
MHA: Mind Over Matter

After Moving to Japan Jake seeks to continue his Vigilante escapades but after a short battle with a sludge villain he is forced to make a decision he has long hoped to avoid.

SirSacrilege · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Cold Blooded Bastards

Jake Made his way home mulling over the day's events, his headache had faded to a dull throb in the back of his skull so he had felt he was able to go out tonight although his emotions of anger from earlier that day had hardly faded his anger at All Might for the near destruction of a boys dream, a boy who Jake thought had potential.

'I call him boy but he looked to be about my age' he thought with no small amount of chagrin someone quirkless was near unheard of for someone in his age group in such that it could be considered a quirk in itself, The boy had intelligence though the quick peek Jake had gotten at his notebook had shown him that, the detail itself actually scared Jake the boy could likely find the weakness of any quirk he encountered, a skill far more easily utilized if the boy became a villain as he could employ tactics not morally applicable as a hero, Jake did not like that thought, he would have to make sure the boy stayed untainted morally, that didn't mean he would make his training hell it would just involve a little less violence and law-breaking then Jake used to train himself.

Jake had already covered the street he was currently walking down having gone this way until he had, had his encounter under the bridge, he decided a second sweep and more targets couldn't hurt, criminals were still people and usually had non 'work' lives as well although Jake had developed a skill to find them in crowds it was fairly simple once you knew what to look for, the bulge of a gun here, the glimmer of a sheathed knife there, the nervous glances looking for police or heroes, usually baggy clothes although that was just a style choice of some people so he didn't base a search off that alone.

he found his first target a tall mutation type who looked to be scaled similarly to an iguana with a head to match he had a large whip-like tail 'he could probably use that to break bones since iguanas have very strong tails I should also watch out for his claws and teeth both likely able to cut through muscle easily, his build indicated stronger than average strength I should make sure I surprise him since he will likely overpower me strength-wise it seems he will likely be quick as well although I am likely faster so if I can't take him down before he notices me I will have to use speed and technique-' he began profiling in his head while staring at the possible criminal as the criminal began wandering down an ally away greeting a group of other mutant types in leather jackets '-seems he has friends, a gang most likely, distraction necessary I cannot take that many on without using my quirk which I want to avoid unless innocents are in danger' Jake quickly placed a Mark using his sixth sense on the Iguana man feeling a light pull indicating success he nodded and began making his way back home.

A little while later Jake opened his apartment greeting his parents before heading to his room and locking his door. He began his preparation for later that night unpacking a dark hoodie that was closer to black than blue that to his amusement and slight frustration had one of the many sewn-on pockets torn off he quickly got to work patching it back on threading the needle he had borrowed from his mom years ago 'not stolen borrowed, she will get it back... eventually' after thirty minutes of work he cut the loose thread and tied it on the inside, it wasn't his best work but it would do until he had the time to make it better.

Jake unpacked his black cargo pants, luckily these ones were in the same shape as when he had packed them, but to be safe he gave them a once over, they were still form-fitting around his hips, the knee pads were intact, the crotch pad was still sewn on properly, the Velcro straps around the baggy part of the legs were still attached 'good those were a pain to get on properly', his pants seemed ready for tonight he moved on to his next piece of clothing.

His custom made combat boots had somehow been de-threaded so he began to work on that they were black with steel toes and an odd pattern at the bottom that allowed a good amount of grip, he had worn them in enough to allow his feet to bend at enough of an angle to allow parkour without a discomfort, finally re-threading them in the proper pattern he put them next to the door his parents might question the other clothing items but he could leave these in the open due to his old hobby of hiking.

he pulled out the black Kevlar vest he had gotten with the excuse of airsoft which he hadn't played in years it seemed in fine enough shape so he put it away, he also looked as his Armored gloves they had Steel covering where his knuckles would rest and the tips of his fingers along with thick pads for his palms they looked in fine enough shape so they were put away too.

Finally, he pulled out his helmet/mask it was surprisingly durable made out of a carbon weave, he had made it for a science experiment in school, he had failed that assignment but it was still extremely useful seeing as how it was the main way he kept his identity secret and protected his face which is not somewhere he could hide scars although even with it he had gained two or three, its the openings where he would look through extended to the sides of his eyes meeting the edge of his temple so it didn't get in the way of his peripheral vision while it was shaped vaguely like a skull it was slightly larger than another mask would be hopefully throwing people off his proportions a bit, he hid that under the mattress of his bed that was one thing he had no excuse for and if anyone caught him with it he was screwed.

He looked at his phone for the time it was a couple of minutes before his parents usually called him out for dinner so he put away his nighttime clothes and headed out to the kitchen so he could eat his dad was already at the table typing away what looked to be a report to his superiors and his mother was next to him reading a romance book of some sort his dad didn't seem to notice him but his mother heard his footsteps and looked over her shoulder and smiled brightly "Welcome home honey! how was your run?" he responded with a lie and a half "Oh it was fine I found some pretty good spots for Parkour and the neighborhood seems pretty safe I made a friend to, although I don't know if he considers me the same"

His mothers smile brightened at the last part 'god what a wonderful woman' she gestured towards the other chairs at the table "do you want to spend some time with us? we are just waiting for Dinner to arrive but it shouldn't be long" he excepted sitting down and pulling out his phone to write down plans to counter and fight the Iguana man and his gang that he had observed earlier that day, after about ten minutes he had three and a half plans that could possibly work although only one of them he had actual confidence in, his musings were interrupted by a knock at the door he quickly got up before his mother or father could and made his way to the door 'might as well let them relax a little he opened the door greeted by a pizza boy he grabbed his wallet and handed the requested amount of money luckily they excepted US dollars otherwise his entire family is screwed since his dad hadn't gotten paid yet and his mom hadn't found a hospital that wanted to hire her.

Jake walked back into the kitchen/dining room and put the pizza box on the table before looking inside to make sure they didn't get Hawaiian pizza, no matter how much he loved them he would have to move out if they betrayed him like that, luckily it seemed that he would be staying with his parents, for the time being, he was only worried since he knew his mom loved Pineapple Pizza luckily when she ordered it she took his absolute hate of it into account, that or his dad ordered.

He sat down again putting his phone to the side while nibbling on the still-hot pizza his dad smelling dinner stopped hyper-focusing on his work and closed his laptop putting it away before leaning over and grabbing a piece himself taking a large bite and causing Jake to nearly choke on his own pizza after releasing a moan of pain due too the hot tomato sauce covering the top of his mouth although he recovered after a couple of seconds, his mother however just rolled her eyes while smiling and got up to grab herself a piece since she was far shorter than both Jake and his dad.

unfortunately for Jake, she saw his notes on his phone she grabbed it instead of a slice of pizza and with a slight frown of confusion asked "What's this sweety?" 'well shit' he thought before lying through his teeth "Ah... that's just a couple of notes from a Video game encounter I recently had I was just making some plans on how to deal with some aggressive players I encountered" he smiled trying to be more confusing luckily he had never done anything to make his parents doubt him besides get a D in Spanish once, so his mom gave him it back her smile returning she asked "Do you plan on asking that friend to play that with you?" his smile was less fake this time "Ah no but if they call me by tomorrow I will probably go out for lunch with them" her smile turned into something a little more twisted and... hopeful "Ooooh lunch.... would this friend happen to be a girl" so that's what she is going at, he frowned his parents knew he hadn't had a girlfriend in two years and even then the relationship at the time wasn't serious and he had been the one to break it off.

Jake opened his mouth to respond only to be interrupted by his dad "Eh I know you want grand kids darling but he is fourteen let him take his own pace, plus he looks almost as good as me so he can get whoever he goes after" that last part he added with a cheeky smile his mother met the smile with smoldering eyes sensing the imminent beating his father was about to receive for his arrogance Jake cut in "No no its nothing like that and plus he is a guy so don't get your hopes up mom" he smiled slyly back at his father and added "Plus if I look nearly as good as he does I'll be the end of the bloodline" his father guffawed and looked to Jake as if he had been struck although he could see the hint of a smile, his mother, on the other hand, looked back to him with a sweet smile "Oh don't talk like that honey I think you are quite handsome" Jake rebuffed the compliment pointing out "You're my mother it's your job to say that"

The rest of dinner was spent on light subjects his mother talking about looking for a hospital to work for or maybe a doctor's clinic and his father talking about what they would furnish their home with.

Jake decided he was no longer hungry and excused himself from dinner and told his parents he was getting ready to go out for the night. he grabbed his wallet and put on his Pants a black long-sleeved shirt his dark hoodie and grabbed a bag and filled it with the rest of his outfit he would buy the rest of his supplies on the way there, as he left the apartment he yelled that he was going out for the night so his parents wouldn't call him in the middle of a fight it was far less funny than the movie trope suggested.

Instead of making his way down the stairs Jake walked up until he found himself on the roof as he did the wind picked up the cold air nipped at his nose and ears but he loved it he enjoyed the view for a moment the city was glowing and alive, Jake was up at almost all hours of the week but he knew he was a night person just for things like this.

Jake threw himself off the roof in a practiced jump landing with a roll as he continued running along the mostly flat rooftops when he encountered a building higher than his own in the way to his destination, unlike most other Parkour practitioners he knew he didn't work his way around using other buildings he shimmied his way up or threw himself from window seal to window seal with strength and agility only gained from hours upon hours of practice.

On a relatively low roof, Jake checked his phone before working his way down, with far less ease than he did making his way up although he managed well enough. as he walked down the street he received the occasional confused or nervous glance at his clothing, he knew he looked like a criminal or a militant of some sort although that was probably only when he had his Kevlar and gloves on, he finally arrived at the general store that he had looked up before had to see if it had everything he needed.

he entered the general store and surprisingly only received a single glance from the exhausted-looking cashier, he walked up to him and asked trying to not sound anymore weird than he possibly could "Hey uh where do you keep your ping-pong balls?" he knew where to find the rest of the supplies in the store but he had no clue where they would keep ping-pong balls. In response the cashier just pointed to Isle 13 Jake gave quick thanks which was returned by a grunt before he began collecting the needed supplies which were, 20 celluloid ping-pong balls, a pack of pencils, a pair of scissors, a screwdriver, a lighter, and tin foil, surprisingly the cashier only raised an eyebrow before asking for Four thousand something Yen Jake used his Debit card which had a couple thousand US Dollars on it that Jake had earned working a couple of summers ago plus whatever he earned doing for his partially lazy dad.

Shoving the supplies in his bag Jake made his way back to the rooftops before pulling out his supplies he pulled out the ping-pong balls and cut all but five of them up into little pieces then took out the screwdriver and stabbed a hole into each of the remaining balls before putting an equal amount of pieces into each he then took five pencils out of the pack and shoved them in as far as he could before taking out the tinfoil and wrapping them up till just pass the eraser, taking the pencils out and putting them into his bag Jake looked at his five newly constructed smoke bombs.

He quickly packed up his supplies and put three smoke bombs in his Cargo pants and two in various pockets of his hoodie he packed up what was left and began to follow the mark he had put on the Iguana man with his sixth sense, Jumping from rooftop to rooftop occasionally jumping from one a little too high to keep sprinting after falling so he would fall into a roll and pop back up and continue running, or he would leap from handhold to handhold when he encountered a building far taller than his own but he went in almost a perfect line towards his target, that meant they were resting or staying in a single place, that would make it far easier to scout the best possible plan of attack, that is if he was right, but Jake was almost certain he was but he wouldn't attack unless he saw them do something Illegal, he would not attack innocents even if they were suspicious innocents.

He finally reached a point where he could no longer feel the tug in any direction which means they were within twenty meters or so of his location which meant either the apartment building he was on, the Bar next to that or the medium storage shed next to that since the other buildings were locked up completely, he looked around noticing this area of the city was far more run down and shabby than the others, the slums of the city per se, he was far out of where he could normally cover but where he could normally cover was what he could do all around and he would have searched the entire area for crime, although eventually, he would have a chance to interrogate an Information Broker soon enough he would just need to find the right thugs to ask first.

He saw no one in immediate danger so he decided to hunker down on the roof and watch until he found his targets or could locate any Illegal activities in the meantime, he sat bored for a while watching grungy men enter and exit the bar and random people that strode down the street past the buildings seemingly sensing someone was watching them although luckily for Jake they didn't sense his location, seeing as how it would be a while before they started moving Jake got out his phone and began reviewing his backup plans most of them he didn't get the supplies for but he could improvise on site and if worse came to worse he could run or use his quirk although he would rather run then break the law outright.

After an hour or two Jake heard some slightly more rowdy and loud voices than what he had grown unaccustomed to while watching the bar he had a feeling that this was what he was waiting for and upon closer inspection of the bar he saw the group of Lizard mutant types stride out of the bar most looking intoxicated beyond reason they strode down the sidewalk yelling obscenities at passerby's before stumbling into the storage shed.

Jake shimmied down the side of the apartment building before working his way behind the bar nearly stumbling on a slumbering drunkard on his way over to the side of the storage shed, he crouched on top of a dumpster peering in a cracked window, what he found didn't surprise him, the Gang was playing some sort of card game, at least the ones sober enough to, while the rest were laying around on old mattresses or thick blankets snoring and drooling into the already stained cloth, None of this was illegal and if it was the only thing Jake would have found his way back to looking for a new target, maybe an information broker of some sort, but there was something else in the storage shed.

Trigger, the quirk enhancing drug one of the most profitable and Illegal substances in the world, yet these were mutant types so it would only affect them marginally if at all so they must be dealers or shippers of some sort, tools for the big gangs to get the real profit but they are still apart of the problem and should be dealt with. Jake took out his recently acquired lighter and two of his home made smoke bombs, he held the lighter under the round part of the tinfoil the tube that was created by the now removed pencil began pouring out smoke, quickly he did the same to the other after they both seemed to be pouring a good amount of smoke out he smashed the window with his armored fist and threw them in, he then leaped up grabbing the edge of the roof before launching himself up landing with a roll on the roof before sprinting to the other side, as he ran he heard muffled shouts of alarm, he quickly repeated the same process on the other side of the building leaving him with a spare smoke bomb, he waited a few seconds, impatiently fidgeting, for the smoke to completely fill the room, once the smoke began to leak from the windows he leveraged himself and kicked into the room through the window spraying broken glass across the floor, the smoke was thick but not as thick as he would have hoped as he could see around seven feet away from him after wandering through the smoke edging closer and closer to some shouting figures in the smoke they didn't see him in time.

Jake leaped towards his targets, he quickly threw a left hook his armored glove smashing into the temple of the closest figure, they crumpled, falling into a roll he threw his leg out tripping up the other two unfortunately they kept their balance one of them lashed out the glint of claws metal or natural Jake didn't know Jake leaned backwards straining to stay on his feet, the sharp nails missing his neck by only a few inches instead carving out a small piece of his mask just below his chin, Jake leaned back even further throwing his arms back to support himself while his right leg smashed into the chin with a satisfying and sickening crack the steel toes of his boot cracking his targets jaw and probably breaking few teeth.

the final Lizard man of the group of three suddenly vanished, no not vanished blended, he was some kind of chameleon mutant it seemed, Jakes body grew still except for his eyes as they scanned his surroundings his ears straining for anything near him, his hearing however proved useless as the rest of the gang was shouting trying to find each other drowning out any of the small noises the chameleon would have made, suddenly he spotted it a place where the smoke swirled a little faster the color a little mismatched as his preys skin failed to keep up with his movements as he sped towards him, Jake reached out just as the Chameleon got within arms reach and grabbed him by the throat, panicking the scrawny Lizard lost his focus his scales going back to the leafy green it was a few minutes ago, he reached up trying to pry the iron grip off his throat before he could get a good grip on it he was lifted off his feet and slammed repeatedly against the floor until he was mercifully granted unconsciousness.

Jake began prowling taking out at least twenty of the gang members most where drunk beyond the point of any real resistance but for the sake of caution he but each of them Into the ground as hard and as fast as he could, Jake did a quick head count, there was a few missing likely they found an exit and ran for it Jake rounded up the unconscious drunkards tying them up with a chain and rope he had found making sure he kept the ones with sharp teeth away from the rope, he searched through a couple of their pockets before he found an unlocked phone and called the police before leaving. he decided he would call it a night since he had deal with the hero to be tomorrow.

hada good day yesterday and got most of this chapter done, Just finished it today and I hope you enjoy the first real fight scene and tell me what I could improve on.

Thanks for reading :D

SirSacrilegecreators' thoughts