
MHA: Mind Over Matter

After Moving to Japan Jake seeks to continue his Vigilante escapades but after a short battle with a sludge villain he is forced to make a decision he has long hoped to avoid.

SirSacrilege · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Broccoli For Lunch

Jake realized upon waking up that he was sore, very, very sore, he had not done any vigilante work for a few weeks before moving to Japan but he expected more from his body, although he did fight a mutant gang all on his own while he didn't fight them all at the same time he didn't take any breaks in between targets, so he guessed he had an alright excuse.

He continued to stare at his ceiling thinking about his experiences so far reprimanding himself for mistakes and improving upon plans made in the moment, he had gone over a hundred different details before his alarm began ringing indicating it was Five-Thirty, he had set it a bit later since he expected to meet the green-haired hero to be later today and he didn't want to look half dead, unfortunately, his inner clock had woken him up.

Jake got up with a half-groan half grunt and made his way to his bathroom and began taking a cold shower, he shivered as the icy water sent jolts of freezing pain into his muscles while numbing him to the soreness that plagued his body. Jake gave himself a few more minutes washing off the grime and the acrid smell of smoke he had accumulated the previous night before heading out.

Jake left the house the insides of the building making him feel cramped and uncomfortable after the first hour and a half of trying to find something to do other than plan for future targets and training methods, he headed out wandering and waiting for the little broccoli boy to text or call him.

He checked his phone for the time he had forgotten what time he demanded the kid call him so he didn't know the exact time he had set, in hindsight he probably should have put that down somewhere 'woe is me' he supposed.

An hour or so later he found himself on top of a seven story building sunbathing... which he realized was odd, but he felt like it, plus he needed to tan to fit in more and he would rather not get a fake tan as they looked terrible, just ask the 45th American president.

RinnNnNNNG his phones ringtone blared out making him jump in surprise I looked over it was an unknown caller and he doesn't just go handing that information out he looked at the time seeing that it was 11:23 AM he surmised it must have been the Green Hero To Be.

Answering the phone he asked "Hello this is Jake who am I talking to?" a nervous sounding voice answered "I-is this the right number? I-I thought I dialed it in right and I really wanted to talk to you about what you said o-on the roof y-yesterday" Jake sighed this kid is to nervous for his own good "Yeah, this is the right number kid" is it weird to call him that he is my age "I'm guessing you live around here? you know any good places to eat I'll pay"

--Line Break--

Sitting in the small cafe he had been directed to Jake looked around watching for the greenette's arrival he wasn't very good at talking despite his own confidence but he wanted to get across his thoughts as clear as possible for the kid.

Jake snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the jingle of the shops bell, looking up he saw the broccoli headed boy searching for him as his eyes landed on him the kid suddenly became nervous at least his body language did he still had that glint in his eye that showed that drive that Jake had thought showed so much potential.

The greenette awkwardly walked over to Jakes table to which Jake graciously gestured for him to sit after which they both ordered some food although Jake wasn't to hungry he still wanted to make it as unawkward as possible for the green haired teen.

Coughing he smiled trying to find the balance between confidence and creepiness he began "Well now before we talk whats your name"

Izuku tried smiling back although Jakes smile reminded him a little bit of AllMights which dampened it quite a bit "I-My name is Izuku Midoryia although you look like a foreigner so you can call me Izuku since its probably more comfortable for you" He blushed immediately realizing what he said "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that i-its just your a lot more pale and tall than most people around here!".

Jake just laughed it off "hah yeah I guess I do stand out, its fine, and thank you I know how to speak and read Japanese but your culture is still odd to me, anyway to get to the point... I'm here because I know AllMight was wrong, I have an understanding your quirkless, yes?" Izuku nodded in confirmation his face a blanket of shame "Well I don't see that as a disadvantage or well not as much as one as many people assume it to be, hell I could name four heroes right now who have completely useless quirks for combat but are highly skilled, I could name even more who have useful quirks but rely more so on their skill then their quirk, You understand what I'm getting at?"

"To be a hero I need to be skilled?"

"well, yeah I mean not exactly what I was getting at there but close enough, You see with training and hard work you can become a hero and with that determination I see in your eyes a very very good one, I as you can probably tell am not a hero, but I do have experience in something similar, and I don't use my quirk so I can teach you if you would like"

Izuku Smiled, a real one this time, eyes glistening with barely unshed tears 'Someone... Someone actually believes in me'

Very short chapter, Im thinking of doing a time skip to the entry test after this although I could do the opposite and do a couple extra chapters that involve training and some extra plot and stuff (that will come out at an uncertian date) or if I get very mixed opinions or no opinions seeing as how I get almost no comments ):/ I will do a mix of both.

SirSacrilegecreators' thoughts