
My Adventure in the Multiverse with Gacha (SI)

So I died, meet God, got wishes, and now I am reincarnating. I can't wait for my adventure to begin. MW: One Piece I own nothing but my OC please support the original works Tags: HAREM, Large harem, Multiverse, Gacha, System, One Piece, Naruto, Harry Potter, Marvel etc, Anime, Books, Movies, TV, Fanfiction, Smut

ShadowRose13 · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

16 Inheritance

It is finally the weekend and me and McGonagall are headed to Diagon Alley then to Gringotts. We traveled by floo which I still wasn't able to land properly in. Ended up tripping on my own two feet and falling to the floor to the amusement of the bar patrons

I get up and brush myself off "Yea yea laugh it up" which only made them laugh harder until McGonagall appeared behind me.

"Come along Mr Potter no time to waste" I think she still had to grade papers today so she was in a bit of a hurry. Once she said Potter though the murmuring and exclamations about me started which I found quite annoying

We quickly made it out of the bar and go swiftly to Gringotts where I ask to be lead to my families account manager which lead us to the room of Axe Grinder my current account manager

"Good day to you Axe Grinder" I said politely in gobbledygook the language of the goblins. He looked a bit shocked to me knowing their language. As did McGonagall.

"Good day to you too Mr Potter. Now what can I do for you"

"I would first like to talk about the TwiWizard contract that I entered in and became champion of" I pull out the parchment "It states that only of age wizards can participate but since I am participating doesn't that mean that Gringotts and the Ministry have to consider me an adult?"

"Let me see the contract" I nod and hand it over to him. He fixes his glasses and looks carefully at the contract. He then cursed in his native language "It seems you are right mister Potter. As per this contract you are now an adult in the eyes of Gringotts and the Ministry"

"Good then can we do a blood test to see what all I am inheriting then proceed to get the Lord Rings for my house"

"Of course" he pulls a slip of paper out of his desk and onto the table then pours a weird potion into a bowl and hands me a knife "Drop three drops of blood into the potion"

I cut into my finger and squeeze out three drops into the potion then the wound healed automatically. Axe Grinder then pours the potion over the blank paper while chanting in gobbledygook. Soon words appeared on the paper and the goblin passed it to me.

The paper said

Name :Harry James Potter

Father: James Charlus Potter (deceased)

Mother: Lily Rose Evans-Potter (deceased)

Adopted by: Sirius Orion Black (Alive)


Lord Potter (Father)

Lord Slytherin (Mother)

Heir Black (Blood Adoption)

"Whats this about blood adoption and why is my mother of Slytherin descent?" I asked while McGonagal gasped in shock.

The goblin once more pulled a paper from his desk and checks it out "You were blood adopted by Sirius Orion Black because he stated he couldn't have heirs due to a stray spell making him infertile. As for your mother she is directly descended from the Slytherin Line not from the branch house like the Gaunts."

"So the Gaunts were merely a branch family? Interesting to know that Voldemorts claim of being Lord Slytherin is false as he never got the ring. Bah I bet he like most magicals in Europe thought parseltongue made you a descendant of Slytherin"

"Exactly Lord Potter. If that were the case then the ten percent of wizards who speak to snakes in India would be Slytherin Descendants."

"So how much money is there in my accounts now"

"well according to the Potter Vaults you have 72,138 galleons 1,473 Sickles, and 3,289 Knuts"

"Excuse my ignorance but how wealthy does that make me?"

"You are the second richest wizard in Europe right behind the Blacks"

"And how much is in the Heir Vault and the Slytherin Vault"

He presses a button on his desk and another goblin came in and they spoke in their language briefly before the second goblin runs out the room "We will know shortly Mr Potter." After waiting a few minutes the second goblins comes back with two papers, a small bag, and three small boxes. Axe Grinder first read the papers.

"According to this the Slytherin vault has 100,000 galleons and the Heir Vault is 500 Galleons to refill itself yearly. Congratulation Mr Potter on being the richest wizard in the world" Even I was shocked by those words. I was rich, like really rich.

"Is their a way to have a pouch that connects to the Potter Vault so I can withdraw at anytime"

"I thought you would ask that so I had Blade Hook bring the rings and a special Gringotts bag, the charge is subtracted from the Potter accounts a mere 20 galleons. The Gringotts back is directly connected to your vaults so you can remove money at anytime"

"Thank you Axe Grinder."

"You're welcome now put on your rings"

I do so and in doing so became Harry James Potter Black Slytherin. After I got my rings I bid goodbye to the Goblin and left for the apothecary where I bought all the potion ingredients they had in stock then went to the Magical Garden shop to buy more seeds of various plants I don't have. Before returning to Hogwarts.

It has been two weeks since I went to Gringotts to get my inheritance. Everyday I went up to the Room of Requirement and took a NZT pill before using shadow clones to read up where we left off and I can proudly say we finally finished the whole of the Library. It even had books from the restricted sections and Dumbledores personal books.

I also spent time doing practical's with my friends. We went over ideas for what the task might be to practicing spells together. I even learned some Neat French magic and cooking magic from Fleur and some Russian magic from Krum

I also played a few pranks with my new knowledge. Such as I had the armors in the castle sing and dance to 'we are the knights of the round table' from Monty Python. It was extra funny because Draco being a smart ass thought he could stop it himself and got kicked in the face by an armored foot.

I also transfigured some lemon drops into ducks and geese, while still being lemon drops so they were all yellow and delicious, and had them follow Dumbledore around. They would quack, honk, and bite at anyone who approached the Headmaster that day. Oh and trying to get rid of them only made more so we soon had hundreds of them following him.

Today though Hagrid told me to meet him outside the castle with my invisibility cloak, which I now had two of. So that night I went out with him and followed beside him already knowing what he wanted to show me. He met up with Headmistress Maxine and began talking and trying to flirt with her.

Soon we came across some bright lights that turned out to be dragon fire as the dragons were handled in cages. The first task, if you didn't already know, is dragons. With that settled I snuck back into the castle to tell the others about the first task.

"Dragons!" Yelled Fleur, Krum, and Hermoine

"Yep Dragons that is our first task and judging by what I saw they may be mother dragons as I saw eggs gathered too."

"They expect us to face mother dragons who just laid a clutch!" Said Fleur


"How could they do this?!"

"Well we are entertainment for them. On the bright side all three of us know the flame freezing charm now so we won't need to worry about the fire much"

"True but still mother dragons. As if normal dragons wouldn't be hard enough" Hmphed Fleur, she is so cute.

"Yes but we will all get through this if we plan it right.. We still have 10 days left to practice before we have to face them. I suggest we all get a good nights rest and discuss this more in the morning agreed?"

"Agreed" came the round of replies so we all went back to our dorms, carriage and boat to get a nights sleep before figuring out more in the morning.