
MHA: Matter Manipulation

A young man dies but is offered a second chance by a mysterious being. This being reincarnates our mc into the MHA universe with the ability to harden and soften matter. I'm writing this for fun so don't take this seriously. I've never written anything before so if things seem stupid and stuff... that's just how it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Constructive Criticism is always welcome. Don't expect a coherent chapter schedule. not even sure if I will continue this, we'll see. Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or the cover photo. If the creator of the photo wants it taken down message me.

TypicallyMixed · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Quirk Understanding

After I fade away the moment I start to feel again I jolt up. Feeling a bit disoriented I lean against a wall until I notice how everything is so much taller.

"Why do I have to be a kid again?!" I yell out in exasperation. These feelings quickly pass as I look into a puddle to check my new appearance.

'Hmm not bad,' I have black hair, tired grey eyes and I'm about 125cm (4'10''), dressed in black pants, shoes, and a white t-shirt.

'Why do I look like I haven't slept in 3 days?' I think to while running my finger across my bags

"At least they gave me clothes to wear." I sigh.

Clasping my hands together. I pray, 'Voice, if you are listened thank you, truly, for giving me this chance.'

After thanking the voice I start walking out of the alley. Once I'm on the street I set out in a random direction with the hopes that I could find a secluded park to test my power out.

Walking down the street I try my best not to stare at all the people with mutant type quirks, 'Eyes forward Hix, it's rude to stare.'

While wandering I think back to what the voice said about my quirk (gonna just call it that from here on) It said it was the ability to harden and soften matter, but it also said there could be some other applications. What did it mean by that?

"Hey kid, are you lost?"

Interrupted from my thoughts I look behind me to see a hero dressed in a very ugly yellow and red costume.

'This guy looks like a glorified clown,' I think to myself while barely holding my laughter. I never understood why heroes wore such bright impractical costumes.

Realizing that I've just been staring at him for the past 10 seconds I pull out the fakest 10-year-old attitude I can muster.

"WOW, are you a hero?" I say with a fake sparkle of admiration in my grey eyes.

The hero chuckles, "Yeah, I am. Do you need any help? Did you maybe lose your parents?"

"No Mr. Hero I was looking for the park but I got lost." I say faking sadness, "Do you maybe know where it is?" I jump up and down acting excited while dying on the inside.

"Sure thing kid, I'll lead the way."


Once we made it to the park I wave goodbye to the hero

"Bye Bye Mr. Hero."

Walking into the park and sitting on a bench I put my hands in my face and begin to contemplate my life choices.

'Why me? Acting like a child is so humiliating'

After sitting down for a few minutes recovering from that humiliating experience I walk over to a relatively hidden place within a group of trees and start testing my quirk.

"Alright, I can do this."

Picking up a stray leaf I start focusing. Staring at the leaf like it killed my family, I imagine it hardening, becoming tough like metal. After getting the visual image I begin to channel an energy of sorts into the leaf, it feels so natural, as if I'm moving my own arm.

Feeling the leader gain a few pound of weight in my hands i start observing how it has changed, going from floppy and fragile to hard and durable. It doesn't even look metallic. it just looks like a regular... leaf you wouldn't expect it to be made of metal until you touched it or noticed how it hasn't moved at all.

I would have thought using some mysterious power I've never had before would be tough but using my quirk feels so natural like I've always had it.

After losing focus the leaf returns to its original form.

I repeat the exact same process but this time visualizing the leaf as soft and moldable.

The leaf gains a Play-doh like consistency, and I start molding it into a ball before focusing with every ounce of my being for it to harden and stay hard.

Leading to me falling over passed out. But successful nonetheless.


Through my trial and error, I've found out many things. 1. I can only harden and soften things. I feel like there's is more than it is leading on but I'll focus on that problem at a later date.

2. I can only use said abilities in a 30.5cm (12inch) radius around myself as well as only being able to change the state of matter for around 5 seconds. It is possible to change the state indefinitely but when I passed out.

So I decided I'm going to focus on these two aspects of my quirk while training. While 5 seconds is average, it is very limiting. I want to reach at least 3 minutes in time before the events of canon takes place…

'Wait, will they even take place?' My existence in this world is an anomaly. According to the manga I shouldn't be here, or maybe the manga only showed one of the possible futures?

Shaking these existential thoughts from my head I decide to solve my most glaring problem…



Not gonna lie writing in first person is pretty tough.

might try 3rd person in the next chapter. ಠ_ಠ

Goodnight (or morning) (ノ^_^)ノ