

LIAM "Take this money and Abort the baby" After few years JENNIFER "Take this money and never try to see my baby or me" After three years BABY LOYAL "Dada can you please teach me this math sum" LIAM "I am not good at math my baby you can ask mommy" BABY LOYAL " Mommy look Dada doesn't know math, then what are you good at dada? JENNIFER "He is good at BLACKMAILING then SPOILING OTHERS BODY moreover good at PLAYING WITH HIS MONEY IN OTHERS LIFE. HIRA" Stop it, Jennifer! not in front of baby loyal". JUST READ WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN LIAM AND JENNIFER.

Maya_Dev · Celebrities
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31 Chs




Years passed, but I am still a visitor to her house I pleased many times her to take her and my son to my own home but she never accepted my decisions and still, she goes to work. Luckily, she never stopped my son from meeting me. I and my son now have a cordial relationship he shares a lot and whatever happens in his school he is a little handsome man I ever met and his name suits him very well. Right now, I am on my way to meet my son.

when I entered the house, I heard my son's crying sound I rushed "Hey baby what happened?" I asked worriedly.

" His eyes are so reddish because of that shitty mobile device ..Again and again, he is asking for a mobile" Jennifer yelled towards Loyal.

"Hey hey calm yourself, he is a baby you have some patience with him let me tell him," I said to Jennifer.

"Look Liam we don't need your advice or anything please don't buy any expensive things for him you are spoiling him" she replied.

Dada "I like games I need a phone to play tell mama to give me back my phone" Loyal cried.

"You are just years old Loyal don't be adamant just take your ball and play outdoor games do you hear me," Jennifer said.

" Then I need a sibling" Loyal replied.

My son's answer made Jennifer's eyes widen and I feel so happy inside without any answer she left then I held Loyal in my arms "Dada in school my friends have their siblings so they play ball and other games but I don't so I play online games with my friends why mommy is scolding me" Loyal questioned me.

"Baby uhhhhhhhhh! Listen, mommy is doing her best for you and she is concerned about your eyes baby so you should give up using the phone and then ask sorry to mommy" I answered.

I don't know what to answer for him regarding their sibling because of her terrible past incident she never wanted me near her still she hates me.

my baby went to Jennifer and said sorry she cupped his face and hugged him and held him in her hand and came towards me " Can you please leave I need to talk with my baby", she said.

I got frightened "Please, Jennifer about that sibling I have no clue, please don't take me wrong".

" I said please leave". Again, she said coldly.

I left the home I don't know why she got angry with me. I felt sad because I don't want her to say anything bad about me to my son.


"Loyal, I Have some questions for you," I asked him directly.

"Yes mama", he replied.

"Do you like mama or dada?" I asked.

"I like you both equal mama" he answered

I can see the innocence on his face like other kids he too wanted to play and have fun "What If you go to another country and leave dada here will you come with me" I asked him nervously.

"Mama, why can't we take dada with us he loves me a lot I should ask dada first to which country we are moving" he replied.

I got no clue what I should say next I just left Loyal abruptly when I was on my way to the room .. Hira came home Loyal hugged her and Hira accompanied him.


When I was heading home I got a text from Loyal.

"Daddy mommy and I are moving to another country I need you to come with us".

After seeing that text I got so perplexed and scared about why she needed to take Loyal from me again what did I do? but right now Is not the correct time to argue with her already she was stressed out today.

I didn't bother her or trouble her since the day I met Loyal all I needed is to do my best for her and my baby she always rejected my offer and money I have no clue why? In the past, I made mistakes and I asked sorry for that but still, she hates me.

She hates when I go to her home I can easily guess from her facial expression because of Loyal she is letting me in now she decided to take my son far away from me I think I deserve forgiveness I just need to make her understand that I am not the guy she knows in the past I have changed a lot even my friend Fango felt the change in me.

Will they move to another country or Liam will find a way. Stay tuned.

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