

LIAM "Take this money and Abort the baby" After few years JENNIFER "Take this money and never try to see my baby or me" After three years BABY LOYAL "Dada can you please teach me this math sum" LIAM "I am not good at math my baby you can ask mommy" BABY LOYAL " Mommy look Dada doesn't know math, then what are you good at dada? JENNIFER "He is good at BLACKMAILING then SPOILING OTHERS BODY moreover good at PLAYING WITH HIS MONEY IN OTHERS LIFE. HIRA" Stop it, Jennifer! not in front of baby loyal". JUST READ WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN LIAM AND JENNIFER.

Maya_Dev · Celebrities
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31 Chs


The last day what happened made my heart break I want to meet my son but I am confused about whether I should go or not then my eyes wanted to see him so badly so I decided to go.

When I enter the home, I saw them having breakfast my son called me to eat breakfast with him "Dada come join us" Loyal said.

"No baby I ate already, you just eat up then let us play" I replied.

once they ate Loyal came near me he grabbed his new notes and pencil box and color he grabbed a newspaper too by seeing the newspaper "Dada math Puzzle, teach me how to solve it" Loyal looked at me.

"I am not good at math baby please ask your mommy, we should apply formula and so on" I answered.

"Look mommy dada doesn't know basic math sum poor dada! Mommy is good at math so dada then you are good at??" Loyal asked curiously.

I was about to answer but suddenly a voice came up "He is good at blackmailing, destroying others' physical appearance, and well good at playing with his money" Jennifer said.

"Stop the hell, Jennifer not in front of Loyal" Hira yelled.

What she said was true and I sensed that she was still haunted by that past but I felt so terrible after hearing her. I don't know how to respond to her but thankfully Hira helped me.

"Dada, come on Let's play" My son summoned me.

"Baby you can color something after some minutes we can play" I replied.

"Mommy, dada is looking sad ask him why" he looked at Jennifer.

"No baby I am not sad I am happy because you are near to me right," I said with a smile.

A few minutes passed awkwardly silent, Jennifer was leaving to upstairs I just called her "Hey can we talk for ten minutes" I said.

Without any voice, she just nodded her head "I mean, last night I got a text from Loyal that, you are going to take him to another country" I asked her.

"Yeah, he is my son so I have all my rights" Jennifer replied coldly.

"He is my son too Jennifer, so please stop saying that I have equal rights to him" I answered her.

"Look Liam you killed him when he was in my womb by throwing your money I decided to keep him with all my hard work so I have more rights than you" I raised my voice.

"Enough, Jennifer you are not taking him away from me that is it end of the conversation" I left.

"How dare he! I don't need him In my life then why the hell he is showing up again and again in my fucking life" I yelled in front of the mirror, then I directly went to Loyal "Loyal come on let us go to the grocery store" I called him.

"No mama, I am playing with dada you can take your friend Hira" she replied with a smirk smile.

"I will buy you ice creams and chocolate baby come and toys too" I pleased him.

"No mama I am not coming I am playing with dada can't you see", He yelled.

"What the hell Loyal who taught you this kind of manner uh? Is this your dada is teaching you daily" I was about to beat him.

But I felt something stop my hand "Not in front of me Jennifer he is a little boy so relax" Liam said.

"You stay out of our business, he is my son do you hear me mine and my Loyal", I yelled.

Jennifer hates me and she hates me when I am around my son, she wished to take care of him on his own but I can't do that because I am closely attached to my son.

Will this Family issue will end or ??? Stay tuned.

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