
Multiverse: Reaper

A Chance for a whole new life filled with adventure, who would say no to such thing. Certainly not me! (A.N) I am not good at English so sorry in advance for all my grammar mistakes. Also, I do not own any of the characters here except the mc or my OC It was also my first ever story so don't blame me if it was bad I can take your opinion but please don't hate if you don't have a reason. And also I still don't watch the anime and some of the intros here are wrong or maybe some plot hole so don't expect it to be perfect my knowledge only comes from the fanfic I read not from the anime. Also, the photo on the cover is not mine so the credits go all to the maker.

Mark_Dens · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Important Announcement

So I'm sorry if I am not able to update the past few days, I have some things to do in life that's why I can't find a piece of time to update.

And also I decided that the next few chapters would be a training one and a large time skip til puffy finally sails.

I would also change the name because I decided to go the multiverse path and not only stay in one piece world.

The one-piece may last until 50-60 chapters I think so let me know your opinion about this.

And since Valerie was the first eternal companion, yes first because there would be more, DxD world is the next part.

Also as compensation for not posting chapter, I would make maybe 5 and post it either tomorrow or the day after that.