
Multiracial Chat Group

Post-breakup, life takes an unexpected turn for our protagonist. He ends up in this quirky 'Multiracial Chat Group,' where folks from distant planets hang out. Amidst banter, muted talks, and some cosmic missions, the journey becomes this mix of figuring himself out and dealing with the unexpected. Picture reality getting a bit blurry, things getting whimsically absurd, and the story unfolding with a good dose of humour, cosmic mysteries, and the kind of camaraderie that turns ordinary days into something quite extraordinary.

Im_jealous · Urban
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25 Chs

New Mission


Name: Li Xian

Race: Human

Lifespan: 88 years

Stat Points: 0

Cultivation: None (14/100) (+) [Exp required for the next level]

Martial Skills: None

Items: Orion martial techniques [Currently at entry stances]


Mission 1: Affiliate Program

Type: Permanent

Description: Whenever a member of the group spends a point in the Buy section of the group, 10% of the spent points will be rewarded to the host.

Current accumulation: 0 [Transfer] - Clicking on Transfer will instantly transfer points to Stat points.

Upgrade requirements:

 1. Group members should reach 10.

 2. All the founding members except for the admin should reach Warrior level martial artist.

Mission 2: Take a walk since you are weak for better metabolism

Type: Daily [Ends once the host reaches Warrior level]

Description: Take a good walk and get stat points as rewards for reaching milestones.

Milestones: Every five kilometers one stat point.

Current accumulation: 0 [Transfer] - Clicking on Transfer will instantly transfer points to Stat points.

Mission 3: Collect Lillies and earn rewards.

Type: Multi Stage.

Description: This mission is a four stage mission. Collect Lillies and earn rewards accordingly at each stage.

Stage 1: Collect 50 Lillies to earn 5 exp points (0/50).

Stage 2: Collect 50 Lillies in a day to earn 3 exp points (0/50) (23:59:35)

Stage 3: Collect a total of 200 Lillies to earn 10 exp (0/200).

Stage 4: Complete first three stages to earn Spectral Scan ability (0/3).

Strength Rating: Can lift a chicken (130 kg) [OverHead] and Can move like a Snail (10sec/100 meters). 

Receiving a notification, Li Xian quickly opened his mobile, expecting a message from the chat group. However, he discovered a new mission in the stats section, and his surprise was evident.

"Hm! A new mission? Multi-stage?"

Li Xian muttered as he examined the challenging mission with enticing rewards. The second stage, in particular, caught his attention due to its time constraint, and the fourth stage depended on successfully completing the first three stages.

"No explanation regarding the ability? But since it's an ability, it should be good... I need to try hard."

Li Xian thought, determined to earn his first ability if he could complete the mission.

Setting aside his thoughts, he focused on the task at hand—the search for the mountain lilies. Despite the vast expanse of the mountain, Li Xian initially opted to explore along the base. An hour passed without any sign of the flowers, causing anxiety to cloud his expression.

"No! This approach isn't working."

Li Xian admitted, taking a moment to calm down. He decided to follow the well-trodden trekking path, hoping it would lead him to the elusive lilies.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, Li Xian's eyes lit up as he spotted two small plants by the trail. Rushing towards them, his face broke into a joyful smile.

"Finally, I found these flowers, haha!"

Li Xian exclaimed, his happiness drawing curious glances from nearby people. Unperturbed, he laughed, understanding their confusion, and focused on the precious find in front of him.

In just fifteen minutes along the trail, Li Xian managed to find four flowers, prompting him to calculate how long it would take to gather the remaining 46 flowers required to complete stages 1 and 2 of his mission.

"Hm! Even if I find only two flowers every 30 minutes, it will take me around 11 hours to collect all the required flowers. That's a good deal, but I will be too exhausted, though."

Li Xian felt the fatigue that awaited him after walking for such extended periods. However, he was determined to finish the mission, as the rewards were too enticing to ignore.

He resumed his journey to find the Lilies, and in another half an hour, he discovered a plant approximately twenty meters from the trail path, yielding only two flowers this time. Carefully placing them in the container he had brought for this purpose, Li Xian took a short five-minute break to rest his legs.

For the next ten hours, Li Xian trekked along the mountain, and the time in his mission section had already surpassed 12 hours.

Sitting on a stone near the mountain's entrance, he massaged his legs with a gloomy expression, realising that his initial calculations didn't work as expected.

Instead of the anticipated two flowers per 30 minutes, he found that he could only collect one flower on average per hour.

Combining the initial six flowers, he had only gathered a total of twenty flowers by now. The more flowers he collected, the fewer he found along the way.

"Damn! That was harder than I expected, sigh."

Most importantly, he couldn't walk anymore for the day; otherwise, his legs would cease to function.

"Looks like this mission is going to be a failure. But that's alright; at least there are no penalties for failure."

Li Xian consoled himself. It was already 2 o'clock in the early morning.

Deciding to give up on the mission, Li Xian tried to book a cab. To his surprise, none of the taxis were willing to come this far to fetch him, making him smile wryly.

"Sigh! Looks like I have to spend the entire night here."

Li Xian couldn't help but feel aggrieved. He was extremely exhausted, and the frustration of being unable to finish the mission only added to his downcast mood.

'Baby, I want you...'

Just as Li Xian was racking his brain on how to convince a taxi driver to pick him up, his mobile rang, surprising him.

He hurriedly picked it up, thinking that some taxi drivers might be willing to pick him up.

"Hello, Mr. Li! I hope I am not disturbing your sleep or any other work. Since I haven't seen you coming back, I am just calling to make sure that you are alright."

It wasn't a taxi driver but Miss Olivia. Li Xian felt his spirits rise upon hearing her voice, like an angel coming to help a desperate guy consumed by darkness.

Of course, it wasn't that exaggerated. He was indeed consumed by darkness, but the darkness was only due to the night.

"Miss Olivia! I have a favour to ask."

Li Xian said, understanding why people find it hard to live far from their place. If it were in Guiyang, all Li Xian had to do was call Chen Dong, Kang Li, or even some other friends or colleagues. They would have come to pick him up, even if they complained about him disturbing their sleep.

"Oh! What is it, Mr. Li? Is there anything I can help with? If possible, I'm glad to help."

Olivia said, hesitating for a moment. She didn't know what kind of trouble Li Xian was in. If it was something immoral, she wouldn't help, no matter what. But she decided to listen to him before deciding.

Seeing her agree, Li Xian felt a burst of happiness.

"Miss Olivia! It's like this..."

Li Xian explained his situation, feeling aggrieved. Olivia on the other side found it challenging to understand him, but she grasped the situation.

"Haha! Finding a taxi around that place is hard at this time, Mr. Li! You should have come back before it gets dark."

Olivia laughed, imagining Li Xian's aggrieved face. She found it amusing how this mature-looking guy could make such a mistake.

"Ah! I know, Miss Olivia. Can you please send a taxi here?"

Li Xian ignored her laughter and asked, even though he found her voice pleasant to listen to.

"It's hard to convince taxi drivers at this time, Mr. Li, and the fares will be extremely high. I will send David there; just text me your exact location, and he will be there in thirty minutes at most."

Olivia said after hearing Li Xian.

"Hm! Thanks a lot, Miss Olivia, and sorry for the trouble. I will share my location right away."

Li Xian then disconnected the call before sending his location.

In around thirty to forty minutes, a pickup truck arrived at his location.

David popped his head out of the window and waved at Li Xian.

"Mr. Li! If you are in a similar trouble, don't call any taxis at this time. It's not only hard; it's also not safe."

David said along the way, expressing himself.

"Ah! Thanks for the help this time, and I am glad that you are willing to help."

Li Xian expressed himself too, feeling the goodwill from the siblings. He believed that both of them were hardworking and had good hearts.

"Ha! That's good. By the way, how come you are trekking in this place at nighttime?"

David asked a bit confused, finding it common sense for any tourist not to roam outside in a new environment after a certain period. Not to mention this area, which was far from the city. Even with moonlight, it was still dangerous due to snakes, scorpions, etc.

"Ha! I am collecting some lilies, as I told you guys during our breakfast. I have some use for them."

Li Xian explained the reason for his situation with an embarrassed face.