
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
162 Chs

Opening Ceremony

The next morning

Bullet hugged Mei's soft body, interestingly she was topless!

And laying on his chest, drooling… But that was another story!

She woke up and wiped her lips, pressing on his chest and looking around with a squint, everything very blurry. She nodded, "Mmm." before yawning and lying back on Bullet's broad chest, licking her lips.

Then she woke up, she rolled off Bullet and sat on the ground, looking at herself and holding her cheeks, "Shameful! So shameful!" she turned pink and put on her clothes quickly. She turned to see Bullet smiling happily while sleeping.

She smiled cutely to herself and kissed his forehead before leaving a note and leaving through the window.

She turned and saw Toru doing the same.

Mei's lips twitched and they both made a silent agreement to never say anything…

A while later

Bullet was yawning as he walked with Class-1A to the opening ceremony. He was wearing his school uniform but the right sleeve was hanging loose by his side as his arms was destroyed and Mei hadn't finished the new one just yet.

Momo looked at him and her lips twitched as she said "You should really put something there, right…?" Bullet tilted his head and his eyes brightened, "SWORD?!"

Denki and Eijiro cheered, "SWORD ARM! WOOHOOO!" Ida pushed up his glasses and said "This is a very dangerous thing… Maybe a laser gun!" Denki slapped Ida's shoulder and cried manly tears, "Brother! You get it!"

Yuga clapped, "Magnifique! You'll twinkle just like moi~!" as he posed, stars shining all around him. Bullet chuckled happily, flapping his loose sleeve around, saying "Pew pew pew!"

Momo laughed and Mina smiled, saying softly "Better than yesterday… he dropped Gang Orca like it was nothing and that face… So scary. Sheesh!" Jiro nodded, "I like this Bullet much better." Ochako added, rubbing her cheeks, "Yeah, he's so warm. You can just cuddle him like a stuffed teddy bear!"

Toru giggled and waved her arms, "I think Mei will kill you!" the girls laughed and Tsuyu smiled happily.

Ojiro held his chin saying "What if…" he looked at the boys and added seriously, "What if he had a giant king kong arm?" they all gasped and made a group thought bubble.

Bullet was standing there with a giant red gorilla arm, smashing buildings and holding Mei as he roared.

Ochako looked up and spit out, just like the movie!

As they were all chatting, Monoma appeared with Class-1B laughing "HAHAHAHA! FOOLS! I HEARD 2 OF YOU DIDN'T PASS! AHAHAHAHAH! WE ALL PASSED!" He charged over and poked Bullet's nose, "HAHAHA! WE WIN! AH!"

Bullet looked at him and everyone was silent, Bullet's cheeks bulged as he bit his lips, waving his loose sleeve, gently slapping Monoma's cheek with the cuff.

Everyone paused before Bullet and the boys of Class-1A burst out laughing.

Monoma was dumbfounded and Bullet laughed happily.

Itsuka curled her lips and pulled Monoma back, saying "Sorry…" Pony said excitedly, "Vlad King says that we will have class together soon. It will be much fun!" Monoma whispered to her and she turned to Class-1A saying in confusion "We will going to…" she turned back a few times, adding "Grind you to dust..?"

Itsuka chopped him, saying "Stop teaching her weird sentences!" Bullet froze and said "English?!" Pony was shocked, "Speak english?!" Bullet snorted smoke, smiling happily, "Heh… Bullet know some english word."

He cleared his throat and said confidently, "Sexy horse, sex pretzel so good."

Pony stood there blankly, "S-Sexy Horse?" Bullet was confused and looked at Momo in confusion, asking "Bullet say do your best, right?" Momo's lips twitched and Shoto nodded, "I think so." Momo shouted "WRONG! Do any of you listen in English Class?!"

Not just Bullet, the entire Class looked at her blankly.

Momo sighed and said to Pony in english, "I'm so sorry. He meant to say 'Do your best'... Sorry, Pony." Pony was stunned and laughed, waving her hands cutely, smiling "It's okay, English hard. Japanese harder! Hehe~"

Ojiro smiled slightly, "She's cute." Everyone turned to him and he blushed, "Oh my god, did I just say that out loud?!" his face full of dread and horror. Shoji frowned slight, squinting at Ojiro, who paused and turned to him, furrowing his brows, "Hm?"

Shoji looked away, "Heh… May the best man win…" Ojiro was dumbfounded!

Pony scratched her cheek cutely, "Hah?" Mina gave her a thumbs up, "WOW! Two guys fighting for you, Pony! Can't say I'm not jealous!" Pony was confused and blushed, "Wha-?" before running away, holding her face, diving into Itsuka's arms.

A voice shouted "Hey, you're backing up the line over here!" everyone turned to see Shinso, the guy with the purple hair, walking over.

Bullet looked at him and was a bit jealous, turning away. Ochako noticed the drama and jumped on Bullet, asking quickly "What happened?! Tell me!" Bullet frowned slightly, snorting with a slightly jealous look on his face.

Shinso passed him and they glanced at each other, Shinso smirked and Bullet pursed his lips.

Mina jumped on Bullet as she started asking "Come on! Say say say say!" Bullet snorted, "Nope!" as he dragged Ochako and Mina along, walking into the gym.

Shoto was confused and Momo giggled, leaning over and whispering in his ear. Shoto was stunned and his lips curled in amusement, "I didn't even know he knew what that was…" Momo covered her mouth and squinted happily, laughing.

Everyone walked into the gym, lining up as Nezu started talking… really a lot.

Bullet stood there in a daze, not understanding at all. He was really fortunate because Nezu went on forever about fur, skin, and hair quality…

Then he started talking about All-Might…

Then how he keeps his fur nice and lush…

Then about how everyone needs to work hard!

Momo translated for Bullet, ignoring the nonsense, saying that Nezu was speaking about Work Study and that he was basically telling everyone that even if All-Might was gone, they would all inherit the Hero Industry and should keep working hard despite the rising difficulties.

Bullet nodded, this he understood.

Hound Dog walked up and started barking violently before nodding and getting off the stage. Bullet clapped and nodded understandingly, in the crowd there was an affectionate loud laugh "MY DOG REALLY UNDERSTOOD THIS TIME! AHAHAHAH!"

Everyone ignored the crazy girl and Momo asked "You understood!?" the class turned to Bullet, who nodded, explaining "Hound Dog say, Dorm new, many people not used to. Last night fight, not so good. Hope everyone calm down and get used to so everyone live happy, not fighting all times."

He nodded and smiled with his eyes closed, of course he was clapping by slapping his stomach with his left hand.

The class was dumbfounded as Vlad King came up, saying roughly the same as what Bullet just said. They turned to Bullet stiffly, Bullet smiled cutely, tilting his head in confusion, asking with a silly look on his face, "What happen?" They turned back and ignored his cuteness.

This wasn't scientific!