
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · Anime und Comics
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162 Chs


After a while!

Bullet walked outside and let out a breath! He was the last one at school! He smiled to himself and felt that his first day was full of color! He was very happy to be at school, although he didn't get to experience class and made no friends.

He still smiled to himself!

He was here and that's all that mattered.

Bullet saw many pro heroes in the school on his journey to find the exit. All these Heroes he recognized from commercials! Bullet figured if he was in the same place as these heroes, he could be a hero too!

He smiled gently at that thought as he walked away from school.

Suddenly, he was passed by a giant flying contraption!

Bullet was stunned and saw Mei shooting off on a hover motorcycle! His eyes widened and he thought; 'she got lost at school too!' He waved, shouting "Ah!" Mei lifted her goggles and looked at him, saying "Huh?! Eye-guy?! Why are you still here?"

Bullet gestured "Lost?" before pointing at himself and then her. Mei was stunned, asking "Me? Lost?" Bullet explained seriously "School Big! Lost! All day! Help you?" Mei stared at him, zooming in on his face, trying to understand what he was saying.

Bullet rubbed his cheek, feeling shy, he blushed and took out a card, handing it over.

Mei leaned off the hover-cycle, reading the card, before laughing "You're funny! Ahaha!" she threw the card back, grinning "I wasn't lost! I stayed overtime to work on my newest baby!" she patted the hover-cycle and smirked "The newest cutting edg-"

The hover-cycle exploded and Mei flew into the air, stunned!

Bullet was shocked and ran over, jumping in the air, catching her as he fell on his back. Mei sat on his stomach and said "Damn! It blew up! Unexpectedly! My calculations should've been correct! Oh well, tomorrow this baby will get a Plus Ultra Upgrade!"

Bullet was on the ground, staring at her. She turned to him and patted his face, laughing "How exciting! You caught me!" Bullet blushed, looking everywhere except at her as he said "Fall. Hero. Save. Mhm!"

Mei got off him and held her hips, looking at the wreckage, not paying attention to Bullet anymore, "The cycle should've used pressurized air blasts to keep itself in the air, but then why did it explode? Shouldn't be… the engine broke from the stress? A tough problem, maybe reinforce the engine pipes to withstand the constant pressure…"

Bullet got up and stared at her with awe, he didn't understand a single word! How amazing!

He looked at her face as she muttered "But the reinforcement would make it heavier, resulting in stronger air blasts and I'm back to square one… Maybe a different flight source is required… Something like an anti-gravity engine could work but that's way more difficult to create than just an air compression system…"

Bullet nodded on the side, rubbing his chin.

Mei pursed her lips before laughing "Well, whatever! There's nobody better than me! I can do it!" Bullet closed his eyes, nodding along. She turned to him and saw this before laughing "Did you even understand a single word?! AHhaha! You're a funny guy, Eyeballs!"

Bullet was stunned, "Eyeballs?" Mei pointed at his eyeballs, smiling "Eyeballs. That's your name!" Bullet's mouth was wide open, pointing at himself, saying "Bullet?" Mei retorted, "Eyeballs!" Bullet nodded, "Eyeballs." Mei laughed and slapped his shoulder before saying "See ya, Eyeballs!" before walking off happily, leaving a burning wreckage on the side for someone else to clean up.

A breeze passed by Bullet and made his clothes flutter as he muttered slowly, still confused, "Eyeballs?" he looked at the wreckage and blinked, it suddenly exploded again!

He was shocked and looked around with a troubled expression on his face.

Ah! Who was going to clean this up?

He scratched his head and smiled slightly, well he could do it.

A long time later

Bullet arrived at Aizawa's home, very dirty.

Aizawa looked at him and said "Late." Bullet let out smoke from his nose with excitement, gesturing happily, "Girl! Cute! Boom! Saved!" pointing at himself, continuing "Eyeballs. Clean up. Home!" before holding his hips with a triumphant expression.

Aizawa blinked slowly, "Girl? Eyeballs?" Bullet slapped his chest, nodding "Girl. Eyeballs." before turning around and going to change. He ran up the stairs and ran back down a few minutes later, going to the training area in Aizawa's home.

He put on more weights and started training again! Pull ups, push-ups, everything! He even practiced on a wooden pillar that had poles sticking out of it.

Aizawa watched him train hard without a single break before joining him in a sparring session that ran for a few hours.

At the end of it, Aizawa was sweating and Bullet collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily with a happy smile on his face, muttering "Hehe… Eyeballs."

Aizawa looked at Bullet before he sighed and shook his head, this kid…

There was no hope!