
MHA: Matter Manipulation

A young man dies but is offered a second chance by a mysterious being. This being reincarnates our mc into the MHA universe with the ability to harden and soften matter. I'm writing this for fun so don't take this seriously. I've never written anything before so if things seem stupid and stuff... that's just how it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Constructive Criticism is always welcome. Don't expect a coherent chapter schedule. not even sure if I will continue this, we'll see. Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or the cover photo. If the creator of the photo wants it taken down message me.

TypicallyMixed · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Second Chances


All I feel is pain…

Cursing my stupidity, I lay on the sidewalk, body mangled beyond repair. I knew playing around on the roof when the forecast called for heavy winds was a bad idea, why didn't I listen to myself?

I wish I could get a second chance, maybe then I wouldn't have to go through this crap life. My parents abandoned me, my best friend betrayed me, everything sucks big time.

'That could be arranged,' a voice says, startled, I let out a yelp only to be met with even more excruciating pain.

Hearing this voice in my head I begin to wonder if I'm starting to get auditory hallucinations from being on the verge of death.

The voice chuckles, proving that it can hear my thoughts 'I can assure you I am no hallucination.'

"That's reassuring… I guess? What is it you want from me?"

"Nothing, in particular, I just heard you asking for a second chance and answered your call."

'So answer me do you want a second chance?'

I stop myself from immediately agreeing 'What the heck am I doing!? Am I just gonna accept an offer from some unknown voice? For all I know I could be selli-."

'You have 5 seconds left to make a choice. Or you will die.'

"Wait seriously?"


"Hold on"

'3, 2'

"Screw it, alright I agree!"

'Good choice'

Slowly losing consciousness I wonder I just made the biggest mistake of my life.

Slowly coming to I realize I'm nowhere like, literally. I see nothing, feel nothing, just... nothing.

'Is this what it's like to be sensory deprived?' I wonder to myself.

"Looks like you've gotten yourself acclimated."

Hearing that strange voice again I try to look around, only to realize I don't have a neck anymore.

"Congratulations! You've died, pretty pathetically." I can practically feel the sarcasm dripping off those words.

"Alright I get it, I made a pretty stupid decision."

"Haha, stupid doesn't begin to explain that."

"So, what's going to happen to me?" I say, trying, but failing, to hide the nervousness in my voice.

"I will tell you now, but first let's get to a more comfortable place."

Next thing I know I'm in a pure white room that emits a heavenly glow. The only thing that is in this room is a giant wheel. Standing right in front of me is a human-shaped... thing shrouded in darkness with shadowy mist radiating from its body.

"Why do you look like that?" I inquired, looking at this shadow thing strangely.

"My true form is inconceivable and looking upon it would completely break your mind, thus I shroud myself in darkness. I could become an animal or some other form if my current is not to your liking."

"No that's fine," I respond, still a little suspicious. 'This thing is the person that's going to give ma a second chance, he can't be a bad person... Right?'

"Okay, let's not beat around the bush." clapping his hands together the shadow creature says, "I am going to reincarnate you into another world."

Hearing its words my (non-existent) eyes go wide, 'Is this… god? Being serious? I get to reincarnate into some crazy world filled with adventure and action?' I think to my self smiling (again non-existent) to myself.

"Do I get any wishes?"

Hearing my words the shadow creature begins to laugh, "No way If I did that then every universe would be in chaos."

"You will be sent to a world at random by spinning this wheel and I will decide your power."

Listening to the 'being's' words I can't help but feel a little disappointed that I probably won't be getting my probability manipulation powers. But I steel my heart and walk over to the wheel, right next to the wheel is a button that says 'push to spin,' pushing the button I watch anxiously as the wheel gets slower and slower until it stops.

"Ooh, that a solid world to go to. It's modern and super-powered, Congratulations you will be going to the My Hero Academia universe!"

Hearing its words I look at it with confusion "Isn't the MHA world fictional?"

"No, It isn't I just gave the author some divine inspiration, if you know what I mean," It says, while somehow winking.

'Hmm, the MHA world is definitely one of the better ones.' I muse to myself. "What will my powers be?"

"I give powers based of off your final wishes. When you were falling you wished that your body was strong like tungsten or soft like Play-dough. There will be some other applications but, going by those two main applications I've decided to make your powers, I will leave the rest for you to figure out."

As I was about to respond The voice interrupts me saying "And before you ask, yes this will be a power and not quirk so, people with quirk copying, stealing, and suppressing abilities will not affect you."

"I've completed your new body, you will be sent into this world at the age of 10, 5 years before canon, your name will be Hix. Good luck!"

Before I even get a chance to thank this mysterious being I fade off.


General POV:

Somewhere in the back alleys of Musutafu, Japan a young boy awakes, looking to be about ten years of age. This boy looks around in apparent confusion, staring at his body in a puddle like it's something surreal. This boy has black wavy hair, grey tired eyes, and he is about 4'10'', taller than most his age.

This boy begins to silently pray, standing up with a big smile on his face he says, "Well, let's have some fun."

first time writing something. thought of this idea and my friend told me to go for it so here we are. lol idk if I will continue this but we'll see. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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