
My Journey to you

A story of two sisters Zera and Mavis, who are actually the children who were chosen by the two god dragons, the imperial white dragon, and the imperial black dragon as their descendants after their death. The girls had no clue about the great powers they have and live don't even know the existence of each other. when they were young they get separated because of the death of their parents.

BTSArmypro · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Special chapter: A day at the orphanage

Zera and Mavis both volunteer in an old orphanage in Ethiopia. The children really like them and play all day with both of them.

Theyy all are exhausted.

Now it is nap time.

A little girl pulls a corner of Mavis's dress and asks " Big sister… Can you pls tell us a story?"

Mavis chuckles and says " sure sweety.

Now first all of your first go to your bed.

The children obediently listen to Mavis and sit down on their beds.

The Mavis turns the light off and begins her story

"Once upon a time in the freezing and steep hills of the Himalayas lived four lonely dogs, who were always sad and depressed about the lonely and empty lives they lived.

Every day the dogs would pray to the idol in the temple near them, and each one would say

" Oh dear lord, what have I done that you gave me such a lonely life, no matter how much I try to fit in with all the other animals of the Himalayas none of them accept me. Please, Lord, give me a friend who will accept me and stay with me even at the times of death".

Listening to their wishes, god appears in the form of an old man who is starving and is hurt badly. As soon as the dogs noticed the man, the dogs offered him food and shared their shelter with him until the night passed.

Soon as the sun rose, the old man bid farewell to the dogs and spoke a few strange words

"Dear children, your wishes have been heard by the heavens, the person you all have been longing for is waiting for you at the top of this tower".

After speaking these words, the old man had suddenly disappeared into thin air, which left the dogs puzzled. Suddenly, the ground began to shake, a huge tower had appeared before their eyes. At the gate of the tower, they heard a strange voice saying,

"Welcome, the person you have been waiting for is at the top of this tower, but to reach him you will have to cross an obstacle. But beware once you die on one of these floors you will be stuck here forever".

Soon after hearing what the voice had said their hearts began to beat in fear, but one of them said

"I am not going to waste my time anymore, I will reach the top and finally free myself from these painful chains of loneliness once and for all"

he then ran into the tower, looking at him the rest followed and encountered their obstacle an endless white desert which had an end which directly led to the elevator which would take them to the top of the tower. The dogs began to walk for days in that desert but had found nothing, they starved and were exhausted. Suddenly a glass of water had appeared before their eyes, they ran towards it and realized it was only sufficient for a single dog. They all began to argue on who will drink the water, but one of them shouted

"I don't want the water"

all the others looked at him, and then another said

" we walked all these days together, went through these cold winds together and even kept each other warm so that we can survive, I think we should give the water to the dog who really needs it"

all of them agreed and then suddenly a door appeared to a tunnel, they all ran into that tunnel and at the end found a mirror. Looking at it all the dogs laughed as they realized how much of a fool they were all this time, they realized they were not exactly alone but they actually had each other.

Moral: you are never actually alone, you might not realize but you might actually have many people who accept you as who you are, they are just hidden and will be shown only when you put effort to notice them. THE END…

Is anyone even listening…."

She then looks at all the children sleeping adorably on their beds.

She then covers everyone gently with a blanket.

When she looks around, searching for Zera she realizes even Zera slept soundly.

Mavis chuckled and said, " Wow, this is the first time seeing her sleep so peacefully…"

She then lied down next to Zera and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

Soon after an hour, everyone woke up except Mavis.

Everyone gathered around her and began to giggle and laugh.

A little boy then says looking at Mavis "Big sis Zera, Sis Mavis looks just like a cat when she is sleeping.."

Zera pats on the little boy's head and says "Yeah"

Suddenly Mavis begins to open her eyes and wake up and is shocked seeing everyone staring at her.

They all then begin to laugh at each other.