you sad" Fango questioned me.

"I can't understand Jennifer, Loyal didn't listen to her words then she said to Loyal that she and Loyal are going to move out soon from this country I got no clue what other she said to him" I answered him nervously.

I don't know why she is so eager to separate me and loyal.

"Liam please calm down, she is the victim you have to give her some time" Fango advised me.

"I gave her years Fango, all I needed is my son should lead a royal life but why she is blocking him. Then I have no purpose in living in this mansion where my son and my baby's mother are living in a small home and she is working daily for money, why she is not accepting me and why she is not allowing my son" I questioned him again.

"Liam, Just relax man she gave you permission for you to see Loyal and now Loyal loves you a lot so don't worry Loyal will choose you for sure" I answered him.

"But, I need Jennifer too" I saw him blankly.

"Are you in love Liam" Fango questioned back?

" I don't know Fango but I don't want to lose Jennifer again and my son I don't want her to take my baby away from me . He is innocent the only word I like in this world is when he calls me Dada".

Then my friend relaxed me for a while but my mind was still in confusion, no matter what? I will never allow my son to another country he needs me.


"Loyal food is ready come and eat" I called him.

"Mama, I need to know which country we are moving to because I said to dada that we are moving" he replied.

"What the heck Loyal, when did you say to him and why?" she asked back.

"Mama I need dada with us" Loyal replied.

"What the hell Jennifer, where are you planning to move on what the hell is Loyal telling," Hira asked me.

"Stop the hell! I hate Liam I don't want him to come here to see me and my son" I fried back.

Then Hira dragged me upstairs making Loyal eat his food "Are you insane Jennifer, what is the hell you are panning without my knowledge" Hira yelled.

"Hira, thanks for taking care of me and Loyal but how long will you? Now time to let me go because you have to take care of your own life", I replied.

She was about to slap me but thank god she stopped she yelled at me so hard then she hugged me "Don't ever think that you and Loyal are like a burden to me you guys are like my own family and he likes Liam a lot and with Loyal, Liam is behaving good and he is trying to be a good father so please stop overthinking" She advised me.

When Hira Left I tried to think about the situation because Loyal is so close to Liam all these years if suddenly I do anything weird it will affect Loyal mentally I need some time to time but when it comes to Liam I hate that man and because of my son I am letting him in but Liam wants us in his home I hate that may be in future I should talk with Liam regarding Loyal.

Did she drop the moving plan or ???? Stay tuned.

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