
Mia, A Journalist.

Sapheeramage · Urban
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10 Chs

Good Morning.

Mia wakes up in Leo's arms, feeling warm and safe. She snuggles closer to him, and he kisses her forehead. She smiles, and looks at his handsome face. He is still asleep, but he looks peaceful and relaxed. She wonders what he is dreaming about.

She remembers the events of last night, and feels a surge of emotion. They had made love, and it was the most amazing experience of her life. She had felt a connection with him that was beyond words, beyond logic, beyond time. She had felt his soul, and he had felt hers.

She also remembers their conversation, and their plan. They had decided to work together to stop the War Faction, and to break the curse. They had agreed to contact the UCSR, and to warn them about the impending danger. They had also agreed to find out who was behind the attack, and what their motives were.

She wonders how they will do all that, and if they will succeed. She knows they are facing a powerful enemy, and that they are in great danger. She also knows that they have a lot of questions, and that they need answers. She hopes they will find them, and that they will be able to end this madness.

She hears Leo stir, and he opens his eyes. He sees her, and smiles. He pulls her closer, and kisses her softly. He whispers in her ear, "Good morning, beautiful."

She giggles, and kisses him back. She whispers, "Good morning, handsome."

They look at each other, and feel a wave of love. They kiss again, and then cuddle. They enjoy the moment, and forget about everything else. They are happy, and they are together.

They don't know that someone is watching them, and that someone is not happy. They don't know that someone is plotting against them, and that someone is ready to strike. They don't know that their lives are about to change, and that their love will be tested. They don't know that the next chapter of their story is about to begin.