
Multiverse travel

This is a multiverse travel story (I DO NOT OWN NOTING BUT MY OC ) (I don’t own the cover if you are the artist lmk if you want me to take it down ) First world: marvel earth 616 Post when I feel like it Also the mc will stay female

Ravenbabymama · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

New house

After walking into the building the doors shut right behind me "whoa this place looks cooler in real life" I thought I then went and laid on top of one of the shelves "This is comfy no wonder cats love it here"

{quest complet}

after staying up here I saw wong come into the sanctum ~wodahs a ni em kaolc~ a shadow then covered me like a thick liquid I then jumped down off the case and followed wong

after following him I got bored because he was doing nothing

~peels ot mih tup~ wongs body then feel on the ground I then walked over his body while looking around I found a sling ring and took it I also found the spell to summon The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak too bad they don't have the black mirror and dark hold it would be nice to have both after getting them

I was going to leave the sanctum but I felt pain all over my body [*DING* stage two evolution is starting] I then passed out

{Time skip a few hours later} I woke up on a bed still in my cat form I felt cold all over my body ~status~

Name: Amare

Race: Human


bloodline:??? stage 2

Cursed: Frozen heart, immortality, ice body

Active skills: Backwards magic, Frostmagic, ice magic, ice/frost manipulation, flight.sling ring, Crimson Bands of Cyttorak spell, cat form, raven form, shape-shifting, ice form

passive skills: universal translator, evolution, Zatanna spell ( young justice), cold arua

I looked at my body and I hate little patches of ice on my body "so the more powerful I get the more curses I get to put it comes with my power I got up from where I was laying and there was a whole patch of ice "hm" I jumped off the bed and started walking out but I then bumped into doctor strange "oh my this guy"

I jumped back and hissed at him ~whoa whoa whoa little guy im the one who brought you here... the question is how did you get in here~ said doctor strange " I need to calm down he can't find out

I walked past him to the sanctum door and looked at him ~ alright I guess we cant keep you I mean we do have a job to do here~ strange then opens the door and walk out " whew almost got me" I kept walking thinking about what to do next "I could wait till no way home... but I need something to do" ~namuh ot mrof egnahc~ my form went back to human and I felt my hair was way longer it was to my knees my tips and I have a tail cat ear and wings ~what the hell~ I said looking at my wings I walked over to a portal and my eyes were fully mint green and were frozen and my eyelashes were frozen too

~ok but this is cool~ my tail started wagging what the hell ok first not left make a lets ~dapeton dna nep a em evig~ a pen and notepad appeared in my hand "ok now let's make a list

1. use a spell to make money

2. buy a house

3. find more magical items and steal them

4. find the black vortex

5. find the dark hold

6. add things that I might need

"now that I got the list done I should find a house" I got up and got ready to leave ~nevar a otni em nrut~ I then turned into a raven ~yenom etinifni sah taht drac a em evig~ a card gave me a with infinite money yay I took the card with my beak and put it in my inventory

now let's find a house {time skip 4 hours} after flying for hours I found I house that I want ~esuoh siht em evig~ The for sale sign fell on the ground and sunk into the ground ~namuh a otni kcab em nrut~ After turning back into my human for I went into my new house it was one story 2 bedroom house and it was already furnished the first room master room was my bedroom and the second room is where I will keep my magic goods ~esuoh siht tcetorp~ I put up a protection spell and a barrier covered my house then became invisible

I took out the sling ring and put it on and tried to make a portal I closed my eyes and thought of the beach I took my hands out and I started turning my hands and heard sparks when I opened my eyes the portal was opened and I could see a beach ~YES!~ as soon as I was in joy the portal closed ~ it's not at hard as I thought~ I walked out of my treasure room and changed my to go out ~ah almost forgot ees nac I ylno os meti siht ekam~ my sling room then turend invisible

once I left my house I felt like I walked out of something then I started hearing everything around me (inside the barrier it makes the outside world quiet as long as im in it) I started ~pihsrelaed rac a ot yaw a em wohs~ a video game-like red arrow pointed me the way to a car dealership

after following it for a while I found myself in front of a car dealership when I went in the place I saw the perfect car that I want a java green Audi A7

after getting it I took the car for a drive it was very nice yes I could've gotten a better car but I like this one it's nice I made my way back to my house "hm I need a ship may be a railjack [*DING mission

Save aunt may

rewards: Railjack, Warframe, connection to the void

Accept or decline ]

~YES YES YES Thank you system~ the screen then closed and I parked my car and got out I need to get ready to save her

[*DING Book of shadow rewarded} The huge book of shadow dropped on my lap ~ow the hell~ I took the book and got out of my car and made my way to my treasure room

to be continued