
Milady, Your Identity Please!!?

She is a spy who always hid her real identity in front of everyone that she meets. She may be an assistant. She may be a businesswoman. She may be a student. She may come in anyway possible in front of you but you cannot recognize her the second time you meet her. However she may come, everything is a mask that covers her real identity which is something very mysterious. He is an emperor of the Entertainment Industry but that was just his stress-buster from being the real Emperor of many Industries that were under his name. While acting in his film, he suddenly came across his first love who was supposed to be a poor scholarship student during their school times, now acting as an assistant to his co-star with her real age changed. Why? He didn’t care. He lost her once but wouldn’t the second time. She avoided him but he used the people around her to get more closer. She changed the identity again but he recognized her again too. “So what if you change your identity? You were mine and you would always be mine. The only identity with which I will see you as is my wife.” Read the story to find how she manipulates everyone around her to get her task done while he does everything to get her to his side. A combination of sweet romance, mystery, action, comedy and everything else you need would be presented with a beautifully decorated platter. *** Talk to me (author), interact with fellow readers, catch a glimpse of sprinkled spoilers and most importantly BASH THE LAZY AUTHOR and force her for more updates by joining the discord server: https://discord.gg/k66qXaWMuD *** P.S.: The cover do not belong to me. I'll remove it if said to me... *** Want to energize this pitiful author with a cup of coffee? Provide a coffee here: ko-fi.com/leorote

Leorote · Urban
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413 Chs

Xiao Cheng

After playing for a while, all the kids slowly dispersed one by one with their respective families. The only ones left are Shao Rong and the captain-boy.

"Xiao Cheng, when are your parents coming to fetch you?" Shao Rong asked the kid. She couldn't bring herself to leave a kid alone on the beach without any elders by his side. Hence she decided that she would wait until his parents came to fetch him.

But what she didn't know is that, all the kid was trying to avoid was her to meet his parents or rather his father. He would rather stay alone on the beach but not allow her to meet his father allowing her to hate himself.

"Why do you care? I am not a kid. I can wait for my parents alone here. There is no need for you to meet them," he spoke, turning his head sideways in his typical tsundere way for which Shao Rong was already habituated to in the short span of time they played together.

Since she understood his nature, Shao Rong just thought that he wanted to show her that he is not a kid. So she did not notice his words when he said that there is no need for her to meet his parents.

She just chuckled and ruffled his little head and spoke, "Of Course you are not a kid but you are a man and a handsome one too. So how could I leave you alone here? What if some cute girl comes and snatches you away?"

The kid blushed immediately at her words which made her want to tease him more. He just coughed to remain stern and spoke, "I'll call my father once," and moved away from her to take a phone from his little pants' pocket.

She wondered how could a phone fit in such small pockets while amused by his action of secrecy during a call. If it was an adult instead of a kid, she would have concluded that he was planning to plant a bomb nearby and arrested him on the spot without any further interrogation.

He just saved himself from an arrest by simply being a kid.

She chuckled at her thoughts as she thought that he would be pissed off by her considering him a kid more than her suspecting him to be a person planting a bomb.

She drew her smile back when returned to her with a stern face that he tried maintaining all the time.

"My father is already here. He is waiting in the car. Goodbye," he spoke seriously but his last words contained a hint of reluctance which couldn't be found by ordinary people.

But Shao Rong isn't ordinary.

Her heart warmed up by his unconscious action and bent on her knees to hug him in her arms.

The kid was stunned for a second before reacting by lifting his hands in an attempt to hug her back but he realised that it was out of his character and stopped his hands in the mid air.

He took his hands back but his body couldn't help snuggling closer into her arms enjoying her body warmth and a sweet fragrance and a small smile crept up his little face.

Shao Rong understood all his actions while closing her eyes and she smiled too. Neither of the both noticed each other's smiles but the warmth between them is nowhere missing. Once leaving from the embrace their smiles reverted back to normal like a switch turned off.

Shao Rong kissed his left cheek and spoke softly, "Good bye."

The kid named Xiao Cheng rubbed his left cheek with his left hand as if he was disgusted by her actions but the people who know him can say that he was not disgusted in the slightest because he was never a kid who allows others to reach his arms lengths distance.

The fact that he actually allowed her to kiss is already shocking enough to everyone.

From the car at a distance, two pairs of eyes widened which witnessed this action. One of the pairs belonging to the kids' father is a pity in itself because the kid never allowed him to even hug his own son.

Shao Rong gave the ball that she bought earlier as a gift to Xiao Cheng as she had no use with a ball at her age while the kid can play later with his friends.

Waving each other goodbye, Xiao Cheng caught the ball with his little hands and strode towards the parked car and entered the back seat not allowing anyone to see the faces of people that sat in the front seat.

He ignored the stupefied people who were watching him from the front and looked at the ball thinking if he could ever meet her again.