
My Journey to you

A story of two sisters Zera and Mavis, who are actually the children who were chosen by the two god dragons, the imperial white dragon, and the imperial black dragon as their descendants after their death. The girls had no clue about the great powers they have and live don't even know the existence of each other. when they were young they get separated because of the death of their parents.

BTSArmypro · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter 15: Zero joins fairy tail!!!

Zera, Mavis, and Zero reach Ethiopia and are now heading towards the guildhall.

They walk forward slowly and are completely tired from their journey.

After a few minutes, they reach the guildhall and suddenly a table comes flying towards Mavis.

"Ouch!!!" screams Mavis.

When they look for who threw it, they realize the whole guild is fighting with each other

Wendy then comes closer and says " Such idiots, Don't worry this is usual. If someone does not stop them, the guildhall will get damaged again. UGH!! This week's budget is going to go high again!!!".

"Wendy can you pls give me something to eat," said Mavis.

Wendy grabs some snacks and hands them over to Mavis and Zera.

Zera, Mavis, and Zero divide the snacks between themselves.

But right before Mavis was about to eat her snack,suddenly someone accidentally falls on Mavis and all the snacks fall down.

Mavis gets really pissed off at everyone.

She then says in anger "Stop now , or else i will break each of your bones myself!!!"

The guild hall suddenly becomes silent after witnessing the demon side of Mavis.

They all together say "Yes ma'am!!"

And sit down silently.

Wendy chuckles and says "Wow, I thought master was the only one who could make them behave."

"Who is this small boy? He looks so cute!!" asks Wendy.

"Who the hell are you calling cute!!" says Zero angrily.

"Now, Don't get angry Zero. You are a small kid now you know. Now be good and introduce yourself" says Zera.

"I am Zero, The guardian of the twin dragon temple in village A. And I have come here following my mas...No..Zera and Mavis. I followed them because I have no home." says Zero.

Wendy then replies "Oh hi there. Since you are following them, will you become a member of Fairy tail as well?"

Zero nods his head and replies "Yes".

Wendy then takes him for the joining procedures and gives him his guild mark.

When he walks out of the office, and all the members of the guild gather around because of his cuteness.

They pull his cheeks and lift him up. They keep playing with him, while on the other side Zero keeps shouting "Zera !!! Mavis !!! save me !!!!".

"Wow!!! he sure is popular" says Mavis, while eating her food.

"Yea" replies Zera, also while eating.

Then Zero shouts "Even I am really hungry!!!! Once I get my powers back I will take revenge!!! "

Everyone began to laugh, While poor little Zero was suffering because of his cuteness.

To be continued….