
Multiverse travel

This is a multiverse travel story (I DO NOT OWN NOTING BUT MY OC ) (I don’t own the cover if you are the artist lmk if you want me to take it down ) First world: marvel earth 616 Post when I feel like it Also the mc will stay female

Ravenbabymama · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Waking up

When I woke up everything around me was in black and white and I felt... sad it was not my sadness but someone else's when I was about the think about why I was said a voice that became a thought went in my head "I/you should go jogging " was the thought then my body just like subconsciously started moving but I thought nothing of it and I got ready to go jogging

While I ran into someone that looked familiar ~off sorry about that I wasn't paying attaction~ I said looking at the person I knocked into ~ oh it's noting~ something then clicked in my head as the person was walking away I was about it says their name ~wanda-~ I then started hearing a voice in my head "s̷̰̝̙̺͈̟͓̳͓̫̲̻̞͖̤͇͇̼̞̣̣͍͛̐͠ḧ̸̢̛̯̰̮̭̹̦̩̼̤̖̹̰̯̝͎̟̼͔̜̤̫̰̺̗̞͚͇͚̯͔͓̭̞͚́̒̉̋̄̓͑͆͐̋̐́͋͂̓̍́͛͊́̎̈́̀͒̚͝h̸̛͍̥̫͆̏̿̀̿̔͋͊͌̓͗͛͐̄͑̀̃̿͆͆̎̏͊͆͊̀͐̉́̅̀̆͆̈́͠͠ḩ̶̨̧̨̦̞̤̹̮̦͇̳̻͙̝͓̭̼̖̭̗̞̭̼̳͙̣̹̤̯̩̙͈̲̝̯̔̆͒͌͝͠h̷̲̲͈̮͚̜̮̦̎̌̈́̾́̑̓͑̂̀͑͋̀̈͆̃̅̊̀̓̾͐͘̚h̸̛̩͈̜̝͂̋́̿͆̾̋̍̀̃̃̇̊̌͂͂̐̀̍̉͘͝͠h̷̨̢̢̥̠̜̞̹̠̪̠̟͉͈͍̹̭̘̥͚̪̺̗̭̞̝̺͖̟̯͙͙̘̫͖̜̓̈́̀̉͒͂̉̊͌͗̏̊̒͋́̽̄̊̈́̃̃̑̑̔̀̕͝ͅͅͅh̴̲̮̼͐͐̑͑̊̈́̐̅͊̀̍̿͊͆́́̊̋̎͆̏̿̕͘ḥ̷̨̫̜͕͉͎͈̩͇͉̝̣͉͚͓͉͎̈̑͗́́̎͐̃́̓̏̄̾̏͒̓̊̋̃̅͑͑́̄̏͗̽̎̈́̉͑͆̾́̓̚̚̕̚͝͝͝͠͝h̷̢̡̧̨͔̙͎̳̗̲̳̝̼̙̯̫̜͈̫̳̭͎̦̥̱̲̯̘̬̟̪̻̼̰͍̺̰͗̄̓̽͑͋́͗̐̀̏̌̀͗͛̔̃̈́͒͊̀͌̉̈́̌̔̕̕͜͠͝͝͠͝͠ͅͅh̸̦͕͖͖̟̜̯͙̫̙̪͙͛̈́͂̏ͅ" ~ahhhhhh~ I yelled grabbing my head (system activated) after those words I p[assed out

when I woke up I was in my bed again but there was color and my furniture was different I looked up[ and there was a panel on my face

Name: Amare

Race: Human


bloodline:??? stage 1

Cursed: Frozen heart, immortality

Active skills: Backwards magic, Frostmagic, ice magic, ice/frost manipulation, flight

passive skills: universal translator, evolution

after looking at the panel I felt cold wash over me and sharp pain in my chest when I looked down I saw a blue glow on my chest and frost on my shirt ~what the heck is this~ I said whipping the frost off my shirt it flew and turned into big ice sickles and shamed into my dresser ~what the hell just happended~ I said to my self before getting out of my bed

while that was happening Amare didn't notice that because of the system Wanda doesn't have control or what control she did have on him anymore also there is color now it's the 70's now

after checking out my house I started practicing my ice magic

even tho im free from her mind control im still stuck in the hex while practicing my ice magic it was hard at first because I could expand the magic and make more ice I almost killed myself with the ice multiple times maybe when I get out of the hex I can make it snow or create a snowstorm I haven't tried backward magic information about it just came in my head but I have not tried it tho I should

I got up out of my chair I put my palm towards the couch ~tfil~ I said and then the couch levitated in the air I closed my hand and it fell back on the floor ~that neat I guess for the most part I need one word like lift when the couch lifted up and for the more complicated thing I could use more words like ~trihs an em ekam~ and clothes from the couch turned into a shit then ~esrever~ and it reversed the spell and put the cloth back on the couch

after practicing more backward magic and ice magic I went to sleep {Time skip Halloween} it's now Halloween and im setting up my Halloween decorations after finishing because I use some spells here and there I got ready I want to play around with Tommy because he is reckless and I want to do it for the fun of it

while I was passing out candy I sensed Tommy running I pointed my finger at Tommy running ~tegrat ym nwod wols~ all of a sudden both Tommy and billy slowed down after slowing them down they both fell on the ground "hehe I should make a wand or something if im going to be pointing at people when casting or maybe I should get a wand that can change sizes


{ Quest

escape Wanda's hex

rewards: stage two bloodline evolution, cube [can change into anything you want], }

~wow how convenient~ I swiped the quest screen away after a little longer everything froze and I felt slow when I got up to go in my house I got struck and knocked down with Wanda's power

~*COUGH COUGH* what was that~ I got up and saw the hex expanding "whoa now that just makes the quest harder" I thought before going into my house

{Timeskip 2000s}

~*YAWNNN* I see she changed the time again~ I got up to get ready to escape from this place after getting ready I went to spy on wanda ~nevar ot mrof egnahc~ I said then I shrieked and turned into a raven after ~whoa this is weird everything is so big

~ as I saw saying that call that came out of my mouth was caw caw caw

after a few minutes of trying to fly, I made it to a tree by Wanda's house looking inside the house was wanda eating cereal "hm it's just like the show her talking to... whoever that is" I flew down to another tree and kept watching her

after some while, wanda went into Agatha's place so I followed her into it and she ran into Agatha and they went into the basement ill wait for wanda to opens then hex so I flew back upstairs outside

{Timeskip hex opening }

I flew to the edge of the hex away from where the sword is going to come when the hex opened up I flew out ~hahah im finally out~

all that come out of my mouth was ~caw ~ after flying for some hours I found myself at the sanctum I flew down the mirror and looked at myself and I notice that the back of my feathers are mint green "What the hell how the hell am I going to blend in" ~tac ot mrof egnahc~ my body then got bigger and I turned into a black cat but..~why is the back of my body still mint green~ whatever I jumped down and started walking to the door of the sanctum ~srood nepo~the doors then opened up and I walked in
