
Multiracial Chat Group

Post-breakup, life takes an unexpected turn for our protagonist. He ends up in this quirky 'Multiracial Chat Group,' where folks from distant planets hang out. Amidst banter, muted talks, and some cosmic missions, the journey becomes this mix of figuring himself out and dealing with the unexpected. Picture reality getting a bit blurry, things getting whimsically absurd, and the story unfolding with a good dose of humour, cosmic mysteries, and the kind of camaraderie that turns ordinary days into something quite extraordinary.

Im_jealous · Urban
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25 Chs

Mount Kohukohunui

By the time Li Xian reached Howick, the suburb where his hotel was located, it was already 11 am. As he observed the taxi turning into a less developed alley, he chose not to intervene, relying on the correctness of his navigation app.

The taxi eventually stopped in front of an old, four-story building adorned with vines. On either side of this structure were cream coloured buildings, creating a unique and somewhat whimsical visual.

Li Xian, struck by the peculiar arrangement, couldn't help but think.

'It looks like a juicy meat burger with a lot of veggies.'

"Mister! Please pay quickly, I need to go."

Urged the impatient taxi driver, noting Li Xian's contemplative stare at the surroundings.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Li Xian reluctantly paid the fare. While he felt it was costlier than expected, he kept his complaints to himself, quietly grumbling about it in his heart.

Li Xian carried his luggage into the hotel's cramped first floor. The space was filled with a small reception area and a handful of chairs. Next to the reception desk, there was another room with an open door.

Approaching the reception desk, Li Xian set his luggage on a chair. A teenager behind the desk, immersed in his phone with earphones on, seemed unaware of Li Xian's presence.

Annoyed, Li Xian knocked on the desk, trying to get the young man's attention. Getting no response, Li Xian's face twisted in irritation.

Looking closely, Li Xian noticed the young man had tattoos, earrings, and bleached hair, giving off a punk vibe.


Li Xian knocked a bit louder, this time raising his voice.

The young man finally looked up, quickly removing his earphones and standing. As he got up, Li Xian spotted a young lady in her early twenties rushing out from the back room.

She was really pretty with a small build, her body showing signs of sweat, and her gloves had flour on them, suggesting she had been working with food.

This unexpected sight made Li Xian think better of her, combining her beauty with obvious hard work that he didn't see every day.

The young woman, Olivia, approached with an apologetic smile.

"Hello, I think you are Mr. Li! Welcome to Auckland. This is Olivia, I'm the one who messaged you on WeChat. This is my younger brother, David. I'm really sorry for the poor reception. I believe you haven't had breakfast; as an apology, this breakfast will be on me."

Olivia extended her hand after removing her gloves, apologising for her brother's mistake. She shot her brother a cute glare, and David, with a wry smile, expressed his apologies.

Li Xian's impression of the siblings instantly shifted from neutral to friendly when he noticed their efforts to communicate slowly, considering his understanding.

"It's alright, Miss Olivia! Thanks for receiving me."

Li Xian extended his hand to shake hers and then shook hands with David. Though his English was awkward, their friendly smiles helped him express his thoughts with minimal nervousness.

"Hm? Sister... I am smelling something burning."

David remarked, diverting Olivia's attention to the kitchen. She rushed towards it, pausing at the open door as she said.

"Mr. Li, my brother will show you to your room. Please freshen up and come down; your breakfast will be ready by then."

Olivia said before hurrying inside.

"Mr. Li! Please follow me; I will show you to your room."

David took Li Xian's luggage from the chair and gestured for him to follow.

Soon, they reached the third floor, where a hallway stretched with two rooms on each side.

Li Xian was guided to room number 2, near the left side of the hallway and close to the stairs. The building lacked an elevator, but climbing three floors posed no challenge for Li Xian with his enhanced strength and stamina.

The room, while not overly spacious, featured a bed, an attached bathroom, and a compartment for clothes and belongings.

Considering the amount he paid, Li Xian wasn't expecting luxury, but he was pleased to find the room clean and tidy, making the deal seem reasonable.

"Mr. Li! You can freshen up and come down. We can have breakfast together."

David suggested, placing the luggage near the compartment with a friendly smile.

"Ah! I haven't seen anyone else around. Are there no other guests staying here?"

Li Xian inquired with curiosity, having encountered no other residents from the first floor to the third.

"Oh! About that, there are four more people staying here. Two on this floor and two on the fourth floor. They're all here for tourism, already out enjoying their time."

David explained.

Li Xian, satisfied with the clarification, expressed.

"That's good. I also plan to go out after breakfast."

David nodded before ensuring everything was in order in the room and then headed downstairs.

At around 11:30, Li Xian took a bath and changed into fresh clothes before heading downstairs.

This time, he found David patiently sitting at the reception counter without using his mobile, waiting for him. Upon seeing Li Xian, David stood up with a welcoming smile.

"Mr. Li! Please come inside; breakfast is already prepared."

David led Li Xian through the open door beside the reception desk, guiding him into the kitchen. To Li Xian's surprise, the kitchen was actually a bit larger than the reception area. There were a few tables with chairs for dining, along with a kitchen area for cooking.

Inside, he noticed Olivia setting up the table. However, the breakfast spread—consisting of fruits, croissants, and pancakes—didn't quite appeal to Li Xian's appetite for a morning meal. While he enjoyed these foods, he preferred heartier options for breakfast.

Despite his preference, Li Xian understood that he would have to adjust to this daily routine during his stay. He offered a polite smile to Olivia as he took a seat in front of her, while David settled in beside them.

Li Xian served himself a selection of fruits, a croissant, and two pancakes for breakfast.

"Mr. Li! Are you here on a business trip or for a tour?"

Olivia inquired with interest, though she already assumed Li Xian's purpose was tourism, given his limited English.

"I'm here for touring purpose, Miss Olivia. And, I want to ask if there are any places nearby with Mountain Top Lilies?"

Li Xian replied, struggling a bit with his English.

Olivia and David patiently listened, and Olivia, after contemplating, asked.

"Hm! You mean the buttercup lilies, right?"

David, on the other hand, quickly searched for images on his phone to confirm.

"Yes, these are the flowers. Do you know where I can find them?"

Li Xian asked, checking David's phone.

"Aha! These are native flowers to our south side. But even then, they aren't growing abundantly like when I was a child. There used to be so many of them..."

Olivia explained, her voice filled with nostalgia and a hint of sadness.


David gently shook Olivia, realising her emotions were tied to memories of their parents.

"I am sorry about that, Mr. Li!"

Olivia apologised, looking a bit embarrassed.

Li Xian comforted her, saying.

"It's alright, Miss Olivia. Having memories with your loved ones is better than having none with them."

Grateful for his understanding, Olivia suggested.

"You can find these flowers around Mount Kohukohunui. It's about 40 kilometers from here, a free trekking area and a good place for tourists."

Li Xian thanked her for the information and, recalling his prior research, confirmed that it was the same mountain Baidu had suggested.

"Alright, thanks for the information, Miss Olivia."

After finishing his breakfast, David guided Li Xian to the hotel exit.

"Mr. Li! Just exit the alley; you can find many taxis on the left side. From there, you can book a taxi to Kohukohunui mountain."

"Thanks, David! I will be going now. I will come back for dinner."

Li Xian bid farewell and headed towards the exit, ready to explore the area.

By the time Li Xian arrived at Kohukohunui mountain, it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Despite the somewhat costly taxi ride, he found himself facing the impressive mountain.

Observing people already enjoying their time in the mountainous area, Li Xian realized that his purpose here was different. He wasn't here for leisure but had a mission in mind.

'I may not know the exact length of this mountain, but it's definitely stretching for tens of kilometers. Perfect for my 'Journey to Walk' mission'.'

Li Xian encouraged himself, setting foot on the mountain trail.

However, his motivation was interrupted by a notification sound from his mobile.