
Miracle Doctor And Empress

Within the prominent family of sorcerers in Mount Qingnan, the Zhan family, finally had a daughter, breaking the millennium curse that their family couldn’t have daughters. During her full moon banquet, the taciturn crown prince said he liked and wanted her, so the emperor simply conferred this newborn as his son’s crown princess. Zhan Yunge, the treasure of the Zhan family, has bones like jade, skin like snow, and moves like flowing water. True to her reputation, she was an absolute beauty. She only had two hobbies since birth, and they were reading and sleeping. Whenever she got bored, she would fortify her reputation of being arrogant. Nangong Xuan, crown prince of Shengyu Empire, was an all-rounded genius. He possessed divine looks, brilliant tactics, limitless talent, and an indifferent personality. He only had one hobby, and that was to dote on the girl he had fallen for at a young age. At the age of three, he had decided he would add his name into her list of hobbies. Everyone knew of her reputation of being a useless rich young lady. She just happened to be born into a top-class prestigious and powerful family, but only he was brilliant enough to recognize her for who she truly was and possess her. Arrogance was a disposition she retained from her past life. Acting spoilt was how she disguised her glamorous tactics. When she read, she was actually learning medical skills and sorcery. When she slept, she was actually cultivating her soul. On the day she revealed her true self, she stunned countless eyes and stole countless hearts! A rich young lady of many talents, Zhan Yunge, and a two-faced cunning crown prince, Nangong Xuan. As they pursue romance, they stirred up the entire nation. He wagered his country for a glamorous future where he and she would be together.

Afternoon Sun · Geschichte
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40 Chs

Awakening Her Souls and Chakras

Redakteur: Henyee Translations

"Royal Academy's enrollment is happening next month." Nangong Xuan quickly explained the reason for his request.

Zhan Yunge was stunned. "Do you want me to attend the Royal Academy?"

Nangong Xuan nodded and said, "Han Jiangxue is the principal of the Royal Academy. He never accepts disciples, but he is going to make an exception this year. However, there is only one slot available."

Zhan Yunge's eyes instantly lit up. "Really?"

The moment she finished her sentence, Zhan Yunge regretted even asking. Nangong Xuan was the best student in the history of the Royal Academy. He was the youngest boy to get admitted to the Royal Academy and also graduated the quickest. Among all the graduates, he was the most powerful cultivator. Moreover, the academy was owned by the royal family. Since he was the crown prince, he naturally knew everything there was to know about the academy.

"Yes," said Nangong Xuan.

"Fine. I will do it," answered Zhan Yunge immediately.

Zhan Yunge knew about Han Jiangxue. Han Jiangxue was a legendary figure in the country. Even though he was the principal of the Royal Academy, he rarely appeared publicly. People say Han Jiangxue was the most formidable cultivator in the country. Parents from powerful families wanted him to teach their children. Sadly, Han Jiangxue did not accept disciples. He was highly revered in Shengyu Empire, so even the emperor treated the man with the utmost respect. He was a local legend and she now had the opportunity of becoming his disciple. How could she say no?

Although she had reincarnated several times, she had never lived past her 16th birthday, so she never had a master. Even though she never found herself a master and could only cultivate on her own, she knew how important it was to have guidance from a reputable teacher.

"I have already applied on your behalf," Nangong Xuan said.

Thoughts quickly dawned on Zhan Yunge. If she attended the Royal Academy, it was impossible for her to marry before she graduated. Nangong Xuan was a child prodigy, so he was able to graduate quickly. Other than him, it took people at least three years to graduate from the academy. Nangong Xuan would have to wait for her to graduate before they got married. Since his father had said they would get married next year, Nangong Xuan must have made these arrangements behind his father's back.

She didn't quite understand what he wanted to do. Did he want to marry her at all?

Also, he had already applied for the academy before he visited her. Did he already realize she was ready to activate her souls and chakras? How did he know?

More importantly, if Han Jiangxue could accept her as his disciple, it would come with other perks. No one in the country would dare to touch her if she was his student. This was probably the reason Nangong Xuan had helped her to apply for the academy. Although she was the only daughter of the most influential family in the country, she could not cultivate. A lot of people in the royal family were against their marriage.

A lot of people felt she was not good enough for Nangong Xuan. No correction. She could safely say, other than the Zhan clan, everyone felt she was not fit for Nangong Xuan. Even though the emperor had ordered their marriage and the empress was her mother's childhood friend, this included the emperor, the empress, and even the empress dowager.

Zhan Yunge did not care about what people thought about the marriage. She did not care about marrying Nangong Xuan at all. Since she was destined to die when she was 16 years old, these things did not matter to her. Even if she could escape her fate this time around, it was not her style to become a housewife.

"If I attend school at the Royal Academy, we can't get married next year." Zhan Yunge pondered before reminding him.

Nangong Xuan smiled. "I can wait. If you want to marry me as soon as possible, then you have to work hard and graduate quickly."

Zhan Yunge choked. The notion was absurd. She would do her best to graduate from the Royal Academy as soon as possible, but she certainly was not doing it because she could not wait to marry him. However, she had to admit, she felt happy hearing he would wait for her for some reason.

"Let's begin." Since Nangong Xuan did not mind waiting for her to graduate, it did not seem right for her to deny it, so she decided to let it slide.

Nangong Xuan smiled without saying a word. He pulled her off the couch and into the center of the room and told her to stand there. The moment he raised both his hands, Zhan Yunge could sense his energy coursing over her. She was familiar with the sensation and her eyes instantly lit up as she watched him work.

Nangong Xuan set the formation for activating her souls and chakras. He started by gathering energy in his hand before nine brightly colored rocks flew from his hand at the flick of his wrist and landed on nine different spots. The rocks shone briefly after absorbing his spirit energy forming a circular formation and surrounding Zhan Yunge.

In an instant, she could sense spirit energy coursing through her body. She quickly closed her eyes. It was now down to her to awaken her souls and chakras.

These were no ordinary stones, so people were usually unable to use them when they activated their souls and chakras. The stones were the essence of nine colored stones. Each nine colored stone mine only had one essence, so this went to show how rare the stones were. Other than royalty, no one had the resources to mine them. Firstly, the mines were rare. Secondly, only royalty had the right to access them, since all mines belonged to them.

It was a great honor for the entire clan if any officials were bestowed with a nine colored stone by the emperor. Needless to say, it was very impressive that Nangong Xuan could get his hands on nine of them.

Even the Zhan family only had five nine colored stones.

In theory, ten stones were needed to awaken three souls and seven chakras. However, in practice, only nine stones were used for the awakening of her three souls and seven chakras. Each human being was already born with a life soul, so only two souls and seven chakras had to be activated. Nine stones were enough to do the trick.

After setting the formation, Nangong Xuan turned and went back to the couch and sat down quietly. It would normally take an hour for each soul and chakra to awaken. Since she had two souls and seven chakras to go, it would take at least nine hours to activate them. This meant it would be way past midnight by the time she was done. Also, he was confident she would succeed at activating every single soul and chakra.

Zhan Yunge was now able to use her spirit sense to access her three souls and seven chakras just like when she was asleep. When she saw her three souls and seven chakras brimming with spirit energy, she felt delighted. Zhan Yunge channeled the spirit energy into the heaven soul. The energy kept moving within her heaven soul looking for something. Zhan Yunge patiently guided the energy and searched inside it.

Each of the three souls and seven chakras represented a special ability. This meant even non cultivators had three souls and seven chakras, but they were simply unable to detect them. After finding the image of herself in her souls and chakras and awakening them, she would successfully activate each energy field.

Zhan Yunge could see an image of herself sitting cross-legged hovering over the energy field containing her life soul. After she had activated her remaining two souls and seven chakras, the same thing would happen.

After nearly an hour, she finally found the spirit located in the heaven soul. She channeled her spirit energy towards the spirit until it gradually opened its eyes. Its corresponding energy field instantly lit up brightly indicating she had succeeded in activating it.

Zhan Yunge sighed. She felt she had taken a little too long to do it. She made up her mind to activate her earth soul more quickly. She proceeded to channel energy into its corresponding energy field and started searching for its spirit.

Nangong Xuan was surprised she was able to awaken her heaven soul before an hour was through. He sat up and scrutinized her, wondering how long it would take her to activate her earth soul now.

Sure enough, it took less time for her to activate her earth soul. Nangong Xuan did some math. If she was able to activate each soul and chakra as quickly, it would take her half the time he expected.

Zhan Yunge kept challenging herself to activate each soul and chakra even more quickly. When she was down to the last chakra located at her perineum, she did not open her eyes. Instead, she simply stayed seated and continued cultivating.

Nangong Xuan noticed her cultivating. He got off the couch and walked up beside her. When he noticed her cultivating deftly, he frowned quizzically. He had never seen her read anything about cultivation all her life. Where did she learn to cultivate? Why was she already so good at it?

After scrutinizing her for some time, he veered his eyes away. Since there was already carpet on the ground, she would not catch a cold, so it was unnecessary to interrupt her. He went back to the couch, lay down, and closed his eyes.

He had not slept a wink in three days. Although he had rested a little today, he was still tired. If she wanted to cultivate, it would undoubtedly take some time. It was her first time cultivating, so it was serious business and he did not want to disturb her.

Now that Zhan Yunshu had finally awakened her souls and chakras, he felt relieved. This time, he could finally sleep peacefully. When he woke up, he could hear Zhan Yunshu's voice in the compound.

The bedroom window was open when Nangong Xuan woke up. He could see Zhan Yunshu asking Wan Yu if Zhan Yunge was up yet.

Nangong Xuan turned to look at the center of the room and suddenly sat up. Where was she?