
MHA: The Green Flash(Izukuxharem)

What if Naruto Uzumaki interferes with Izuku's life? What if Izuku met someone from future earlier? What if Izuku can use Chakra? Find the answers to all these what if's in my fic.

HarshaJirou · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 4: Katsuki's fate.

( blah blah)=thoughts

"blah blah" = speech


[ oi gaki ] is our favorite Kyuubi.





The Bakugou couple decided as Masaru said " This is also our fault and we should take responsibility too but is there a way our Katsuki cant face severe punishment?.". A hero familiar with parenting as said " This is not a behavior a 5-year old can have. Maybe your child was influenced by someone in order to get this way, I know a police interrogator with a quirk which makes anyone he asks a question, answer with only the truth but it can be only used on one person only in a day. I can call him to help us.".

Everyone agreed as the hero who gave a suggestion went out of the room to make the call while Mitsuki and Masaru were crying as they were apologizing to Inko and Izuku who regained control as Kurama retracted his control. Inko was trying to get them to stop as Izuku was confused as to what just happened, he blacked out and when he came to, he was seeing his aunt and uncle crying and apologizing to him.

The hero came in as he said " The interrogator decided to meet you in front of your house miss. Bakugou, we will leave the case to the interrogator, I feel like the less people, the better for you guys.". Mitsuki nodded as she said " I thank you for your consideration. And thanks to all the heroes here for helping us find my nephew.", the Bakugou adults and Inko bowed their heads as the heroes said their goodbye's and left.

The Bakugou adults and the Midoriya's started walking towards the Bakugou household, after a few minutes, the 4 people arrived as they saw a man in front of the Bakugou household, Mitsuki went up to the man and asked " excuse me, are you the interrogator we hero Swift told us about?", the man nodded and said " yes, miss Bakugou. I also saw the details sent by Swift, here is my license.", Mitsuki nodded as they all entered into the house.

Katsuki who was in his room heard the door open and rushed down to greet his parents. Katsuki came into the hall with a cocky smirk as he asked " has Deku been found yet?.". Mitsuki was shaking in anger as she saw Katsuki's way of asking for Izuku especially noticing his method of referring to Izuku after her suspicions came. Katsuki then opened his eyes and flinched seeing his aunt Inko and Izuku right in front of his parents with Izuku hiding behind his aunt and thought ( shit! did the useless nerd snitch on me? bah, they wont consider quirkless Deku's words anyways.).

Mitsuki turned to the interrogator as she nodded at him and the interrogator walked towards Katsuki and stood in front of him as Katsuki a bit intimidated by the tall man asked in his usual tone " and who is this geezer?", the interrogator sighed as he focused his eyes which glowed blue and asked Katsuki " Now you will answer all my questions for the next hour with truth and only the truth.".

Katsuki was weirded out and asked " what the hell is this creepy geezer doing old hag?". Mitsuki just went behind Katsuki as she firmly held his hands to prevent him from running around. The interrogator then asked " Now, is it true that you have used your quirk multiple times on Izuku Midoriya with intention to severely harm him 3 days ago?", Katsuki tried to lie by trying to saying he doesn't know what this geezer is talking about him but his mouth automatically answered " yes, I did.".

Mitsuki flinched as tears were slowing coming out but she firmly held onto Katsuki as he yelled " WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, WHY IS MY MOUTH ANSWERING ON ITS OWN, OLD HAG I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO DEKU.", Mitsuki ignored him as the interrogator asked " why do you call Izuku Midoriya as Deku?". Katsuki's mouth again automatically answered " because he is quirkless and a freak and useless waste, so he is a Deku.".

Mitsuki started taking large breath's in order to clam herself down as the interrogator asked " why do you think yourself better than Izuku Midoriya.", Katsuki at this point gave up trying to not say anything as he glared at Izuku and his mouth said " because he is a quirkless freak while I am born with a great quirk and everyone praises me while they hate him." Inko was sobbing while hugging her son who was trying to console her.

The interrogator then asked, " what do you think about your classmates.", Katsuki's mouth answered " they are just stepping stones meant for me to climb over to be the strongest hero.". The interrogator sighed as he finally asked " why do you bully other kids ". Katsuki's mouth answered " obviously because they got weak, useless and freakish quirks, they don't deserve to be in same place as me, the future number 1 hero.".

Even the interrogator was mad at this point but asked another question " how do you feel about Izuku Midoriya been found and your parents and aunt working hard to find him these past 3 days.",

Katsuki's mouth answered " I wish that Deku just died, he is a freak anyways. I don't know why old hag and old man even bother to care to search for a quirkless freak when they have a perfect child with them and aunt Inko should have just left Deku to die or starve.".

Mitsuki with shivering arms let go of Katsuki as she was muttering to herself " How? How did my child become like this? is this my fault?". Masaru couldn't couldn't try to help console his wife because he was also lamenting the same way as his wife whereas Inko was horrified by what she heard from who she viewed as her good nephew and her son's best friend.

Even the interrogator couldn't believe what he was hearing from a 5 year old. he then asked " why do you think that Izuku Midoriya should just die.". Katsuki then laughed as his mouth answered " I mean, everyone in this neighbourhood and school hate that Deku, why should I not hate him too, he ruins my figure being in the same class as me and he dares looks down on me and try to help me when he is just a useless freak.". The interrogator finally de-activated his quirk as Katsuki who was free from his mother's arms then jumped at Izuku yelling " YOU QUIRKLESS FREAK, YOU DARE SNITCH ON ME, I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU, BUT I WILL NOW.".

Suddenly Katsuki stopped moving mid-air as his outline was glowing pink as the Bakugou family looked at Inko who was glaring death at Katsuki with tears in her eyes as she said " you dare to come near my child, I will not control myself.". The detective placed quirk cancelling bracelets on Katsuki as Masaru tied him up on a chair as Katsuki started shouting " RELEASE ME OLD MAN, WHY DO YOU GUYS EVEN CARE FOR THAT QUIRKLESS FREAK. YOU SHOULD BE GLAD THAT I AM KILLING HIM.".

Masaru brought out some tape as he taped Katsuki's mouth shut as he fell onto his knee's sobbing, Mitsuki came to console her husband but she has also started crying again. Inko then said " I am gonna sell that apartment complex and move somewhere far away where no one lives, I will take care of Izuku's education online after consulting some schools, I can't allow my child to grow in such a tainted community.".

The Bakugou adults couldn't look at Inko in her eyes as they nodded. The interrogator sighed as he looked at Masaru and said " Mr. Masaru, I think its better for you as a head judge to make judgement right now about what will happen to your child I am pretty sure that you don't want this matter to go public.".

Masaru whipped off his tears as he answered " since there was a clear evidence that Katsuki Bakugou is responsible for attempt to murder, bullying, illegal usage of quirk but due to being massively influenced by society around him and not properly guided by his parents and since the child is still very young, he has to go through rehabilitation and will wear quirkless bracelets for the rest of his childhood till teenage, his behavior will be monitored closely and if there is no improvement in himself, he will be proceeded to jail as he reaches teenage. It is advised for him to change schools and his family to move to another city. The family is to pay a fine of 10,000 dollars towards the victim's family as compensation.".

The interrogator nodded as he gave his regards and left, Inko also left after failing to control herself around Katsuki. The police came after a hour as they placed quirkless bracelet on Katsuki and a camera on a bracelet on his hand, only to be removed during toilet time, bath time. Katsuki was yelled at by his parents as they tried to make him understand what he did was wrong but Katsuki was just confused to why his parents even bother about the quirkless freak.

{Author note: Sorry that the chapter is a bit small today, but it is only to specify about Katsuki revealing everything and his punishment}
