
Mia, A Journalist.

Sapheeramage · Urban
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10 Chs

A Book.

Leo and Mia are startled by a loud knock on the door. They look at each other, wondering who it could be. They get dressed quickly, and Leo grabs his gun. He tells Mia to stay behind him, and he opens the door cautiously.

He is greeted by a familiar face, but not a friendly one. It's Victor, his second-in-command in the Peace Faction. He looks angry and impatient.

"Leo, we need to talk. Now," Victor says, pushing past him and entering the penthouse.

"Victor, what are you doing here?" Leo says, closing the door and following him. "How did you find me?"

"I have my ways," Victor says, glancing at Mia with a sneer. "Who's the girl? Your latest snack?"

"Victor, this is Mia. Mia, this is Victor," Leo says, introducing them. "He's my… colleague."

"Nice to meet you," Mia says, trying to be polite.

"The pleasure is all mine," Victor says, sarcastically. "Leo, can we talk in private? This is urgent."

"Fine," Leo says, sighing. "Mia, can you wait here for a minute? I'll be right back."

"Sure," Mia says, nodding. She watches as Leo and Victor walk into another room, and close the door behind them. She feels a pang of worry, wondering what Victor wants from Leo, and why he seems so hostile.

She decides to explore the penthouse, hoping to distract herself. She admires the elegant furniture, the expensive paintings, the stunning view of the city. She sees a bookshelf, and walks over to it. She browses through the titles, and picks one that catches her eye. It's a history book, about the ancient civilizations of the world.

She opens it, and flips through the pages. She sees a picture that makes her gasp. It's a painting of two people, a man and a woman, holding hands and looking at each other with love. They are wearing ancient clothes, and they are surrounded by a crowd of people. The caption reads: "The lovers of Babylon, the king and the priestess, who defied the gods and were cursed to be reborn and separated for eternity."

Mia feels a shock of recognition, and a chill of fear. She looks at the faces of the lovers, and realizes that they look exactly like Leo and her.