
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime und Comics
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162 Chs

Letting everything out!

A while later

The Class arrived back at the dormitory and Bullet left them, going to his room and closing the door without a word. Everyone else looked a bit troubled.

Katsuki looked at Izuku and said "We need to talk, meet me outside later." before walking away.

Momo looked worried and Shoto patted her shoulder, saying "Don't worry about it, he'll bounce back." Momo sighed and held her forehead, "I feel useless as the class president…" Shoto smiled slightly, "I don't think so." Momo smiled gently in response.

Bullet took his destroyed arm out and placed it in the Dataminer, putting the Costume inside as well. After he finished, he laid down on his bed and stared at the wall.

A while later

His window door slid open.

Mei closed the window door behind her and looked at Bullet, snorting cutely but she was a bit angry for real this time. Naturally she had heard the voice recording!

She shook him awake and frowned "What's your deal!" Bullet turned over and saw Mei before rolling on his back. She sat on his stomach and said angrily "Do you have anything to say to me?! Voice recording in arm. Hear talk with Himiko."

Bullet frowned slightly and asked "Angry?" Mei shouted "YES!" Bullet sighed and Mei slapped him, saying angrily "Not angry because of Himiko! Angry because of you!" Bullet was confused and turned to her as she slapped him again, continuing "What are you doing?! I watched the Second Part of the Exam!"

She grinded her teeth in anger and gave him another slap, shouting "ARE YOU AWAKE YET, ASSHOLE!?" Bullet looked at her in confusion, saying "No like Himiko! What do you want?!" Mei grabbed his head and shouted in his face, "I don't care about Himiko! Damn! You stupid bastard!"

She shook him angrily, continuing "You think Mei stupid?! HUH?!" Bullet shook his head and Mei roared angrily "YOU MUST! I TEXT, YOU DON'T ANSWER. I CALL, YOU DON'T ANSWER! THEN MEI FIND OUT WHAT HAPPEN! YOU-YOU! YOU DISAPPOINT ME, SERIOUS!"

Bullet looked at her as she let him go, saying angrily "Don't care about Himiko, can hear in voice family love. Not like Mei. I get it. Mad because you doubt yourself! Bullet know Hero Society bad! Angry over this?! HAHAHA! MEI NOT STUPID! MEI KNOW BULLET BETTER THAN BULLET KNOW BULLET! UNDERSTAND?!"

She slapped him again, shouting "Doubt yourself because sister is a villain?! HAHAHA! Why?! What happened to Hero Bullet?! Want to give up?! YOU CAN'T TELL?! HIMIKO STAY VILLAIN FOR YOU! VILLAIN BEFORE, VILLAIN NOW! BULLET HERO! SEE WITH VILLAIN AND RUN AWAY, BULLET VILLAIN TOO! DON'T WANT TO KILL OR ARREST HIMIKO BECAUSE SHE SISTER?! AHAHAHA-Ack!"

Mei started coughing violently and Bullet looked at her with concern but she coughed and slapped him, saying with a struggle, "Idiot! You're better than that! I know! You fought All For One but one girl is going to stop you?! You god damned stupid fuck!" as she slapped him several times, shouting "ARE. YOU. AWAKE. YET. DOG?!"

All of Class-1A was woken up to hear the screaming.

They were shocked and speechless.

How did Mei even get in here?

Secondly, this was juicy gossip! Bullet had a sister and she was a villain?! But Aizawa said that Bullet didn't have parents… This must be something else.

Everyone else who knew 'Himiko' were shocked.

Himiko was at the Provisional Exam?! When? They didn't see her! Not to mention, her and Bullet talked? Plus they were siblings?

This wasn't exactly 'accurate' but Mei was too worked up to care.

She shook him and said "I WANT MY DOG BACK, NOT THIS ASSHOLE! THE BULLET I KNOW NEVER GIVES UP! ESPECIALLY NOT FOR ONE GIRL!" Bullet looked ashamed, replying softly "Himiko first friend ever. Live in alley for a year before Aizawa find. Help Bullet come up with no fear. No fear mean no fear one day we become normal. Not no fear for villains. Himiko and Bullet, much closer than you know. News really crush Bullet… Feel useless."

Mei looked at him sadly and said bitterly "That's why you can't stop!" Bullet looked at her and asked teary-eyed, "What do?! Sister go be villain, say kill her or be killed. What Bullet supposed to do?! Kill Sister?! All this time, Bullet think life change! Leave alley! No more looking through trash for food! No more fighting to the death to survive!"

He cried and shouted "Left the alley came to UA, everything supposed to be different! No more shit! No more struggle for life! Become a Real Hero! What do I get?!" Bullet coughed and continued, "Principal block way every time! People beat Bullet up at lunch every day! Bullet work 100 times harder than anyone else and still not strong enough! Get tortured by villains! Lose arm! Still can't save anyone! No Hero, just playing hero! Just a big joke! Mom want to adopt, sent to jail! Framed for bullshit! Himiko very close almost family, villain! Killed over 30 people! Bullet what do?! Send to jail?!"

He laughed and cried, "Sleepy guy say Hero hero for money! Hhahah! Bullet just a joke! Don't worry. Send Himiko to jail, next to Kaina. Maybe say hi for Bullet! Ahahaha! Is Funny! Laugh! All people Bullet care about dark side of law! Bullet stay on law, be real hero. Turns out law is a joke! Need a piece of paper to be a hero! Need permission to save people! Villain have more reason to be villain than hero! HAHAH! Hero want money, so simple! Become Villain and rob bank! Hero no stop, don't care! Not Hero's money, who cares! Bullet see hero watch villain because Quirk can't handle! Is this real hero?! Bullet get same license as them?! Disgusted!"

He turned his head and cried "Himiko villain because of Society. Bullet hero because nothing else left for me. I don't have anything else! No family! No life! Nothing! See Advertisements, think Hero cool! Turns out Hero just trash! HAAHAH! THIS IS THE BEST JOKE BULLET EVER HEARD. Lock up sister because villain, one day lock me up because hurt someone. Who fucking cares."

The dorm was silent.

Aizawa was standing outside the door, leaning on the wall as he held Momo back. The rest of the class was behind her and he held a finger to his lips.

It was better for Bullet to let everything out instead of hiding behind a smile every day… AIzawa only hoped that Mei could help him…

Mei looked at him and wiped his tears, saying "But you have Mei." Bullet paused and she continued "And you have everyone else in this dorm! You saved all the people here!" her voice was agitated and she shouted sadly "You say hero because nothing else, but you still save people all the time! You saved Akira in the Entrance Exam! You saved me from bullies! You almost lost the Festival to save the other students from the robots! You sacrificed yourself to save everyone from the villains! You lost your arm but still tried to kill All For One! You hero because nothing else left? ARE YOU JOKING?!"


Bullet swallowed and looked at her with trembling eyes, he didn't know that…

She cried and grabbed him, "You're so stupid. Mei love you. So many people also love you. You give up like this, what do we do? Say oh well? Mei tell you truth, you not hero, Mei really better die right now. See you like this, really sad. Normal Bullet much better. Everything rough, everyone have problem. Hero handles problems, Villain complains all day!"

Bullet winced as she started coughing violently, wiping her lips. Bullet trembled at the blood on her hand and grabbed her hand sadly, Mei cleared her throat and said "Mei sorry about Himiko. But Bullet need to grow up. Today Exam not way Hero do things! You're better than that! Mei know! Mei see! When Bullet give himself up for class and Pixie-Bob, that real hero! Right now… Mei really don't like it."

Bullet looked away in shame, holding her hand as his arm laid on his bed powerlessly, he teared up and cried, "Worried about Himiko… that's all… Don't want her to die…" Mei leaned over him and nudged his head to face her.

She smiled warmly, "I know. I know you're hurting, Bullet." Bullet looked into her eyes and she kissed him gently, saying "I can tell. I don't know what to do about Himiko but… I know that I'll be here to help you figure it out. Together." she intertwined her fingers with his, touching their foreheads together as she continued gently, "Scared? Worried? Sad?"

Bullet's eyes shone as Mei grinned beautifully, with closed eyes, saying softly "No fear… Right?" Bullet's lips shook before curving into a heartfelt smile as he nodded, "Ah." Mei kissed him deeply and traced his muscles, pulling on her shirt.

The door opened and everyone froze.

Mei jumped in shock and drilled under the covers, revealing only half her head and it was all red!

Aizawa shivered in rage but calmed down and looked at the two, saying "Only heard your conversation 5 dorms away." The rest ran in and looked at Bullet with worry. Momo said "Bullet… you have us, okay?!" Fumikage nodded, "Don't let the darkness within consume you." Denki snapped his fingers, making a current in between them as he said "Yeah! Plus you showed me a better way to use my power!"

Shoto nodded "Me too."

Eijiro punched his fists together, laughing "Plus you totally inspired me to be a man!" Tsuyu nodded, "Me too.. But about overcoming my fears!" Ojiro said "I'm less plain because of you!" Rikido added, "I made a delicious spicy cake because of you!"

Shoji contributed "You gave me my hero name."

Mina waved her arms "You saw me naked!"

Toru added, "Katsuki can see me because of you!"

Ochako smiled and said gently "I got all sorts of ways to use my Quirk from your advice…"

Yuga snapped and winked "You twinkle just like moi~!"

Ida added seriously, "You saved me from Stain, remember?"

Sero grinned, "You made the plan for Midnight's exam! Plus, the Bullet Anti-Harem Coalition can't stand without Bullet himself!" Koda touched his fingers together, smiling "You said my room was cute… That was pretty great."

Jiro slapped her chest, saying "AND! We touched chests!"

Denki froze and lunged at Bullet, shouting "I'LL KILL YOU!" they held him back as Bullet smiled before laughing, they dog piled on him and Aizawa snorted from his nose, smiling slightly.

The he said coldly "Everyone go to sleep, you have school in the morning." they all froze and coughed, walking out normally.

Mei hid under the covers but Aizawa picked her up and dragged her out, saying "You too, Hatsume." Mei struggled "AHHHH! YOU MONGREL! RELEASE ME AT ONCE! MY DOG NEEDS MY TENDER LOVE AND CARE! I DEMAND YOU!" Aizawa rolled his eyes and said "Goodnight, Bullet. Glad to see you came to your senses." before closing the door.

Bullet stared at the ceiling, he smiled slightly and let out a breath. Maybe it wasn't as bad as he thought… He thought of Himiko again and sighed, turning over to the Knuckleduster poster.

He looked at it and the EraserHead poster before smiling, he'll deal with her when the time came. As of right now… he still had no idea but he had his friends to help him on the way.

He smiled to himself and it was a very happy one, Mei was always there to help him. She was slowly becoming his own personal Hero… He closed his eyes but before he could fall asleep, Mei snuck into his room again, chuckling "FUFUFUFUFU~ COME HERE MY PRECIOUS BABY~ HEH HEH…" Before drilling under the sheets and snuggling with him.